On April 09 2012 11:58 Kare wrote: Why is everyone picking on HD etc? HD is not that bad, people should rather be picking on the sound issues and the unprofessional korean stage lady
Haven't read the rest of the feedback. My thoughts watching the two of you is to talk more about what is going to happen, rather than what is already visible on the production tab. If you have trouble with this, please attempt to either play at a high level, or spend a significant amount of time analyzing top players replays with respect to timings/standard builds vs all-ins etc. The level of knowledge when compared casters like artosis or DApollo is really standing out.
I feel HD doesn't really follow the scene anymore. He doesn't know a lot about the players and seems lost about the metagame in the current matchups. Painuser is doing okay.
HD should stick more to doing the play-by-play part.
hey HD and Painuser, u guys did great job all IPL (proud of u guys getting more acquainted casting duo) 1 constructive criticism - just try not to keep running over each other, let each other finish a complete thought/sentence, (know its hella hard because of the way sc2 has 1million actions per minute) just keep it up dudes
I honestly like HD, he should stick to color commentary kinda like tasteless. A lot of the things you say he needs to improve on, so does Tasteless. But it doesnt matter cuz he has Artosis giving all the play by play, and strategic stuff.
When on camera i think he needs to stop facing the other caster and look more into the camera.
thats all, great games!
Yeah I also feel like HD should stay away from the analysis part of the game. It feels like he always tries to say something concerning analysis and that is just not only not his area of proficiency, but the area where he is just bad at.
Its hard to say, "well HD just learn the game and then go into analysis", I think he should just know his role in the duo of him and Painuser (a play by play) and stick to it. You know, if anything prompt Pain User to talk about analysis.
I have enjoyed their coverage. PU has good analysis, not as good as Artosis, Day9 or Apollo but comparable to Wolf which is quite sufficient.The slightly weak link is HD who is commendably passionate but seems to drift too much as the play by play role. I would give them 7/10. I think they are improving but more knuckling down is required especially by HD who has been caught and surpassed by Catspyj
PLEASE stop saying COMSAT and say SCAN. i dont even play bw..
These 2 do realize they can hear them while the game is paused right....?!?
....Virgin Alert... Pokemon really....? Who do they think they are Herman Cain?!?
Generic Asian Burn...
I sure know what name I would write in a Death Note right now, and it ain't dApollo ...
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On April 09 2012 12:20 GreenHorizons wrote: These 2 do realize they can hear them while the game is paused right....?!?
shh that would make too much sense HD barely knows whats going on anyways, can't make him think too much :D. Gotta love on Cloud Kingdom, wow he just spent so much money that he won't be able to get a hatchery anytime soon (as the hatchery is going down at his expo aka where the 300 minerals went..... )
really wish it was apollo/totalbiscut or tastosis or doa/catz. sorry hd n p.u, but im more entertained watching paint dry
PU is okay, despite the few awkward comments inbetween. HD is awkward, despite the few okay comments inbetween.
On April 09 2012 12:20 GreenHorizons wrote: These 2 do realize they can hear them while the game is paused right....?!?
....Virgin Alert... Pokemon really....? Who do they think they are Herman Cain?!?
Generic Asian Burn...
Good thing they don't understand English very well, mirite?
On April 09 2012 12:20 nat wrote: PLEASE stop saying COMSAT and say SCAN. i dont even play bw..
The comsat station uses highly concentrated scanners to reveal an area, including cloaked or burrowed units. This can be executed anywhere on the map at any time. The circular view shown lasts for about 10 seconds before changing to the fog of war static view. A scanner sweep is indicated to all players (including the one doing it) by a series of blue 4-pointed sparkles moving in a circle.
Comsat enables the use of scan. Hence it is the same thing, just a different name altogether.
When Painuser whispers it freaks me out.
Tip: Don't talk about Pokemon and random garble when there is downtime.
I generally like their casting. Although please stop pointing out obvious things(Like VERY ovbious)."Squirtle is going stargate" hur dur...after staring at it for 3 minutes. etc Also quit missing drops. The hatchery thing in game 3 was also like "what?!?!".
HD really just needs to stay out of analysis. Other than that, pretty decent casting.
From twitch tv:
Ricemonkey0: HD & Painuser for the loss, talking about muta tech switch and 3rd expos when the booths are open?!? wtf?!?