Reading a lot of forum a little summary of the 'have to absolutely need to be nerfed' T units :
→ SCV : decrease the amount of repair/min → SCV : decrease the amount of mineral collected for compensate mule → Marine : should'nt be able to fire air + ground → Marine : not enough expansive → Marine : stimpack cheated → Marine : too much dps → Marauder : should'nt be armored → Marauder : decrease DPS → Marauder : remove concussive shells → Marauder : have to be mecha (understand not be healed by medivac) → Marauder : should not be able to use stimpack → Marauder : decrease range → Marauder : should be more expansive → Marauder : too early → Reaper : too many dps → Reaper : too fast → Reaper : too early → Reaper : should not be able to jump cliff → Reaper : nerf nitro pack → Ghost : remove the unit → Ghost : nerf dps → Ghost : remove/nerf EMP → Ghost : remove/nerf nuke
→ Hellion : too fast → Hellion : too much dps → Hellion : remove igniter → Tank : remove siege mode → Tank : nerf dps → Tank : remove tank → Thor : remove splash → Thor : nerf dps → Thor : nerf health → Thor : should not be repaired
→ Viking : nerf range → Medivac : should not be able to heal → Medivac : should not be able to move troops → Medivac : nerf heal → Medivac : nerf speed → Medivac : increase cost → Medivac : remove this unit → Raven : should not spot cloacked/burrowed → Raven : remove PDD → Raven : remove turrets → Banshee : remove cloacked → Banshee : nerf dps → Banshee : nerf health → Banshee : increase cost → Banshee : nerf range → Battle Cruiser : cheated
→ Supply Depot : should not be able to be lowered → Command Center : remove orbital command → Command Center : remove scan → Command Center : remove mule → Command Center : nerf mule → Bunker : increase cost → Bunker : nerf health → Sensor Tower : remove this building → Missile Turret : increase cost → Missile Turret : remove this building → All Buildings : should not fly
I have read at least one time each of this lines... This is quite funny, because all of this can be read every day on some sc2 forums at differents gaming levels. So in my mind the best idea should to change the way Terrans are playing. They obviously don't need units, and theirs workers are OP.
So i suggest to obliged Terrans to mine by theirselves with their mouse. One clic and drag for 10 minerals should be enough (in that way they will learn a bit how macro). On the otherway, as far as they do not need units, they should fire on the enemy units also with their mouse : 1 clic = 4 hp less for light and half for armoured (in that way they will learn a bit how micro). Buildings will be useless without units to create, but we can reconvert them into ammo factory, ammos will be used by the Terran for fired on enemys. Vespene can be used for create more powerful ammo. But even in this case i am sure people will find a way for complain. (no workers, ammo too powerfull, no need to create units, etc.).
I am not saying starcraft 2 do not need any adjusment, but maybe people should use their brain before complaining about almost eveything. Maybe Terran need to be nerfed, maybe not, anyway i am not good enough for have a clever opinion on this. But read people complaining about every terran units, every days, is very boring.
So maybe i am the problem, maybe i should avoid sc2 forum for a while... But i think if people are not complaining about Terrans, they will complain about Zerg or Protoss. I am very interested by clever opinions when someone ask for a nerf, but this last week it's becoming totally stupid and most of post for complain are wrote without explications... I can understand the frustration of someone who cannot win even if he do his best (idra for example), but i am pretty sure some of people make a lot of mistake when they play vs Terran, and this is obviously easier to ask for a nerf than to try to find a counter (i say this especially for lower gaming levels)
Yes, i am complaining about some complainers =D Please do not flame me too hard, i know this post is stupid... But i really feel bored to read some sc2 post, wheras i really enjoy read sc2 forum when i have free time.
(And by the way i am sorry for my poor english writing)
You could make a similar list for the other races (albeit not as long probably). Also, just cause mindless goons on some forum think there is a problem with something doesn't mean much...
On August 25 2010 04:56 Pyon wrote: → Tank : remove tank
Lol, this was the best part of that post
Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty Patch 1 Notes
-Terran removed. Replaced with Orcs and Taurens.
