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From PlayXP
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Nestea – ‘I will not be satisfied nor will I slack off.’
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/u4nFu.jpg)
- Congratulations on your victory. Tell us how you feel.
I am really happy that I was able to become the first zerg to get two championships. The games pretty much went as I practiced so I felt really good about them.
- It seems like you won pretty easily.
In the 1st and 3rd set, I was debating whether or not I would attack. In the first set, I thought it (the attack) would be effective as a deterrent to his expansion, but it ended up working really well (**it finished the game). I think my opponent lost his footing after losing that first set.
- How did you prepare for the 1.3.3. patch?
When I played some games on it, I didn’t really notice the changes. I don’t think the changes were that big.
- The IM team is undefeated in the finals (other than in the GSTL).
Mvp is an amazing player. I can speak for myself as well as he, in that, we are both not very nervous when we get to the finals stage. I am a bit nervous for the round of 32, but as I advance, I usually get more and more comfortable. I think the finals went well because I was able to play as if I were playing in practice.
- You were able to take victory during a depressing time for most zergs. Are you pressured as the sole representative who has to lead the charge?
Yes, I am under a bit of pressure. However, because of that, I am able to practice and try even harder. If I didn’t have that, I think I would slack off more. I believe that helps me greatly.
- The gap between yours and MC’s prize winnings is only 500,000 won (~500 dollars).
You can see the prize winning rankings (for the GSL) on their homepage. And when I was rank 1, I thought to take it slowly, but MC came up and overtook my spot. I think because of that, I was able to put more effort into my play. I hope to hit 250,000,000 won this year (~250,000 dollars)
- If you get to the finals in the super tournament, who do you want to face?
I want to face either Mvp or MC in the finals.
- If you were to give some tips to other zergs?
I don’t have any particular tips to give, but I will say, you need get ready to lose a lot. After losing a whole bunch, you will figure it out.
- Any last comments?
After my first victory, it has been 6 months; I feel like that is a bit long. I will not be satisfied (**just because of this win) nor will I slack off. I still don’t think zergs are particularly that strong as a race. But my goal is to try my best to win once more. Seed helped me practice like it was his own finals. I was able to win because of that, so I am really thankful to him. I also want to say that I can always put out my best effort when my mother comes and cheers for me (like in the finals). So, I want to extend my thanks to my mother and brother. My girlfriend helped out a lot with the housework so I was able to practice without any worries. I want to say thanks and that I love her. Of course, I couldn’t have done this without the fans that cheered for me, so thank you. I will try my best to answer my fans by showing great games in the future. Finally, I want to thank IM’s sponsors GOOGIMS COMPANY and Coca-Cola for their support.
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▼ 우승을 축하한다. 소감을 밝혀 달라.
- 저그로 최초 2회 우승을 차지해 정말 기쁘다. 연습한대로 게임이 흘러가서 기분이 좋았다.
▼ 비교적 쉽게 이긴 것 같은데?
- 1세트에서 찌를까 3세트에서 찌를까 고민했다. 1세트에서 찌르는 게 다전제에서 효과적일 것 같았는데, 잘 통했다. 상대가 1세트를 내주고 좀 꼬인 것 같다.
▼ 1.3.3 패치에 어떻게 대비했나?
- 막상 게임을 해보니 거의 차이가 없었다. 변한 것은 크게 없는 것 같다.
▼ IM팀은 현재까지 결승전에서 한 번도 패하지 않았는데?
- 종현이는 뛰어난 선수다. 종현이도 그렇고 나도 그렇고 둘 다 결승전에 오르면 긴장을 하지 않는다. 32강이나 16강에선 좀 긴장이 되는데, 올라갈수록 긴장이 줄어든다. 연습실에서 하던 것처럼 편안하게 해서 잘 되는 것 같다.
▼ 저그의 암울기인데 우승을 차지했다. 한 종족을 이끌어간다는 것이 부담 되진 않나?
- 부담이 된다. 그래서 더욱 열심히 하는 것 같다. 그런 것이 없으면 나태해질 것 같다. 오히려 도움이 되고 있다.
▼ 장민철과의 상금 격차가 50만 원밖에 나지 않게 됐는데?
- GSL 홈페이지를 보면 상금랭킹이 나온다. 1위였을 때는 천천히 해야겠단 생각이 들었는데, 민철이가 치고 올라가서 자극이 됐다. 그것이 더 열심히 하게 된 계기가 된 것 같다. 올해 2억 5천만 원까지 찍고 싶다.
▼ 만약 슈퍼토너먼트에서 결승에 오른다면, 누구와 대결하고 싶은가?
- (정)종현이나 민철이와 결승해보고 싶다.
▼ 다른 저그들에게 팁을 한 가지 준다면?
- 팁을 줄 순 없고, 정말 많이 져봐야 한다. 많이 당하다 보면 알게 된다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 첫 우승 이후 6개월이 지나 다시 우승을 차지했는데, 좀 길었던 것 같다. 우승했다고 자만하거나 나태해지지 않겠다. 아직도 저그가 강하다고 생각하진 않는다. 또 한 번 우승을 목표로 열심히 하겠다. 안상원 선수가 자신의 결승전처럼 도와줬다. 덕분에 이긴 것 같고 정말 고맙다. 어머님이 응원해주셔서 항상 열심히 할 수 있는 것 같다. 엄마와 형에게 고맙다. 여자친구가 내조를 잘해줘서 편하게 연습을 할 수 있었다. 고맙고 사랑한다고 말해주고 싶다. 팬 분들이 많은 응원을 주셔서 열심히 할 수 있었다. 앞으로도 응원에 보답해 멋진 경기 펼칠 수 있도록 노력하겠다. IM팀을 후원해주시는 구김스컴퍼니와 코카콜카에 감사드린다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
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