I find this hilarious because I went off on Cho'gath a few games prior, who I used as as "there are plenty of dumb players at the gold level" in the GD thread when we were discussing what the threshold for being a "good player" is. It wasn't that he was bad, it was that he refused to acknowledge he was making extremely massive and obvious mistakes. I think my team gave me honor for that. xD
So i was playing TF and we were pretty ahead, but then i made a stupid mistake and teleported into the enemy team. But then i remembered i had Zhonya's. Result: enemy varus ult burned and alistar knockup used, we ace them because they have no cc left. MisayaBaitsGG
I got a Cass penta and everyone in the game was nonchalant, totally stone faced about it saying absolutely nothing, even though I had a sweet flash over Anivia Q to secure the 5th kill. Not exaggerating at all though, literally 0 lines of chat about the event. Maybe I should copy paste this into the QQ thread, I feel like I had glory stolen from me.
I signed onto league and up pops the congrats for great leader. I'm like cool i'm now a leader not a teammate, then up pops the you're a great mentor! And I'm like oooh i get the rare one yay.
But then i get in game and get the great leader displaying, darn. Maybe this should be QQ too haha.
On May 11 2013 19:41 red_ wrote: I got a Cass penta and everyone in the game was nonchalant, totally stone faced about it saying absolutely nothing, even though I had a sweet flash over Anivia Q to secure the 5th kill. Not exaggerating at all though, literally 0 lines of chat about the event. Maybe I should copy paste this into the QQ thread, I feel like I had glory stolen from me.
Happened with one of my pentas as well lol - feels weird.
LOL the last game I played (where I got that honor for the ribbon++) I raged so hard because my team was dumb as shit and wasn't in the right place at the right time ever even though we were ahead.
Aram for fwotd after work -> First game, loss Second game, we're losing pretty hard. Their teamcomp actually is a legit team comp, while ours is 2 ap carries, 2 ad carries + janna. We're losing every single fight so I say "fuck it" and decide to begin building aegis. On Ashe. The moment I finished aegis we began to win Every. Single. Fight. Hands down. Then we literally just won the game lol.
On May 14 2013 11:38 Anakko wrote: 1 aegis > 2 bulwarks, gg no re ^-^ (but srsly, grats for winning with a janna that didn't look like she knew how to janna in aram)
She opened kage pick + boots and shielded me a total of 3 times all game, all 3 times being in the first 5 mins. zzz It's okay, after I bought aegis I was tanky enough to survive everything, which is kind of silly.