On August 28 2010 15:47 dybydx wrote: actually i m fairly certain that NUR + no goliath and no medic will make Welcome to the Jungle impossible.
you can skip welcome to the jungle until you get tanks + vikings and do it that way.
i already had tanks when i did welcome to the jungle. vikings would not help since protoss scouts, stalkers, charged rays are all very strong against vikings. also the strength of viking is their mobility which can not be utilized very much in this map.
the enemy always outnumber you in total resource value of their units. you really need cost effective ways of fighting them.
You can do Welcome to the Jungle with almost no units at all. Nothing but turrets, just mass them all over the left side of the map. You can put a few bunkers with marines at each one for good measure.
On August 28 2010 10:46 dybydx wrote: @marshmallow,
how did u get pass gates of hell? i m stuck there. before i can mass a 100 army, some massive 3 way attack of roach+baneling/ultra ling/muta guard always hits my main base at the same time and wipes me out.
the ling ultra just rapes me hard. tank splash kills me faster than it kill the ultra lings
If you're having that much trouble with your tanks then unsiege them. I only unsiege them when the second wave of like 6 guardians hit. I make 6 vikings for the final push but it'd probably be smarter to make them before that guardian wave, but I never died before getting 100 food.
I keep my bio army in the middle of my base (make sure the middle is open so your blob can go from right/left without having to navigate tiny chokes between buildings) + I have extra bunkers up front to absorb damage. They die a lot to big attacks so I rebuild em a lot + have an scv at each one. I just pump MM + upgrades and then make 6 vikings as the base gets mined out.
I rescue the first drop pod, the tanks, the goliaths, and the thors. The thors probably aren't worth it, but I like them for the final push because they're great meatshields (especially for banelings). You'll want to save before leaving your base each time since the AI seems to like to attack around the point where you're heading out.
For the final push I lifted all my buildings and floated them with my army + scvs. You'll get attacked from behind a lot so make sure you keep good formation.
On August 28 2010 16:51 dybydx wrote: i already had tanks when i did welcome to the jungle. vikings would not help since protoss scouts, stalkers, charged rays are all very strong against vikings. also the strength of viking is their mobility which can not be utilized very much in this map.
the enemy always outnumber you in total resource value of their units. you really need cost effective ways of fighting them.
When i did Welcome to the jungle on brutal (i had upgrades, so i went mm, but just stating what numbers i saw against) i never saw more air than ground, normally a decent mix. With tank you kill their stalkers and your vikings should be able to handle the 2-3 voids and 2-3 scouts they send to you. If not, you can always use turret support to help them. You can take the middle expo out with your starting units by just pumping out a few more marines while getting econ up, throw up turrets in the middle and you should have enough of a force to stop their first attack, after that you should have plenty of defense up for their next attacks and once you have 10-12 vikings i can't see their air power being much of a threat if you aren't trying to suicide into them.
Has anyone actually beaten NUR All-In yet? There's a lot of theorycrafting in this thread with people saying it should be possible, but has anyone actually done it?
Most of the campaign was fairly simple in NUR since bio ball still works (just have to wait for a slightly larger critical mass and don't expect medics to actually keep units alive during battle) or tank or BC mass. But I'm kind of stuck on All-In Nydus. When I try to hold both entrances, bunkers get shredded by tank splash while CC walls seem to be too expensive without MULEs while trying to support mass unit production. But turtling all my tanks next to the mercenary building generally just ends up with me splashing the artifact to death... And no stim really hurts for taking down Kerrigan. I've tried stunning with Thors, but that eats into my tank/marine count and oftentimes even with stun, Kerrigan just ends up absorbing all my tank fire while the next wave of zerglings runs right up to the tanks.
Maybe I'll give the air version a try...
