On December 12 2011 02:31 Qaz wrote: I've played this guy before. He wasn't much higher than mid master...
i've played him before as well, but he's definitely much better than mid master.
lots of players in low GM are exploiting it. vptang is probably the most notable person abused the hell out the system by mysteriously making GM in one season and playing just enough to not get dropped from the league. by the end of the season he was average master mmr.
this isn't the first time someone has done this. Last season cypherX [current gm atm] and monster[?] tanked their ratio to play bronzes. Someone made a post about it on the Bnet forums and they were removed from GM last season.
On December 12 2011 02:31 Qaz wrote: I've played this guy before. He wasn't much higher than mid master...
He's got to be low Master abusing the system to get into GM then no way would mid/ high master be dropping 3 games to silver leagues after he tanked his MMR.
It does show he did drop 3 games to bronze/silver so maybe he is abusing system
On December 12 2011 02:31 Qaz wrote: I've played this guy before. He wasn't much higher than mid master...
He's got to be low Master abusing the system to get into GM then no way would mid/ high master be dropping 3 games to silver leagues after he tanked his MMR.
It does show he did drop 3 games to bronze/silver so maybe he is abusing system
I played him about a week ago and he was GM. He is just a really cheesy player in general and does alot of 1 Base Play and it really annoys me, I have yet to see this guy macro once. Blizzard probably won't take action anyway
On December 12 2011 02:31 Qaz wrote: I've played this guy before. He wasn't much higher than mid master...
He's got to be low Master abusing the system to get into GM then no way would mid/ high master be dropping 3 games to silver leagues after he tanked his MMR.
It does show he did drop 3 games to bronze/silver so maybe he is abusing system
After tanking MMR losing 3 games to bronze/silver =\= GM level player
How blizzard cant comprehend that their current ladder system is complete and utter shit is beyond anyones imagination, but they wont change it, because its blizzard.
With the information available in the current ladder system, no one can tell at all what place he is ranked at. You are a bronze player and you played a grandmaster and won. Does it tell you anything? No it doesnt, because the grandmaster can have MMR as low as yours.
You are a silver player and play against platinum and win, does it tell you anything? No it doesnt because his MMR could be as low as yours without him being dropped out of platinum and without you being promoted.
The points are utterly useless, the bonus pool is utterly useless, grandmaster league is utterly useless. The league system itself is utterly useless aswell because the way people are being promoted and demoted isnt well known and you can easily be a bronze quality player while being in diamond and the other way around.
I think for you to go out of your way to talk about a non pro player is stupid. It is impossible for the different leagues to be perfect and the ranking's don't really matter.. Let the tourney speak for themselves, not grand masters
So what's the discussion here? The original post thought he made it into GM after beating a silver player but it was later found out that the OP was wrong and he was GM all season?
.. like, what are we.. he lost a lot of games and wasn't demoted out of GM. GM has been fubar since day one of season 4.. what am i supposed to take away here?
On December 12 2011 01:05 Aterons_toss wrote: How can a master level T losse 3 games in 35 vs bronze/silver o.o Also... stupid ladder system with no demote GM is stupid
He didn't play all bronze and silver, he started playing them yes, but as his mmr increased he was playing Masters there's nothing wrong with what happened it just shows that if you go on that good of a win streak your mmr can skyrocket.
On December 11 2011 21:35 Sadistx wrote: The guy should be banned for throwing 130 games, not getting into GM league.
The division system is still bad and there's no reason a closed league (by number of spots) should even exist, especially if it flat out doesn't work and is exploitable like we see here.
GM should just be masters league and top200 by points should get the orange icons.
banned for what? why is throwing games a bannable offense. he just gave 130 ppl a free win thats like charity. be mad @ blizzard for having a retarded ladder system that a 12 year old would create. no offense 12 yr olds
mmmm disagree there, yes in rare cases especially higher up it can be less useful in some cases but most of the time it can tell a great deal about a player. I recently bought a new account and basically a week after i got it, I was in pretty much the same position as my old account. 50/50 win ratio players are alright and insane win ratios typically represent your pros, koreans or upcoming players (state and illusion come to mind).
Now I agree to a certain point though, my revdime account is 92-62 and my nrgdime account is 48-8 but approximately the same mmr, I play high master/gm's which is pretty much all I need from ladder. The issue with my account mmr's being similar means that it can be very confusing where for example I lie as a player. Having an 80% win ratio is cool but that win ratio involves all of my games going up to masters including golds, plats diamonds etc (I worker rushed my placements and somehow won two, placed in gold)
Top pros would keep such a win ratio around 60-80% where as looking at my first account I level out between 53-59% win ratios, on average, when I play on NA server atleast. Take people who have went to portrait farm getting huge win ratios for example, you can tell how good they are simply because after having such a huge win streak their points are low. If it was utterly useless I wouldn't be able to make any predictions about gameplay, it would be useless but I can on average get a very good indication where people lie.
But i'll agree, the GM system can be improved and should be changed, just arguing that information can be pulled from bonus pools, ladder points etc.
Question: If you say lost 200 games in a row in GM, lowered your MMR then started playing again at a bronze level do you gain points? I mean can you just play bronze-silver be in the GM league and get highly ranked in GM cuz now your winning games?
Wow yeah, okay, a lot of pretty huge misconceptions here.
1. As people have already mentioned, this guy was in GM league to start. He didn't get promoted there after the loss streak, that would be impossible.
2. The only way you can get demoted from GM league is to go over 180 bonus pool. Each league has a hidden offset which is kind of like a minimum point barrier in order to ensure that you don't get many points when playing against people below your league. That is, if a Master player at 0 points and a Grandmaster at 0 points both played the same mid-Master MMR opponent, the Master player would get maybe 12 while the GM would get maybe 6. Since the only way to spend bonus pool is to win games, this effectively makes it harder to spend your pool because it's easier to spend it at 12 points per win rather than 6 points per game. At the extreme end (say GM playing Bronze), you will earn 0 points for a win which means you didn't spend any bonus pool for that game. This means that there is a limit on how far your MMR can drop before you will inevitably be kicked from GM league due to earning 0 points for wins (as to how tight those restrictions should be, that's another debate).
3. This practice is not new and has been reported before, when the lowest GM players were facing Diamonds and only earning +2 or +3 points per win, just barely keeping their head above water and able to spend their bonus pool through mass gaming and eventual wins. Buki just took this to a more extreme level.
4. To get into Grandmaster league you have to have an MMR moving average of the top 200 on the server. It's going to be very difficult for Buki to raise that average back up for the next season.
you guys do understand you cannot get kicked out from GM except for anything but inactivity u can lose 100000000000000 games and still be in GM as long as ur bp doesnt go over like 160, he has been in GM this whole time pretty sure