On June 22 2011 04:04 Egyptian_Head wrote: Is it possible to get hallucinate in time to scout a quick darkshrine (5:50ish) in a pvp if your opponent goes fast DT's?
If not do I pretty much have to go Robo tech pvp?
You play protoss and don't know that chronoed warpgate finishes around 5:50 (which means you can get hallu that early only if you dont get WG)? -.-' Robo counters DT's and blink stalkers so it's the best choice imo.
On June 22 2011 04:04 Egyptian_Head wrote: Is it possible to get hallucinate in time to scout a quick darkshrine (5:50ish) in a pvp if your opponent goes fast DT's?
If not do I pretty much have to go Robo tech pvp?
You play protoss and don't know that chronoed warpgate finishes around 5:50 (which means you can get hallu that early only if you dont get WG)? -.-' Robo counters DT's and blink stalkers so it's the best choice imo.
Did I mention I swoped to Protoss today and Im basically bronze? Explains why I didn't know that, thanks. I prefer using the stargate but I guess sacrifices must be made as People are sending DT's at me every pvp.
Hey guys! Just had a quick question and didn't know where else to post it. My brother's looking to check out the game before (possibly) buying it and wants to give the campaign a try, could I let him log onto my bnet account from his computer? He lives in a different house from me and I just don't wanna get banned by Blizzard for account sharing.
(obv we couldn't be online at the same time but that shouldn't be a problem)
On June 22 2011 09:20 DogBite wrote: Hey guys! Just had a quick question and didn't know where else to post it. My brother's looking to check out the game before (possibly) buying it and wants to give the campaign a try, could I let him log onto my bnet account from his computer? He lives in a different house from me and I just don't wanna get banned by Blizzard for account sharing.
(obv we couldn't be online at the same time but that shouldn't be a problem)
So today I was laddering quite a bit and went like 8-2, so I was having a really good day overall on ladder.
Well my last game I won and was promoted to Gold.(Yippe!) However, I'm the only person in my division and after a few relogs and about an hour of waiting, no one else is in my division.
Is this a glitch in the Blizzard database or will my division soon fill up?
On June 22 2011 09:20 Goldfish wrote: I have a question does anyone know what the SC2 intro music is called? For example, you can hear the music here+ Show Spoiler +
1) What is it that actually makes a good Starcraft II player?
I myself have established several key principles to playing RTS games here, I want to know what everyone else's opinions on my observations are and get any feedback on if I missed anything out:
Macro - Namely your ability to produce workers, buildings and units and keep your money low. I'm not trying to incite a flame war here but I think this part is hugely overstated as an "easy solution" by the SC2 community for explaining how a player should improve because I feel that it's not exactly hard to build as Day[9] calls a "mental checklist" of what to build and what to produce and then doing it.
Scouting - It is important to have a good read on what your opponent is doing, if that means suiciding a small amount of units or scanning the main base, then so be it, just for that knowledge that he is either expanding, transitioning or building up an army and getting ready to all-in you.
Tactics - Whether that be flanking (moving a portion of the army to attack from a different angle), surrounding, or abusing the terrain (higher ground, choke points etc)
Micro - Smartly controlling units in order to gain an advantage in a specific battle. Think marine splitting when they alone are about to face a huge baneling bust or surrounding an army in forcefields to prevent a retreat etc.
Harassment - Small scale, mobile attack intended to damage the opponent's economy, production or technology.
2) As an EU Silver player (who has been beating Gold and Platinum levelled players and is aiming to get to a Master league level), should I just continue to focus on macro as the #1 priority seeing as it's the advice that everybody just throws at me above anything else, because I feel like my macro whilst far from flawless isn't exactly terrible either?
Or should I be focusing on the other elements of gameplay I listed above (or any others I missed out here)
It's just that I feel disillusioned with focusing just on macro, I feel like I'm not being very active in the game when I'm just focusing solely on getting more units than my opponent.
3) What is better, grinding out the ladder and playing loads of games on there almost non-stop with little breaks or huge amounts of self-analysis on replays with little amounts of laddering?
Macro alone will bring you towards Diamond. But you seem to already know what you need to improve on, on the correct order too.
So first, as you become more comfortable with strong macro, try starting to scout as well. As you play more you'll start noticing timings on when are good times to scout.
Then as you get better, you can start to think about tactics and harassment WHILE macroing and scouting. The hard part is doing all of them. A good player is able to harass with micro while not falling too behind on macro as well. Take it one step at a time.
Macro alone will bring you towards Diamond. But you seem to already know what you need to improve on, on the correct order too.
So first, as you become more comfortable with strong macro, try starting to scout as well. As you play more you'll start noticing timings on when are good times to scout.
