On April 29 2013 14:03 iCanada wrote: Just played a soloqueue game where we executed literally the perfect teamfight.
I initiated as Jarvan with EQ and Ori Shield+Speedboost+Shen ult (was split pushing) on me, then we had Ori R+J4 R catching all five members in Cataclysm to eat full MF ult, 5 man Sona Ult, and a 5 man Shen Taunt.
Was an absolute thing of beauty. We were slightly behind, but we 5-0'd them with me only taking half my HP bar of damage and thats it. Enemy team surrendered right after.
Being 66 cs and not having any OTHER ITEMS by 20 minutes, on the other hand...
I just relaized the other team doesn't have anyone ranged at all. Not even a ranged AP character. Wow.
I don't think it's good on her at all, the only good thing is the hybrid damage, since you won't be sticking to a target for long to take advantage of the stacking. Gunblade is first item on Akali, it's just too amazing on her, and offers enough AD. I'd only buy rageblade on Kayle, and even then it's because her kit fits it so well, no-one else can use it that well, I think Jax maybe but that's it.
Being 66 cs and not having any OTHER ITEMS by 20 minutes, on the other hand...
I just relaized the other team doesn't have anyone ranged at all. Not even a ranged AP character. Wow.
I don't think it's good on her at all, the only good thing is the hybrid damage, since you won't be sticking to a target for long to take advantage of the stacking. Gunblade is first item on Akali, it's just too amazing on her, and offers enough AD. I'd only buy rageblade on Kayle, and even then it's because her kit fits it so well, no-one else can use it that well, I think Jax maybe but that's it.
Being 66 cs and not having any OTHER ITEMS by 20 minutes, on the other hand...
I just relaized the other team doesn't have anyone ranged at all. Not even a ranged AP character. Wow.
I don't think it's good on her at all, the only good thing is the hybrid damage, since you won't be sticking to a target for long to take advantage of the stacking. Gunblade is first item on Akali, it's just too amazing on her, and offers enough AD. I'd only buy rageblade on Kayle, and even then it's because her kit fits it so well, no-one else can use it that well, I think Jax maybe but that's it.
AP trynd
rageblade also good on Nunu, Skarner. unfortunately usually third priority after tank cdr (and vamp on nunu or sheen on skarner)
I just bought elise, in 4 games of her top so far I've gotten 3 kills, 2 of them first bloods, 1 of them double buffs simply because their jungler is desperate to dive me early and I press E and watch the tower shoot them to death. Maybe I should be holding my Vlad pools to bait more.
On April 29 2013 14:03 iCanada wrote: Just played a soloqueue game where we executed literally the perfect teamfight.
I initiated as Jarvan with EQ and Ori Shield+Speedboost+Shen ult (was split pushing) on me, then we had Ori R+J4 R catching all five members in Cataclysm to eat full MF ult, 5 man Sona Ult, and a 5 man Shen Taunt.
Was an absolute thing of beauty. We were slightly behind, but we 5-0'd them with me only taking half my HP bar of damage and thats it. Enemy team surrendered right after.
i think a certain lcs team is jelly.
I had a game where I won against a MF Fiddle Rumble (Jarvan Ali) team comp. So bullshit. We had to get a 10-3 lead to win the game and enemy Fiddle left early. Otherwise it was just "Herpa derp press R! PENTAKILL".
We had Cait, Jayce, Ryze, Leona, and Rengar. No AoE ults on this team other than Leona and Ryze if they stack up. Outplayed their team so hard!
I've just been so Zen today. I'm on a 5 game losing streak, and I don't even mind cause I'm having a blast. All my teammates are awesome, even though almost all of them have fed (including me a couple times). Well, a few have raged, but I've just not really cared about their rage at all.
Man, I wish I could always be like this. League is so much fun when you're not emotionally invested in your teammates' performance. That, and accepting your mistakes as natural and forgiving yourself for making them.
I just won a 3v5 ARAM :DD Playing Sona with endless heals and endless poke, with Annie and Teemo (and for the first 5 minutes Ashe). Basically it was us oneshotting everything and then kiting for the ace. But oh boy was that shit fun. They just kept running at us and Annie QW + Sona Qpowerchord + Teemo shrooms was instadeath for anyone. It felt so good
Justt had a really intense ARAM. Enemy team was at our nexus turrets for like 10-15 minutes, but we kept barely eeking out trades where we just barely would push them back. Both our turrets get super low, last chance we push them back to their base. Seesaws back and forth a few times, until finally we nail a good wall of pain, Rumble, Fiddlesticks ult combo into a win.
Lux is the dumbest ARAM champ ever, took 3 massive sources of AOE damage to beat her.
Got a quadra kill on Alistar in an ARAM (wasn't just killing stealing). Would have potentially been a penta, but Kayle got executed diving someone else really hard. -_-
First real post in lol subforum- neo posts to reddit and it goes to 7th on reddit. Also, Lissandra support with a carry at 16/0/x before laning ends. It is a good day.
On May 02 2013 10:10 Cwedhrin wrote: First real post in lol subforum- neo posts to reddit and it goes to 7th on reddit. Also, Lissandra support with a carry at 16/0/x before laning ends. It is a good day.
Honestly if that's the kind if quality stuff you can post, welcome to the subforum and we're glad as hell to have you.
So I was a jungle tank before S1 even existed(on EU too). Now boes is playing LoL while I have tons of free time and I would like someone to fill me up with how to play nowadays. I know that there were some meta changes (I followed scene for like 5 seconds because of friends) and they went from everyoneishalftank to everyoneisheavyhitter but I need to know how to play tanky characters / support because that's my domain. Galio and Malphite for life yo