(P.S. Using Xsplit and Dxtory)
The Ultimate Xsplit+Dxtory streaming Guide. - Page 24
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United States475 Posts
(P.S. Using Xsplit and Dxtory) | ||
United States5660 Posts
also apparently dxtory doesn't see Brood War/autodetect it from my testing ._.' (ran as normal, as well as from MiniLauncher) idk | ||
France45 Posts
Hello! I would like to stream some Starcraft 2 and I've been advised to use Dxtory. So I downloaded the trial version hoping to have a good enough result to buy it. Unfortunately for the moment it is not the case. I followed a guide on Team Liquid and also read a lot of helping threads in this forum. But no matter what I do, my FPS goes from 60 to 20 when I press F12 to start recording. Now, my computer isn't the best there is, but the thing that I find extremely weird is that is goes to exactly 20 when I record. I tried changing some settings often mentionned in these threads such as : - Enable Multi GPU Fix Code - Force GPU Processing - Enable Synchronous Surface Lock - Changing Processing threads from 1 to 4 or even 8 - Changing the codec quality from true quality to medium quality. But no matter what I do, when I record, it goes to exactly 20 FPS. If it was just my computer being bad, I would think that in the best quality and without all these boxes enabled I'd go even lower (10 FPS), and with the worst quality and all the boxes checked I'd reach 30 FPS. But it's always 20... That's why I'm thinking that there must be some kind of limitation on my computer and maybe you can help me figure out what it is. Here's my environment information : + Show Spoiler + [Dxtory] Version: 2.0.111 UID: 34704414-9923-4ba7-9956-693909e7a686 [Dxtory Files] InstallPath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Dxtory Software\Dxtory2.0 AudioStreamSplitter.exe: FileVersion: SHA1: f2f729dc20a4f399704e99beeca855e85e5b9286 AVIFix.exe: FileVersion: SHA1: 9c418e2ef475ce5c13e22f2e4bae24a13e8b5cb4 AVIMux.exe: FileVersion: SHA1: b7d714051302a9081450775d625ffbda7a6ed637 AVIMuxCore.dll: FileVersion: SHA1: 77f91e5cbdb6516492937b09e8779fbfce339ad0 Dxtory.exe: FileVersion: SHA1: 78703acc281d534e24b5fb1931ff8cc20373c054 Dxtory64.exe: FileVersion: SHA1: 14e3f06e6f2afb2dcb8dec2813586253fc58d86b DxtoryAudioHelper.dll: FileVersion: SHA1: 1e11c70e2f744fe9fcb95402c955d14f3d9503ce DxtoryCore.dll: FileVersion: SHA1: 4425e37d7eb3a26208f4e4e0c6f817c59b30008d DxtoryCore64.dll: FileVersion: SHA1: bbfbfb9b37055355e0e917bd0a1997ab43882e00 DxtoryHK.dll: FileVersion: SHA1: 1620be1abce75026c938346b03f2e7db9f58cd97 DxtoryHK64.dll: FileVersion: SHA1: 51cbeb0535a665bf303fea368d1b0d725cc8d6f9 DxtoryMM.dll: FileVersion: SHA1: 82eeaf2ec6ddd70f887ea5e20a80be718600b230 DxtoryMM64.dll: FileVersion: SHA1: c142da021338ef96d13dc82c70c6ba2a443d1108 DxtoryVideo.dll: FileVersion: SHA1: b9c1ff13a061e189affef9ae37f5ae142450b189 DxtoryVideo64.dll: FileVersion: SHA1: 497ef3f62908d7a1f9362fc347198b900fc7c131 DxtoryVideoSetting.exe: FileVersion: SHA1: 44c8cfaea0f5592e35793048d6ba080b37283530 LicReg.exe: FileVersion: SHA1: 451bbe61d429d549ff37f21a96cbd1e83a19d016 RawCapConv.exe: FileVersion: SHA1: d248bdbd934517d5b7f3d2e3b47ddf523303e84f RCStream.dll: FileVersion: SHA1: 31266452f142cd7c856384945ffc410b2c9c8be9 unins000.exe: FileVersion: 51.1052.0.0 SHA1: bc3fdf5ca301bdcda59fdc8102c437f31db3af18 UpdateChecker.exe: FileVersion: SHA1: 221bd3663f4393b368ebf74d1a892f9379ddbe44 [System Information] CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 720 @ 1.60GHz CPU Instruction Set: MMX SSE SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Édition Familiale Premium x64 OSVersion: 6.1.7601 OSLanguage: 1036 ServicePack: Service Pack 1 Memory0: BANK 0 2,147,483,648 bytes Memory1: BANK 1 2,147,483,648 bytes Memory2: BANK 2 2,147,483,648 bytes Memory3: BANK 3 2,147,483,648 bytes TotalMemory: 8,589,934,592 bytes Total Physical Memory: 8,510,820,352 bytes Available Physical Memory: 5,218,516,992 bytes Total Page File: 17,019,744,256 bytes Available Page File: 13,308,010,496 bytes Total Virtual Memory: 2,147,352,576 bytes Available Virtual Memory: 1,747,222,528 bytes PerformanceCounterFrequency: 1558701 (0x17C8AD) VideoCard: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870 Memory: 1,073,741,824 Processor: ATI display adapter (0x68A0) DriverVer: 8.683.0.0 DriverDate: 2009-12-17 01-00-00 Display0: 1920x1080 32bits 60Hz SoundDevice: Périphérique audio USB Manufacturer: (USB Audio générique) SoundDevice: ATI High Definition Audio Device Manufacturer: ATI Technologies Inc. SoundDevice: Realtek High Definition Audio Manufacturer: Realtek SoundDevice: Virtual Audio Cable Manufacturer: EuMus Design [Audio Device] Haut-parleurs (2- HP Premium Digital Headset) - CoreAudioOut Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) - CoreAudioOut Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio) - CoreAudioOut Line 1 (Virtual Audio Cable) - CoreAudioOut Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio) - CoreAudioIn, Volume 100 Microphone (2- HP Premium Digital Headset) - CoreAudioIn, Volume 100 Stereo Mix (Realtek High Definition Audio) - CoreAudioIn, Volume 95 [Video Codec] Dxtory Video Codec FCC:xtor Codec Cinepak de Radius FCC:cvid Codec Intel IYUV FCC:i420 Codec Intel IYUV FCC:iyuv Microsoft RLE FCC:mrle Microsoft Vidéo 1 FCC:msvc [Audio Codec] Microsoft IMA ADPCM Microsoft CCITT G.711 Microsoft GSM 6.10 MS-ADPCM PCM IEEE Float [License Information] License: Trial [Additional Information] Dxtory_log.txt: Empty ErrorLog.txt: Empty ====================================================================== [Profile] Name: Default Path: [Overlay] Option: Left Top VidoeFPS WriteFileFPS RecordState Color: Sleep FF00FF00, Active FFFFBC00, Movie FF00FF00, ScreenShot FF00FF00 [Folder] x C:\Users\Willounet\Dossier Dxtory Speed: 50MB/sec Free: 37,057,261,568 Total: 125,023,707,136 Format: NTFS SSFolder: [HotKey] MovieCapture: F12 (0x00000058) ScreenShotSingle: F11 (0x00000057) ScreenShotRepeat: None ScreenShotAuto: None ToggleStatus: None MovieCaptureFrame: None ScreenShotCaptureFrame: None [Movie] Clipping: ClipMargin: 0,0,0,0 ClipSize: 0,0 Scaling: Size 100% 1920x1080 Codec: Dxtory Video Codec, YUV420 FrameRate: 60 Output: Stream AVI Option: IncludeCursor [Audio0] Enabled: True Device: Haut-parleurs (2- HP Premium Digital Headset) Codec: PCM Format: PCM 44100 Hz, 16 bit, Stereo [ScreenShot] Clipping: ClipMargin: 0,0,0,0 ClipSize: 0,0 Scaling: Percent 100% 0x0 HighSpeedLimit: 0 RepeatInterval: 1000 Format: PNG JpegQuality: 97 Option: [Advanced] Option: ThreadCount: 1 LimitedFPS: False FPSLimit: 60 ====================================================================== [Profile] Name: SC2.exe Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\Versions\Base21029\SC2.exe [Advanced] Option: MultiGPUFix ForceCPUProcessing SyncLock ThreadCount: 4 LimitedFPS: False FPSLimit: 60 [LastUsingInformation] DateTime: 2012/04/21 21:53:29 DeviceType: DX7 DX9 View0.Type=DX9 View0.DevType=D3DDEVTYPE_HAL View0.BhFlags=D3DCREATE_PUREDEVICE D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING View0.Format=D3DFMT_R5G6B5 View0.Size=1920x1080 View0.HWND=0x0014031C View0.WindowTitle=StarCraft II View0.ClassName=StarCraft II ====================================================================== VerifyHash: cf8e28561fa4c85ee9434de5c5eafb23cc3d8157 Thanks for the help. | ||
United States96 Posts
I recently looked into dxtory for streaming and have been very pleased with the results so far. However I was trying to use dxtory to make local recordings and record them to youtube. I was disappointed to find after waiting 3 hours for a 45 second test clip to upload that youtube couldn't handle the file. So when using the dxtory codec, the avi file that is produced has some kind of "xtor" codec in it, and vlc cant open the file, but windows media player could. Is there any way to convert these files to something youtube can handle? Thanks in advance | ||
Canada16 Posts
My stream quality: Click here for VOD Snapshot: ![]() I stream at 720 bitrate (for both), fast preset, as well as 96kbs for audio. Is this because I play on High/Ultra settings? Since there's more detail, which I'm assuming takes longer to encode o_o tbh I don't really know much about this stuff. Is this an xsplit setting issue? dxtory setting issue? Here's my speedtest: (I'm Canadian so my internet is horrible) ![]() | ||