Then as you get better, you can start to think about tactics and harassment WHILE macroing and scouting. The hard part is doing all of them. A good player is able to harass with micro while not falling too behind on macro as well. Take it one step at a time.
While I am not disregarding your advice, I just feel disillusioned about whether I am improving at the pace I actually want to.
Namely, I feel like I face players in my league with equal or better macro, no matter how much I try to improve and I'm trying to get a competitive edge over them. I started playing actively since around December (playing a few games a day on 1v1 ladder) and feel myself improve at a slow pace.
In season 1, I played around 550 games, around 270 of which I won. I pushed myself from a win/loss ratio where I had over 40 more losses to just around 5 more losses. And despite having overcome such a huge loss streak, I felt demotivated that I was still in Bronze and was almost 1200 points above the 2nd place competitior by the time Season 1 had ended.
Yet, it wasn't until well into Season 2 (just over a month ago) that I actually got my Silver promotion. Since then, my play has been delayed a bit because of exams but since then I've done a few games a day on ladder and have faced against and beaten Silver, Gold and even the token Platinum player.
That's right, it took me several months of grinding hundreds of ladder games to hit the Silver League and if I remember correctly, Silver is the second worst league currently existing in the game out of around 7 leagues (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master and Grandmaster.).
And despite this, I feel somewhat comfortable with my macro and I feel like I can execute several well known builds not perfectly bu certainly a few seconds off of optimal (i.e. Ice Fisher, 14 pool 14 gas, 3 base roach hydra transition, and even once baneling drops etc)
However, I feel like at this rate I will never improve to a Diamond or even Master League level until after months, even years of playing the game, at which point HOTS or even LOTV would be out.
The point I'm making is should I focus on incorporating drops, harassment, aggressive scouting, better micro in huge fights etc into my play but at the same time practice macroing during it?
If I want to actually be one of the top 20% of active players (assuming that's how the bracket system works) and hit Diamond, should I continue to do what I do now or am I doing it wrong? Note that most Diamond or above players completely roll over me.
just wondering about 2 units, that are fairly similer, but arent overly used.
auto turrets and infested marines
WHY do auto turrets last so long? is the trade off that they cant move? its not a huge issue, but infested terrans take time to spawn, move slow as shit off creep, and dont last very long, auto turrents spawn instantly, last so long that if they arent getting killed its rare, and cant move at all.
anyone else have some thoughts on that? maybe its an acceptable trade off, Im not sure I agree though.
On June 22 2011 11:48 Taelshin wrote: just wondering about 2 units, that are fairly similer, but arent overly used.
auto turrets and infested marines
WHY do auto turrets last so long? is the trade off that they cant move? its not a huge issue, but infested terrans take time to spawn, move slow as shit off creep, and dont last very long, auto turrents spawn instantly, last so long that if they arent getting killed its rare, and cant move at all.
anyone else have some thoughts on that? maybe its an acceptable trade off, Im not sure I agree though.
The mobility may be it. Also, I'd say it's a good trade-off considering Point Defense Drones don't last that long, Seeker Missile is utter crap considering the research and energy cost and many Zergs perfer to use Fungal Growth on a large clump of weaker units or Neural Parasite on a large unit to really wreck havoc rather than use Infested Terrans any day of the week.
Also, Spawn Infested Terran can be used whilst the Infestor is burrowed (furthermore, Infestors are one of only two units apart from Roaches upgraded with Tunneling Claws that can move whilst burrowed.)
This effectively lets them do some DT-esque harassment upon a mineral line, which only having a large force turtle the mineral line (not necessarily siege tanks that can splash damage harm their own side's SCVs) or detection can truly negate.
ahhh some great points, totally forgot that fact that can be casted well burrowed. Id like to cancel out the burrow and ravens being a flying unit, how ever those were good points. Honestly I like both units,I think there good ideas, and will see some great use in the future! (I hope!)
Another thing to think about with infested terran is that you can get so many of them at once, while the most auto-turrets I've seen in an actual game is 5 or so. Not saying one is better than another just something to think about. Now for my question: I tried the search function with no luck, so I'll just ask it here: Do the wins required to get a portrait (ex: 250 wins for a ghost) carry from season to season? It seems like it would be near impossible to get some portriats playing with only 3 or 4 months worth of laddering before it was reset.
Don't know how widely known this is, but for Terran, you don't actually have to shift-click your SCVs back to the minerals; you can simply click. This goes for any action: while they're building, you can issue the next command (ie building another supply depot) without holding shift, and it'll automatically queue up. Not game-changing or anything, but it's much easier to just click rather than holding shift every time you want to make sure your SCVs are going back to work.
