Gangplank top with -10% time dead quints
The strategy was to die until he wasnt worth money and then blindpush top until he got an inhib
Eventually with tiamat Q farming he got massive and we gave him a kill which ended the game at 47 minutes
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/C9dzlBi.png)
Also, this feels good and happened twice yesterday:
So I just tried LoL on my crappy laptop to see if it works and holy crap it does not. Played a game of support lulu with a broken screen/game. I could still see models moving on a screen but no walking animation and no indication of what they're doing attacking/skills etc, just frozen models moving. I would get brief moments of "uptime" where the game state would update every 30 seconds or so for a split second but otherwise just this silent wasteland thing.
Despite this apparently my characters actions still worked (I just couldn't see them) so I still won at 1-1-16 by guessing randomly where my skills should go based on frozen models standing near each other. Laning was a non-existant nightmare but teamfights were really easy. Ult ezreal, polymorph Khazix and who cares what else happens. The one time I died the game shit itself for a full minute with my game telling me I could still walk and use abilities and even attack Khazix when it was obvious he'd killed me nearly a minute ago.
EDIT; turns out I'd queue'd for ranked too, gg.
Maokai in an ARAM when the teams are:
Maokai/Nidalee/Kog/Udyr/Zyra against Urgot/Shaco/Ziggs/Ezreal/Alistar is pretty effing hilarious. Every time I autoed in a teamfight, my passive was stacked because everyone is spamming their skills away. I healed for 12k health. :>
that feel when 5k health nunu has to carry game w/ iwilldominate
didn't actually carry, but we almost surrendered. thank god stealing dragon convinced us to stick with a 3/2 surrender vote. converted on a bad baron attempt and proceeded to secure the game
Rewt found an old picture of us kicking Oddone out of platinum in S1 LOL
^of course you guys would have won, you had pre-nerf soraka
United States7639 Posts
Support-only day is turning out pretty well :o
Sona: 16 wins 7 losses Taric: 15 wins 6 losses Blitz: 9 wins 3 losses
Take that "CANT CARRY AS THE SUPPORT" guys! From silver1 to MMR giving me gold1:s in about a week of tryharding.
promoted into diamond 1
On May 24 2013 13:18 Kiett wrote:Support-only day is turning out pretty well :o ![[image loading]](http://puu.sh/2ZWXz.jpg)
may 23, diana. victory.
what kind of support is that? the mid carry support?
Happy now Monte?
just had a game where i hit 170 minions at 25 minutes as AD carry, which i think is a record for me in any role.
6 ranked games, 6 wins, 100 LP and a promotion series, now im plat 1. GG
I pingponged back up to gold 3 again. I think this is like my 5th or 6th time now, I've lost track.
Landing Maknoon-status Rumble ults that completely annihilate the other team and wins your team the game >>>>
Seriously have to start playing this guy more, I usually fuck up the first ult but the rest are spot on. On a side note, almost to Plat 1. Need to play many more rankeds if I want to hit Diamond this season.
Pretty good weekend, lived up to the legend of AsheGizmo and got myself a penta on Ashe on Saturday, then through yesterday and today went on a 12 game winstreak to bring my ranked team with Rioters up to Gold 1 and my Solo Queue up to Diamond 1:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/OZGGwLH.png)
Feels good mang.
On May 28 2013 18:26 Mogwai wrote:Pretty good weekend, lived up to the legend of AsheGizmo and got myself a penta on Ashe on Saturday, then through yesterday and today went on a 12 game winstreak to bring my ranked team with Rioters up to Gold 1 and my Solo Queue up to Diamond 1: ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/OZGGwLH.png) Feels good mang.
Man, I haven't had a winstreak like that in months lol.
9 champs 10 wins
okay yeah, 9 are aram
also, leona pentakill
Yay for my first official 5v5 penta with a baron steal as an extra. And thank god I could express my feelings in such depths afterwards... "ÚŐ" - that's swag I guess.