Canada486 Posts
Lower bitrate? FPS? Resolution? or smthin in dxtory? ingame fps is high 28/1 internet speed i5 2400 hd 5850 bandwidth test on xsplit gives me 760-780 and with a quad core, would setting the preset slow-medium be in my best interest since i have a low upload speed? | ||
New Zealand4438 Posts
On April 20 2012 12:50 zhurai wrote: what if you want to record your desktop at times? also apparently dxtory doesn't see Brood War/autodetect it from my testing ._.' (ran as normal, as well as from MiniLauncher) idk I've got the same problem, I'm trying to stream broodwar and dxtory doesn't show Brood War on the list of games (where it says "Default" at the top). | ||
United States258 Posts
I've tried everything from running the stream on extremely low settings that barely stress the CPU to extremely high ones. I bandwidth test every single time before I stream and always get green. My upload/download are very good and I always ensure I connect to the best Xsplit server for me that day. This is incredibly frustrating. I purchased the full version of Xsplit and Dxtory. I've tried xplit screen capture, dxtory + xsplit and gamesource and all of them give me the issue, although dxtory + xsplit is probably the best results. I've also tried setting the affinities differently (every combination possible) and just anything I can imagine to tweak with Dxtory and Xsplit settings. I've wasted hours on this. I read a lot about Xsplit not playing nice with ATI cards. If this is the case, I'm going to buy an NVIDIA card because I'm really fed up struggling through this. Here's my settings (all of my drivers, bios and everything are completely up to date): CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 955 Overclocked to 3800 Mobo: ASRock M3A770DE Memory: 8 GB DDR3 DRAM Frequency 480.0 MHZ Graphics: Radeon HD 6850 1 GB Bandwidth test results (speedtest.net): ![]() Stream settings: I post these reluctantly, because I have tried every single combination of stream settings known to man, but here's what I roll with for now: Quality: 7 Xsplit Default Setting anywhere from 700 to 1000 to 1500 to 2000 upload/buffer depending on my mood. All of them give the same results "choppy" wise. FPS: 22 Resolution: Every combination of 16:10 discovered in history, although my default resolution is 1680x1050 (I usually use 1440). HELP please. I'd very much appreciate it. Is it playable? Yes, barely, but it definitely affects my quality of play. I move slower, miss overlords, double build units, mismicro banelings, etc. I like streaming a lot, but this is so frustrating to play with. That said, when I play without streaming, it's like taking a massive handicap off my game and I feel like the fastest SC2 player alive. It's sort of akin to using a doughnut on your baseball bat before going up to the plate. :-(. Gotta find the bright spots. Here's a link to a vod of my stream if that's helpful: http://www.twitch.tv/karakstarcraft/b/316415723?t=25m14s | ||
United States5217 Posts
Athlon II x4 3.41 gb/2.5nb 7/7/22/31 1348mhz RAM 4GB gtx460 gpu (severely underclocked memory clock, due to issues, damn msi) ![]() Best server based on ping Justin.tv account Settings: 1280x768 (only thing that works on my monitor without screwed up edges or blurriness) Ultra Graphics settings Xsplit: Preset: Xsplit Default (not sure where to put) Quality: 10 (not sure where to put) VBV Max/Buffer: Both 2200 bitrate (seems that this is the highest I can get with the 'green' light on bandwidth test) 16 khz 16 bit mono, 12800bitrate Resolution: 1280x720 (only one xsplit seems to allow?, have to pay if i want to make it 1280x768 . I think I want 5:3 resolution since that's what 1280x768 is, but there's no option to make a custom resolution so I can't do that) 25fps I've overclocked my budget PC's CPU, RAM, and NB as hard as it could go for 24 hour stable (sadly it was stability limited, though got another core). I run sc2 just fine on ultra with my resolution. But I'm not certain where to go with xsplit settings, or exactly. I hear different things from every guide, but none really say how to take into account my less-than-ideal CPU but more-than-enough upload. I've tested streaming