On June 22 2011 14:12 WorkerRush21 wrote: Another thing to think about with infested terran is that you can get so many of them at once, while the most auto-turrets I've seen in an actual game is 5 or so. Not saying one is better than another just something to think about. Now for my question: I tried the search function with no luck, so I'll just ask it here: Do the wins required to get a portrait (ex: 250 wins for a ghost) carry from season to season? It seems like it would be near impossible to get some portriats playing with only 3 or 4 months worth of laddering before it was reset.
It's pretty obvious wins carry over between seasons. Reduce your statement down to it's near impossible. But a lot of people have them. So it must not be near impossible. There must be a logical reason why it is not near impossible. Wins must carry over. Actually this is just shit logic, the answer is wins carry over between seasons. I'm sorry I'm exhausted and extremely bm mood.
The key differences between auto turrets and infested terrans are these: Infested terrans last only 30 seconds versus an auto turret lasting 180//240 seconds. Infested Terrans cost 25 energy (8 per full energy infestor) versus the 50 for an auto turret (4 per raven). This is offset by the much longer duration of an auto turret with gray area considering the next line Infested Terrans can move slowly and auto turrets can not. Also, it is easier to place multiple infested terrans while auto turrets take up a considerable footprint. Combined with their immobile nature, it makes them harder to quickly mass up. Infestors have already been explored much more than Ravens and their other abilities are acclaimed with usefulness, while the Raven has a very situational PDD and a missile affectionately referred to as High School Musical. Further note on the production unit- you could say raven's are more fragile than infestors, lacking the ability to burrow.
Auto turrets are cool little area of denial and disposable units, while infested terrans make excellent harassment or even damage tanking and dealing units for a close battle where fungal/NP would be excessive or ineffective.
They do the same amount of damage and they can be used for similar purposes. They're also produced from units that have no direct attack.
This has been my 5th grade report on Raven's and Infestors. Thank you for listening.
Macro alone will bring you towards Diamond. But you seem to already know what you need to improve on, on the correct order too.
So first, as you become more comfortable with strong macro, try starting to scout as well. As you play more you'll start noticing timings on when are good times to scout.
Then as you get better, you can start to think about tactics and harassment WHILE macroing and scouting. The hard part is doing all of them. A good player is able to harass with micro while not falling too behind on macro as well. Take it one step at a time.
While I am not disregarding your advice, I just feel disillusioned about whether I am improving at the pace I actually want to.
Namely, I feel like I face players in my league with equal or better macro, no matter how much I try to improve and I'm trying to get a competitive edge over them. I started playing actively since around December (playing a few games a day on 1v1 ladder) and feel myself improve at a slow pace.
In season 1, I played around 550 games, around 270 of which I won. I pushed myself from a win/loss ratio where I had over 40 more losses to just around 5 more losses. And despite having overcome such a huge loss streak, I felt demotivated that I was still in Bronze and was almost 1200 points above the 2nd place competitior by the time Season 1 had ended.
Yet, it wasn't until well into Season 2 (just over a month ago) that I actually got my Silver promotion. Since then, my play has been delayed a bit because of exams but since then I've done a few games a day on ladder and have faced against and beaten Silver, Gold and even the token Platinum player.
That's right, it took me several months of grinding hundreds of ladder games to hit the Silver League and if I remember correctly, Silver is the second worst league currently existing in the game out of around 7 leagues (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master and Grandmaster.).
And despite this, I feel somewhat comfortable with my macro and I feel like I can execute several well known builds not perfectly bu certainly a few seconds off of optimal (i.e. Ice Fisher, 14 pool 14 gas, 3 base roach hydra transition, and even once baneling drops etc)
However, I feel like at this rate I will never improve to a Diamond or even Master League level until after months, even years of playing the game, at which point HOTS or even LOTV would be out.
The point I'm making is should I focus on incorporating drops, harassment, aggressive scouting, better micro in huge fights etc into my play but at the same time practice macroing during it?
If I want to actually be one of the top 20% of active players (assuming that's how the bracket system works) and hit Diamond, should I continue to do what I do now or am I doing it wrong? Note that most Diamond or above players completely roll over me.
It took me about 50 games to get promoted from Bronze to Silver, and trust me, it's ALL about macro. All i did up to platinum was amove my army and then go back to macroing; sometimes you would even see my colossi shooting at buildings rather than units, while my minerals were around 100-200 because i was back in my base making more units, without even looking at the battle. To this day, just by macro alone im consistently 10-20 food ahead of my P/T opponents in Diamond (assuming no battles occur ofc), and about even with Zergs quite often; i still screw up in battles but often i end up ahead again because i remake my army faster. Until you see that you are clearly ahead in food/worker/army count in your replays against silver players, trust me, you gotta work on your macro first and foremost.
Any Masters Terrans got some solid mech replays for TvZ, I can't ever seem to get the ratio of tanks/thors the way I need it and if possible show some way to harass into the midgame? thanks!