On May 28 2013 18:26 Mogwai wrote:Pretty good weekend, lived up to the legend of AsheGizmo and got myself a penta on Ashe on Saturday, then through yesterday and today went on a 12 game winstreak to bring my ranked team with Rioters up to Gold 1 and my Solo Queue up to Diamond 1: ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/OZGGwLH.png) Feels good mang. welcome to d1
Damn I never believed in "Elo hell" but climbing high gold -> high plat have been way easier than the nonsense of silver 1 gold 3 area. Feels good getting matched with mid diamonds and still doing pretty good, makes me realize we still all suck at least til diamond 2.
People still rage and people losing lanes super mega hard into feeding fests still happen but much less frequently which is a huge relief when playing jungle. I'm starting too feel like I'm finally close to being out of "elo hell"
On May 29 2013 21:45 komokun wrote: Damn I never believed in "Elo hell" but climbing high gold -> high plat have been way easier than the nonsense of silver 1 gold 3 area. Feels good getting matched with mid diamonds and still doing pretty good, makes me realize we still all suck at least til diamond 2.
People still rage and people losing lanes super mega hard into feeding fests still happen but much less frequently which is a huge relief when playing jungle. I'm starting too feel like I'm finally close to being out of "elo hell" apparently climbing out plat to diamond is the REAL bitchfest but hey, what do I know, still stuck in silver 1 after a month :D
If you've never been turfed into bronze you dont know what your talking about.
S2 i was hovering silver / gold borderline thinking "omfg my teammates so bad"
Them fuckers be LCS quality compared to the shit i get in bronze now. God damn placement matches and fucking trolls for the first 15 games of my fucking S3 run.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/XBT1MNg.jpg)
From Plat IV to Diamond V in 9 days. I actually got my first promotion series last night, sadly i went 2-3, but there's nothing Nunu can't fix.
Lol normal matchmaking so weird, I don't have a single ranked game played yet, and i find myself with 4 silver against a team with 1 silver, 1 gold, 2 diamond and 1 plat... Well interestingly, we crushed them. I don't even.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Vn990xL.png)
I hope they weren't drunk or something
lolololololol. Man just had an awesome dominion game. My team had only 1 pt left; and enemy team was at like 360. WON THE GAME. JESUS CHRIST. It finally got to the point when I was Udyr, and finally got 6 items, and was able to 1v2 anyone. Don't even know how I won that, SO RIDICULOUS.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/03xB2pc.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/8deAnoz.jpg)
Aw mother fucking yeah
First pentakill in ranked and carry pants on. Last teamfight we aced them and i was the only one alive, so i pushed down their inhib + nexus just in time to see enemy varus running at me. Too bad he couldn't stop me muhahahaha
Start 0/6/4 as Sona, end game 1/9/28 with Varus at full build 35 mintues in despite getting stomped in lane.
Dat Sona.
Anivia support. enough said.
Our Malz disconnects 30 seconds into the game. We manage to stay pretty even in kill score, but we're way down on towers and dragons. 22 minutes later, he comes back, and another 20 minutes afterwards, we win after I get an unofficial quadra kill at their nexus, and slowly kill their nexus as the only one left alive. Amumu ult + Leona = TOO MUCH CC.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Cg12EpN.jpg?1)
That feel when you own your counter completely in lane ~ I have to give a lot of credit to thresh tho, played great.
Only my last game in my promotion series, our team got 2 d'c for the first 5 mins. Things looked quite bad until the enemy team decide to donate me 3 kills at our inner turrets. I was a jungle J4 that want some gold really bad to become tanky as fuk. And that was it. We steam rolled them every fight afterward. J4 jungle is OP, I am on a 7 wins streak with him .
currently doing my placement matches and Im owning it up
i got my teamwork ribbon, whii.
Got back up to gold 2 again (only took like 2 months). Also got my first Thresh win in the last game of the series. Played Thresh before, but my team always seems to throw despite racking up huge advantages for my ADC. Finally overcame that. :>
More importantly, I passed up Yolo Swaggins. xD
Plat I~~~~
Should be diamond V before my midterms roll around.
1 Q, instant auto afterwards
So fucking excited, only my 2nd pentakill ever and it WAS FUCKING EPIC.
Won like a 60 minute game as Jax when the enemy team was a poke comp with a Lee as their only tank. I took 58k champion damage, and we won a game where all our inhib towers were down, and 2 of our inhibs. Murdering a poke comp after enduring 50 minutes of BS when you're the grandmaster is amazing.