before, but I was on .6up and the game had too much input lag. I haven't really tested it out now that my upload is way better, but was wondering what settings I should try to go for now, and how to put more of the stress on my upload than my cpu. I'm also wondering if I should get more RAM... none of the guides talk about hardware, and or good upload. I don't use DXtory. I don't know why, but my ~60 fps when using just xsplit, or not using xsplit, goes to like 10-15 fps even when nothing going on. Dxtory seems to crap everything out. Also: I play on Full screen mode, with "Enable Game Source" off. Is that right? I'm a bit confused on if I need to be windowed or not, windowed seems to hurt performance, and what enable game source is or if i should use it. One confusing thing about this is like, I can either drag over a screen region right... but I somehow got it so I can also set camera region to : "Screen window "Starcraft II" in "sc2.exe" process" edit: So I've played around - and there doesn't really seem to be a difference between playing on full screen on sc2, or windowed (full screen), having "enable game source" on or off, using screen region or screen window sc2 process, or any combination of those things. I dont get it. My fpd is like 30-50, i dont like it, but I dont have input lag like i did when i played on .6up. I think I just need to lower my graphcis or something. Not sure what to set my resolution too... | ||
Singapore66071 Posts
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Singapore66071 Posts
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Singapore66071 Posts
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United Kingdom1 Post
![]() It just isn't feasible with that upload. | ||
Denmark1146 Posts
Did you 'turn on' DXTory by hitting F12 (default start/stop key). Note that some of the older DXTory versions do not respond to the hotkey, I believe it was ~2.0.108. | ||
1 Post
I did everything in the videos and the stuff turn orange and the numbers stayed orange in the game (Counter-Strike:Source) , I click F9(my hotkey) , but the game doesn't appear in the Xsplit, I don't know why because I did everything equal in the videos s: Help please ! and Thank You! | ||
Sweden5901 Posts
Im obviously running at 10/10 quality in xsplit already. example; http://sv.twitch.tv/equsind/b/320249721 | ||
Japan89 Posts
Your video's were extremely easy to understand and I got everything set up in a few minutes. I was unable to stream at 360p with low textures and low quality sound before I used your method >.> Now I can stream at the highest quality audio and 720p just fine with Ultra graphics on Starcraft 2 Just when I thought I was going to give up on streaming, this comes along and completely changes it ^^ My Upload speed is 0.6 Mbs by the way, haha. Thank you! | ||
United States317 Posts
Graphics Card: GTX 670 CPU: Intel i7 2600K(it shows 8 of these in device manager) Internet speed: 30 Down, 5 up. Thanks again | ||
Mexico112 Posts
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Sweden329 Posts
some examples with dxtory and fps ingame while streaming in good quality: LoL = 100-200 fps (highest gfx) Starcraft 2 100-150(lowest-high gfx) amnesia: 60 fps ( stuck there for some reason) Diablo 3 ( 70-100 fps stuck there) specs: 100/10 mb/s internet i think i have , 97 mb/s, 19 mb/s (maybe 100/20? ) 6550 radeon 2GB 2,8ghz i5 quad core 4gb RAM _________________________________________________________________ MY PROBLEM: as stated ive used Dxtory ALOT,and its awesome, and yesterday i think dxtory had an patch or something and now i can record wiith it ingame anymore... ive tried to reinstall it and everything but it wont work.. anyone have a clue? _________________________________________________________________________________________ SOLVED ! for some reason the "dxtory video 1" didnt work,so i simply made "Dxtory video 2" set up and it worked with that one, OR it couldve been that i had to remove them from my xsplit since i uninstalled the last dxtory and had to put in the new one with new version! so ill leave this here in case anyone have the same problem ![]() | ||
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