As a side note, for the missions that other people have mentioned: Welcome to the Jungle: Exactly the same as I usually do it - deny the sealing attempts until I've massed up 2 bio balls and then take all the geysers in one swoop while defending both approaches with the bio balls. It just takes a bit longer to reach critical mass. Let the marauders tank the colossi/storm if necessary, though tbh there really aren't that many colossi/HT if you finish it fast enough. Train Robbery: Mass rine/diamondback still works perfectly well (maybe a few medics for out-of-battle healing). I grab all the free diamondbacks, take a fast expansion, and just mass reactor rines and diamondbacks. Even managed to easily take down both marauder squads. The Dig: Fast expansion with mass tanks on the right cliff with a good sim city on the left side and bunkered rines and turrets throughout. Piercing the Shroud: Pretty much the same as usual - let Raynor go in first every time to tank damage and then bring in the support. Slow medics makes the mission boring since you have to wait a bit longer to fully heal Raynor after each battle. Ended up sacrificing the rines and medics at the end of the mission (at the eggs) while making a beeline for the transport with Raynor. Supernova: Still same strategy as normal - rush the first protoss base up north ASAP to get some breathing room and extra resources, then mass banshee/viking. Ended up adding a few tanks at the very end because I was failing at storm dodging. Maw of the Void: Again, not much different from usual. Mass 3/3 BCs (no tech reactors makes the mission take longer) and mass repair after each generator. Gateway to Hell: Here's where I really noticed a difference - no tech reactors and no stim was really annoying since I'm used to roflstomping everything with 2 control groups of classic M&M. Lack of stim allows the lings to actually get close to your units, and lack of medic upgrades means lings actually kill your units. I ended up sticking with one bio ball to roam the map while pumping tanks to defend my main (plopped them in the area between the e-bay and the minerals). Then just take your entire army with those several dozen tanks once you're ready to move out in classic late-game BW TvZ-esque fashion, and abandon your base.
On August 29 2010 07:42 Dullahan wrote: Has anyone actually beaten NUR All-In yet? There's a lot of theorycrafting in this thread with people saying it should be possible, but has anyone actually done it? Yes, someone has done it before. http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/375107677?page=1
Please tell me how exactly to do Engine of Destruction on Brutal with wraith, tanks, marines, marauders, medics, goliath, maybe even some vultures. I have no upgrades, no lab upgrades, no mercs. In best I had like 12 wraith for the last base, full health Odin, 0 resources, base under fire.
Then 3-4 flying detectors on last base de-cloak my wraith and they easily destoyed. And then Odin with few Yamato's and other forces. WTH to do ?
Oh and if you can also make youtube video just like others, I have looked a lot for it and never found it on Brutal difficulty WITHOUT upgrades.
On August 30 2010 15:19 seolinker wrote: Please tell me how exactly to do Engine of Destruction on Brutal with wraith, tanks, marines, marauders, medics, goliath, maybe even some vultures. I have no upgrades, no lab upgrades, no mercs. In best I had like 12 wraith for the last base, full health Odin, 0 resources, base under fire.
Then 3-4 flying detectors on last base de-cloak my wraith and they easily destoyed. And then Odin with few Yamato's and other forces. WTH to do ?
I did it like this: 2 starport wraiths, 2-3 tanks + bunker for defense, eventually adding a couple more tanks as bases go down. The 2 medics you get from the start follow the Odin around after the 1st base goes down (leave him alone for that) to heal the repairing SCV's. The SCV's will go down alot but just keep sending more, I always had a team of 3-4 going.
Second base all they have for detection is 1 raven. I sniped the tank, the dropship and the raven asap, then only helped when there were alot of units. Let the Odin deal with the mass vultures that show up. Between waves, send your wraiths to help with the defense.
Third base you can snipe off 2 siege tanks because there's no detection in most of the base. I tried getting the BC but it fled to the turrets, just take him down as soon as he goes for the Odin.
Fourth base you can take out almost everything with your wraiths because only the lower right part has a turret. Focus on the siege tanks and banshees mostly, and make sure Odin is high on hp before he goes for the part with the turret. You can take out the Loki if you feel like it, just spread wraiths a bit.
