On February 28 2012 08:29 Logros wrote: Unrelated to lifting but I just got confirmation on an internship with Lockheed in Texas for 6 months starting this summer :D
Congrats, that's an awesome company to get one with. Bet it'd be really interesting too.
Thanks! It's at the production of the JSFs so yeah it's gonna be sick to be able to walk next to them while they're being built.
On February 28 2012 08:29 Logros wrote: Unrelated to lifting but I just got confirmation on an internship with Lockheed in Texas for 6 months starting this summer :D
Congrats, that's an awesome company to get one with. Bet it'd be really interesting too.
Thanks! It's at the production of the JSFs so yeah it's gonna be sick to be able to walk next to them while they're being built.
That is so cool. That's the Lightning right? The Harrier replacement where the thrust bit at the end rotates.
Summary: it helps to eat before lifting. Summary2: It doesn't help to eat a shitton before lifting.
good job Haji! :D
I went yesterday to the gym and I did as follows:
105kg Front Squat (PR) 3 x 5 (last rep, gave me a weird pain in the left side of my back, I still have it and it's uncomfortable as fuck) OHP: From 20kg x 5 to 55kg x 5 (felt easy, and well, It has been quite a while since I did some OHP with some weight on it.) C&J 20kg x 2, 30kg x 2, 40kg x 2, 50kg x 2, 60kg x 2, 65kg x 2, 70kg x 2 (had to stop, the pain on my back was bothering me).
On February 28 2012 08:29 Logros wrote: Unrelated to lifting but I just got confirmation on an internship with Lockheed in Texas for 6 months starting this summer :D
Congrats, that's an awesome company to get one with. Bet it'd be really interesting too.
Thanks! It's at the production of the JSFs so yeah it's gonna be sick to be able to walk next to them while they're being built.
That is so cool. That's the Lightning right? The Harrier replacement where the thrust bit at the end rotates.
Yeah the F-35 is the replacement for the F-16 and the Harrier. One of the versions can take-off vertically like you mentioned.
On February 28 2012 08:29 Logros wrote: Unrelated to lifting but I just got confirmation on an internship with Lockheed in Texas for 6 months starting this summer :D
Congrats, that's an awesome company to get one with. Bet it'd be really interesting too.
Thanks! It's at the production of the JSFs so yeah it's gonna be sick to be able to walk next to them while they're being built.
On February 28 2012 08:29 Logros wrote: Unrelated to lifting but I just got confirmation on an internship with Lockheed in Texas for 6 months starting this summer :D
Congrats, that's an awesome company to get one with. Bet it'd be really interesting too.
Thanks! It's at the production of the JSFs so yeah it's gonna be sick to be able to walk next to them while they're being built.
That is so cool. That's the Lightning right? The Harrier replacement where the thrust bit at the end rotates.
Yeah the F-35 is the replacement for the F-16 and the Harrier. One of the versions can take-off vertically like you mentioned.
If I'm suspecting an injury in my chest(clavicular area) but it doesn't hurt when i bench, is it okay to? Also, it seems to ease up if I stretch my chest backwards a few times.
I had tremendous right hip pain, which started out of nowhere like an hour before squatting. I did my regular warm ups and couldn't break fucking parallel on OH Squats, despite several tries. Proceed to regular squat empty barbell, fucking pain is terrible. Do it again, same terrible but slightly less. So i have to do 3 sets of empty barbell before I add first 2 discs (50kg), pain is a bit less. I then proceed to 100kg x5 less pain, 120kgx4 less, 135x4 and it actually felt kinda nice.
So its time for the hard work, 152.5x3, which I proceed to squat FUCKING EASILY. And then the other 2 work sets, 152.5kgx4x2 fucking ez again. I'm like wtf this was so ez, I was so scared to fail the reps at first it felt fucking amazing. Turns out because of the hip pain I second guessed my technique a lot and tried some new stuff which made squatting a lot easier.
Changes were:
I narrowed my stance a bit. I focused on really racking the weight tight by pulling my shoulder a lot together. I descended slightly slower, by pushing hard my butt back instead of down, which made the bouncing a lot more stable. I think this was the deal breaker, before I was going down so fast that a lot of energy "leaked" while I stabilized myself, which didn't happen anymore.
The most amazing part is that my knee and hip pain completely dissapear. I've had knee discomfort for the last 3 months and it just banished out of nowhere. Its like my body was telling me I wasn't squatting optimally. I feel so fucking great. I feel INCREEDIBLE. I'm sure discomfort will get back, but now i'm 100 confident on my form and that i'll squat at least 200kg by the end of smolov when I add belt and knee wraps.
I was really fucking close to give up and not squat. Glad I didn't :D
Tomorrow is really scary, 160x3, but smolov has given gains I tought where not possible and I've lifted shit I wasn't sure I could.
Is it normal that creatine doesn't taste like anything? I find it quite convenient to just put the powder in my mouth and flush it down with water, but I remember reading that it should taste awful.
On February 28 2012 08:29 Logros wrote: Unrelated to lifting but I just got confirmation on an internship with Lockheed in Texas for 6 months starting this summer :D
Congrats, that's an awesome company to get one with. Bet it'd be really interesting too.
Thanks! It's at the production of the JSFs so yeah it's gonna be sick to be able to walk next to them while they're being built.
Sick..talked to them at our career fair, would have loved to get a supply chain job with them.
On February 29 2012 02:16 rEiGN~ wrote: Is it normal that creatine doesn't taste like anything? I find it quite convenient to just put the powder in my mouth and flush it down with water, but I remember reading that it should taste awful.
I only bought monohydrate so far, different companies and all, never had any kind of taste in itself.
After a solid 1 week off of lifting I played a game of hockey last night and my headaches came back during play. It wasn't much; pretty mild in fact compared to what they had been like to start the week; but it was enough to make me realize that I still am not recovered? And I'm pissed off again. Now my neck is sore once again too where I had gone for days without noticing it.
I find the best way to work-out is not eat anything for 2-3 hours prior, just make sure to be drinking enough water. And maybe 30 minutes before the workout have a quick carbohydrate snack, so something like a banana and a peace of bread with tomato. Heavy protein and fat foods just make me really drowsy, and a moderate amount of sugars will pump you up for your lifts.
On February 28 2012 16:46 thedeadhaji wrote: Summary: it helps to eat before lifting. Summary2: It doesn't help to eat a shitton before lifting.
I'll keep that in mind. What do you eat before you lift?
just to add to what haji was saying: there are tons of people who workout "fasted" (not really fasted, but with just 10g of BCAA pre-workout and nothing else), myself included. and I havent noticed a performance issue. its a highly personal thing