In b4 "omg grunt 700 life OP"
I am amused... but this belongs in the General section, not Strategy ^^
I do belive that this is a troll.
We are all hung up on the fact that its a new game so we have to make everything balanced at EVERY single point. By giving the game time to develop, more powerful strategies will evolve and each race will get more competitive and THEN balance is easier and more rewarding to do.
I expect Zerg to get more defensive and accept that Spine crawlers may be an absolute necessity. I think Protoss will start get more harassment focus'd instead of trying to go big air with massive armies really quick. I also expect Terran to get super greedy and start FEing more and more typically and play much more like BW terran of old.
Netherlands45349 Posts
People are angry because , a noob terran can 1A with his units and just destroy everything unless you micro,macro and use correct counters. A MMM ball can just put everything into a control group(medivacs etc) perhaps ghost in another just roll in press T and press 1A, whilst a Protoss or a Zerg will have to flank, Protoss for example has to Storm,force field and all different kinds of stuff to counter a simple 1A ball.
A reason people are complaining about Terran is that they can win far easier on lower levels then others.
Besides, the reasons Terran are deemed OP right now has not only to do with the units, it also has to do with high ground on certain maps, defending chokepoints easily. And the increased AI ,which turns MMM into a ball rather then a spread out force of Marine medics as in SC1
In Sc1 with proper micro you could flank a MM force and zerglings would be able to flank and kill alot of the marines and medics because each marine can get attacked by 4 zerglings(or something along the lines of that) now, if you throw lings at a ball they just get stuck and can not attack the middle units, who stim up and melt away the lings very quickly.
1 thing I do think needs to happen, buildings should only be able to fly for so long and then have to land and begin to build its fuel back up... I
On August 25 2010 05:04 prodiG wrote: Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty Patch 1 Notes
-Terran removed. Replaced with Orcs and Taurens.
In b4 "omg grunt 700 life OP"
Lol! =)
And please stop calling "troll" at everything, people.. he clearly states that he did this to ridicule complainers, so what the hell is trolling about it?
blog prolly prolly a banworthy post if the mods don't enjoy it as much as I did :D lmao 5/5
On August 25 2010 05:04 Kraz.Del wrote: I do belive that this is a troll. A troll tries to anger people to waste their time. This guy is having some fun poking people who've wanted to overnerf Terran. Unless he's trying to start a balance war, he's probably not a troll.
Well, i think, if all those changes are realized, balance might be okay. Even though... well... Vikings are still allowed to change shape? Should be fixed as well! Then i think, it is fair.
how could you forget planetary fortress
planetary fortress -> just a stronger command center
that sounds like a good choice to me
also i love the manual mining suggestion. that oughtta even things up a bit
All these suggestions you've seen are clearly the opinions of un-informed people which are trying to find a solution for their said perception of Terran's imbaness.
Personally, I believe that Terrans dont have overpowered units per se (although some of their all-in strategies are very hard to stop), its just that they are simply an excellent mix with a very nice flow.
Its sad really that such a success from Blizzard, of creating such a fun and potent race to play will prove to be detrimental for their own game. If only they had managed the same thing with the other two races (Protoss is ok-ish but not very much has changed from BW and Zerg is awfully dull) we could have called Starcraft 2 a true masterpiece.
just my 2c
A+ post, but as other's have said...wrong forum.
My favorite: → Marine : stimpack cheated
You forgot this one, that I see a lot:
→ All buildings : Nerf flight. Should take up fuel.
Edit: OH!
And: If terran has no army and has floating buildings, clearly terran should automatically lose from this point.
Lol, this is great - I was pleasantly surprised when I opened up the thread. I love the recommendation that terran shouldn't have units, but should drag and click to attack and mine, haha, so ridiculous.
I think some of you need to look up the definition of what a troll is - this is NOT a troll. The word troll is explained in this handy thread: http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/viewblog.php?topic_id=130403
If, after reading that thread, you still think this is a troll post - then you need to re-read the thread for clarity, since you don't understand.
lol point and click mineral drags.
Terran would have the fastest, most powerful early game cheeses ever in theory.
I wasn't sure if he was kiding or being serious, some of these would actually help, others made me lmao