Last base I sent all my defense (tanks and whatever was in my bunker) and like 12 SCV's and just attackmoved them in with the Odin. Only controlled my wraiths here, the BCs I think are set to focus the Odin at this point so just mass repair and snipe whatever is the most dangerous with your wraiths. I did lose most of them in the end but by then the Odin was through and threw down the nuke hammer.
All in all, the second base is definitely the hardest and this is where you should save your game alot I guess.
i agree with Mastermind
although when i did it, i went banshee/viking.
i found 2 tanks + 2 bunkers of marines more than enuf to hold base defense. be sure to land ur rax by bunker to soak some damage.
some additional tips u may find useful... 1. always watch closely as odin begins his assault in a base. snipe tanks ASAP. 2. do not send scv in during beginning of an assault. they die instantly. 3. sometimes u may need to snipe raven/turrets. don't just right click. be careful, the raven will use heat seeking missile. 4. there is no need to expo in this mission. 5. you can "cheat" in this mission by sending alot of scv to surround the odin and HOLD POSITION. this will buy you more time by preventing him from going to the next base.
I have tried to block it, but they atack with battle cruisers after I destroy bases 3 and 4.... I still have no idea how to do it. It's all fail or pure luck to make it NUR on Brutal. Hardest mission in this game. You actually need to outplay upgraded well defensed AI of your race lol. Next to impossible.
Yep, but they still kicks me in the ass, thanks though. I have like 25 wraith now and still bad luck, I walled him off with bunkers and siege tanks on first base.
Mastermyth, are you for real that you did that NUR ?
dybydx, thanks lol, banshee yeah, that's what I need here
My main issue that I thought when you do that "blocking" of odin they will atack only from first base!!!!! Shit, I was so wrong....And this wraith much worse than cheap marine on the ground attack!!!! Yeah, it something like 7-8 but with much less speed and cost like 150/150/3 .... omg, will try MMM now.
Waiting for the OP and his video of this mission on brutal NUR.
P.S. Basically I left on Brutal - In utter darkness, last one (all in) and this. I did on hard in utter darkness something like 2200, speed faster and I know tactic, should have np with it. All in - well, still didn't played even on novice, but on Char I do have ALL upgrades you can imagine, played 3 missions already on brutal sounds like novice lol )))
And this fucking shit left, oh no....and I haven't gosts, no grades, no BC's, no banshees and all that schemes simply do not work on me....AI very aggressive.
On August 30 2010 22:37 seolinker wrote: Mastermyth, are you for real that you did that NUR ?
dybydx, thanks lol, banshee yeah, that's what I need here
Yeah, Brutal NUR and took down the Loki too. I think it's easier with banshees but I hadn't done Supernova yet at that point. I don't understand how wraiths can't work for you though.
The thing you need to realise is that beside siege tanks and BCs, the main threat to the Odin is just single random air units. Not because they hurt him but because they draw his fire, that awfully slow anti air attack. This keeps him from taking care of the masses on the ground, and you can't repair him until those die. Wraiths are excellent for dealing with both siege tanks and the random air units. Banshee/viking are as well.
Found a save file - for those wondering, here's the easy way to beat NUR Engine of Destruction.
![[image loading]](http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/6866/wall1t.th.png)
4 supply depots starting from as high up as possible on the inside edge of the wall. 4 scvs + 2 medics + 3 siege tanks held them off long enough to mass up a wraith fleet, but you could go w/e army comp you want with all that time. You can even expo at the second base if you really feel like it (which you probably will need to if you want to stick to pure wraiths like I did), though it's probably easier to go tank-viking which is probably enough to roll the entire map off 1 base.
OMG Engine of Descruction, I finally beat it after about 15 reloads and it was a VERY CLOSE CALL. Of course I'll be editing all the reloads in the video so it'll look like I'm pro and did it in one try 
On August 31 2010 09:03 Zades wrote:OMG Engine of Descruction, I finally beat it after about 15 reloads and it was a VERY CLOSE CALL. Of course I'll be editing all the reloads in the video so it'll look like I'm pro and did it in one try 
lol ;p I'm amazed you've managed to make it so far, gl with the rest.