Base Camera Inject. Queen melt down, SOLVED - Page 9
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United States182 Posts
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United States182 Posts
Shift R= follow Tab= base switch R= inject Caps= next sub group | ||
Hong Kong4685 Posts
I'm still doing the old broodwar method of putting every hatchery on one hotkey and it's really not much trouble. Can I quickly change to whatever hatchery I like just as fast using hotkeying each hatchery individually? | ||
Canada350 Posts
On March 08 2011 12:33 T.O.P. wrote: Is this method superior enough for me to invest time to learn this method of larva inject? I read this thread and the backspace thread a few times and I still have no idea what it's talking about. I'm still doing the old broodwar method of putting every hatchery on one hotkey and it's really not much trouble. Can I quickly change to whatever hatchery I like just as fast using hotkeying each hatchery individually? The way i like to play is setting all my queens on one hotkey(e), and move around my bases with my backspace key (w). I move around with w even when I'm not injecting, to make drones, geysers, send drones to geysers, making a queen, shift+adding a queen to a control group. shift+adding a hatchery to a control group. even when i don't inject this is my main source of mobility. If any hatchery at any point needs my attention i will mini map click it, and the shift+back mouse button the camera location, saving it for a brief moment, i will then reset it to creep spreading once the harass/attack/ scout ect. is dealt with. It is ideal to do this whole method once you have 3-4 hatcheries at that point you will profit by doing them faster, shaving off seconds of your play at a time. Seconds can quickly add up to a minute, two minutes, ect. With that small perk in mind, its always best to play with what your personal preference is, but that dosent make any other method wrong, or right. | ||
United States2180 Posts
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Sweden7 Posts
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Canada135 Posts
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United States805 Posts
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Bangladesh2839 Posts
On March 08 2011 12:33 T.O.P. wrote: Is this method superior enough for me to invest time to learn this method of larva inject? I read this thread and the backspace thread a few times and I still have no idea what it's talking about. I'm still doing the old broodwar method of putting every hatchery on one hotkey and it's really not much trouble. Can I quickly change to whatever hatchery I like just as fast using hotkeying each hatchery individually? I dont understand how you can play a mid to late game efficiently with that setup. I also been using the individual hatcherys to one hotkey setup for along time since i came from BW but i just dont find it efficient in starcraft 2 | ||
Canada350 Posts
On March 08 2011 13:48 Xanbatou wrote: This is actually slower than the regular backspace method because you have to push the toggle current selection hotkey before you begin, and you have to turn it off afterwards. The upside is that you will never have a queen derping across the map. Not sure if its worth it yet... With the new method, it makes it so you don't even have to press the toggle, it will issue with buttons you we're going to press anyway, so its the same. I also have a back up alternate button to turn it off, if i need to. Its located near my control groups. Most of the time i don't need to turn it off because i will just pan away. | ||
75 Posts
If only you could tab through all the units in a group and hit a key to bring the camera to them. | ||
United States1293 Posts
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United States21 Posts
I did find one bug to it though (although it is pretty minor). When I inject, I like to tap the backspace key to check hatch first and then inject. When I was playing a game, I tried the method and all of a sudden I was stuck on a screen. I realized on the replay this happens when two queens are together and hotkeyed. So if you have two queens hotkeyd along with other queens and they are close to each other, when you try to cycle with the follow toggle, it gets stuck on one hatchery. However, when two queens are at a certain distance apart, it starts to work again. Also, this could all be avoid if you just hold the backspace and hold shift + v. But if you are like me and like to check the base before inject, make sure you dont have the two queens hotkeyed and next to each other if using this method. heres a crappy quality video i did. I first do it regularly 3 queens 3 hatches, then with 4 queens 3 hatches with 2 queens next to each other (this messes up), then same situation holding backspace (which works), and then with the two queens with a certain distance apart which works. Also, incineration zone. | ||
Canada350 Posts
On March 08 2011 15:08 apekzhrk wrote: Hey great discovery! I tried it and it works great. I did find one bug to it though (although it is pretty minor). When I inject, I like to tap the backspace key to check hatch first and then inject. When I was playing a game, I tried the method and all of a sudden I was stuck on a screen. I realized on the replay this happens when two queens are together and hotkeyed. So if you have two queens hotkeyd along with other queens and they are close to each other, when you try to cycle with the follow toggle, it gets stuck on one hatchery. However, when two queens are at a certain distance apart, it starts to work again. Also, this could all be avoid if you just hold the backspace and hold shift + v. But if you are like me and like to check the base before inject, make sure you dont have the two queens hotkeyed and next to each other if using this method. heres a crappy quality video i did. I first do it regularly 3 queens 3 hatches, then with 4 queens 3 hatches with 2 queens next to each other (this messes up), then same situation holding backspace (which works), and then with the two queens with a certain distance apart which works. Also, incineration zone. This happens because this toggle behaves in a way that if you have a group of units all set to one control group, with follow current selection activated, it will instantly take priority to follow the units that are closer together. To fix this simply shift + click (deselect) one of those queens, and inject like normal. I go over this toggles behavior in my baneling thread located at the bottom of my op. This is not a bug, or anything. This is how this toggle behaves. | ||
United States21 Posts
But I think for most people, it's great because they can just hold backspace and boom its done. Doesn't matter if queens are next to each other which is good. Thanks for info | ||
Canada350 Posts
On March 08 2011 15:37 apekzhrk wrote: Yea it happened when toss started getting voidrays so i got 2 queens per hatch and it started happening. Idk, for some reason I like to look at my hatcheries while injecting. Holding backspace lets you inject whether or not queens are together but if I do that i can't look at my hatches ahhaah. If I wanna look at hatches after than, then I have to just use regular backspace to check each base after injection and that seems inconvenient to me. But I think for most people, it's great because they can just hold backspace and boom its done. Doesn't matter if queens are next to each other which is good. Thanks for info np, I'm slowly learning more about this toggle with experiments and ideas. Its still a very fresh topic. | ||
United States2147 Posts
And what's with the people against this? I bet they're the same type that would whine about addons in WoW. Haha. Or scripts in CS. Honestly, I would probably just make sure that my queens are in proper position in the first place rather than waste time using the follow camera. | ||
Germany364 Posts
I tried it yesterday. But I don't really like it, because the queen is centered instead of the hatch. So when you inject very fast it happens that you missed a hatch and don't inject. Edit even happens to MrBitter in his example video. | ||
Canada350 Posts
On March 07 2011 23:07 ChefStarCraft wrote: This will make it so its automatic, wow. This is awesome thankyou. Ok I confirmed this, and added it to the edit. I have it so follow unit selections activated with shift + inject hotkey, It works by pressing inject button, shift+inject button, then hold shift, cycle using base camera and inject like normal. Its the exact same except you need to tap inject twice, once on its own, then tap shit+inject to toggle follow current selection, and still enable the shift command inject. | ||
Canada350 Posts
On March 08 2011 16:27 iNViCiOUZ wrote: Thanks for sharing! I tried it yesterday. But I don't really like it, because the queen is centered instead of the hatch. So when you inject very fast it happens that you missed a hatch and don't inject. Edit even happens to MrBitter in his example video. It takes practice to get use to the new style, thats all. You have to allow the slightest delay to allow the camera to zone in a little on the queen. Its still new to everybody. Mistakes will occur, its still doing the backspace injects purpose, but canceling out the chance of having a queen miss clicked on a queenless hatchery. This delay is still at a spamable speed and is fast like the backspace method without this toggle. It just the matter of practicing the tempo of the clicks. | ||
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