Can someone give me insight to what counters a shaco.. the only thing i've seen that's really effective are invading his red but this can't be done every game. I've seen people say exhaust counters him but I cant figure how because i'm usually playing bot lane and either you end up getting ganked 3v2 or he's already 6 and still has a clone to deal damage.
I am seeing a shaco in one of every 2-3 games played and no other champion gives me as much trouble as shaco does.
most jungler ganks can atleast be mitigated by wards but he will invis past ur ward after he knows a specific spot is warded and ur forced to play passive just because the threat is always there. He can also prevent ganks just by putting boxes around where our jungler might pass in the lane he has ganked recently.
I don't think he is at the point where he is OP, but the amount of effort to try and keep him under control just seems to be far greater than most other junglers.
Maybe i'm not playing against him properly but right now every 10 games with Shaco, I am going to lose around 7 of them.
Plzz Help T_T
Play more passively- champions I've found that tend to do well against Shaco- Ryze and Pantheon.A lot of AP carries can turn around and blast him to bits once you're to safety- I do this pretty well as Brand- although I'd say this is the key to dealing with him- knowing when to turn around and punish him. Also, after a while you can pick out which Shaco is the real one pretty easily, even if he doesn't have buffs.
On December 26 2011 08:49 R11 wrote: Can someone give me insight to what counters a shaco.. the only thing i've seen that's really effective are invading his red but this can't be done every game. I've seen people say exhaust counters him but I cant figure how because i'm usually playing bot lane and either you end up getting ganked 3v2 or he's already 6 and still has a clone to deal damage.
I am seeing a shaco in one of every 2-3 games played and no other champion gives me as much trouble as shaco does.
most jungler ganks can atleast be mitigated by wards but he will invis past ur ward after he knows a specific spot is warded and ur forced to play passive just because the threat is always there. He can also prevent ganks just by putting boxes around where our jungler might pass in the lane he has ganked recently.
I don't think he is at the point where he is OP, but the amount of effort to try and keep him under control just seems to be far greater than most other junglers.
Maybe i'm not playing against him properly but right now every 10 games with Shaco, I am going to lose around 7 of them.
Plzz Help T_T
Dont overextend at all and ward like hell. His stealth isn't very long and if you place wards correctly you will see him coming. Also tanky champs and ones with escapes counter junglers ofc.
I main shaco jungle and I've got a 85% winrate with over 20games played, 50games total this season. If you screw up his first 1-2 ganks hes massively behind and it will take alot for him to get back into the game and be a major threat.
edit: if warding isn't working, just buy a good ole pink ward, 100% problem solved.
I will say "bg" when its the game is 4v5 from the start or an early stage. That isn't a "good game" by any stretch of the term. That's the only time I'll say it though.
On December 26 2011 11:18 FieryBalrog wrote: I will say "bg" when its the game is 4v5 from the start or an early stage. That isn't a "good game" by any stretch of the term. That's the only time I'll say it though.
Dito. Only time I say BG aside from the rare game we have someone purposely running into towers feeding himself on a-move.
I just don't get how retardedly thick some teams skulls are.
I start a game 7/0 as nasus. SEVEN - ZERO. We get 3 dragons. We are up by 4 towers. Caitlin builds no attack speed, spends the whole game complaining she is getting grabbed by skarner, and refuses to listen to me to STAY THE FUCK BEHIND ME AND GALIO. Meanwhile, galio never ults until he can get all 5 into his zone, which never happened. Riven just is off farming by herself, never teamfighting. They start split pushing (gp and teleport karthus, sigh). Rest of their team decides to run around the map, while my other 4 teammates CHASE THEM, like god damned fireflies to an electric light! They won't listen, won't just START a fight at baron even while it's 5v3 each fight. HURR HURR LET'S FOCUS WARMOGS GP. LET'S FOCUS ULTING ALISTAR. My brain. Hurts.
If you start a game 7-0, WHY WOULD YOUR TEAM NOT LISTEN TO YOU?!?!
Just for my own sanity
Poll: Who wins Solo top?Ryze (18) 78% Garen (5) 22% 23 total votes Your vote: Who wins Solo top? (Vote): Garen (Vote): Ryze
I got screwed by a bad Garen once because I had some delay and my prison rune would never cast before he was in Decisive Strike range. T_T Other than that I feel like Ryze should def. win that lane. That's the kind of melees he's supposed to shit on, after all.
On December 26 2011 13:10 Kenpachi wrote:Just for my own sanity Poll: Who wins Solo top?Ryze (18) 78% Garen (5) 22% 23 total votes Your vote: Who wins Solo top? (Vote): Garen (Vote): Ryze
Ryze has a root. No way Garen can spin on him unless the ryze is retarded and keeps facechecking
Had 2 games with 2 d/c in a row...
great day of LoL game 1, enemy trist gets double kill at 2:00, proceeds to go 9-0 in 10 minutes game 2, actually a good game, easy win games 3-whatever, nonstop trolls on my team. TF that goes heal/exhaust, bot lane, opens health gem. ahri with 150 AP at 33 minutes. tryndamere that insists of running to the middle of the lane before DCing, then reconnecting, and repeating... 3 times in 1 game. trundle that dies to red buff... oh my god kill me now please
I don't get why people wanna feed intentionally on ranked.
4 out of my last 5 games had someone leaveing in the first 20 minutes. Most of those also had some lane get horribly raped. I just want a nice, balanced game for once =(
Leavers and a rager. Two games lost after I finally got back to 1400. I hate this elo.
On December 26 2011 20:21 EchoZ wrote: I don't get why people wanna feed intentionally on ranked. This, I will never understand at like 1200 elo people just want to fuck you over and i still no idea why? Are they bitter they cant get to bronze or what?
While this is not a 'qq' but I find it generally funny - I think the Co-op VS AI mode is actually making lower level and normal games hilarious and lowers the average level of play.
Being back at home and smurfing on an account the other side of the Ocean (but even back at 'other' home on my main) I'm surprised when someone is NOT facechecking the bushes on bot or top right at start while I level up my summoner. They got used to the bots leaving base only at spawning so much that they just run in mostly 1v2. I've learnt to take it as hilarious, as people don't just learn after dozens and dozens of fails. What's even funnier when they actually think it's cool, because they should win as they are imba.
They just stand around close to death, just because the bots wouldn't just go in to kill them in a co-op game. One can't complain as it's the same on the opposing team does the same netting you kills if you are half perceptive, but I can't help giggling from time to time. Or just try to fight spamming spells, using up all the mana for nothing and shitting on CS whatsoever - resulting in games you can win from being 0/5 early game just because you risk or just because you simply are a moron. But you keep up CSing which noone else does out of the total of 10 people, so you end up 5 deaths down but 120 CS over everyone else, scoring a quadra against people who don't focus you since you're the 0/5 idiot. Good times... I've learnt to do that on intent every once in a while... I'm a bad bad person.
It's like newborns - the hardest habits to undress from are the ones you learn the earliest. And while co-op games introduce you to LoL - they indeed plant these ideas in most people's heads and they are just too thick-headed to peel it off.
As Regi would say (between two half - or full - drunk screams): team too heavy!
Gank for trynd top as ww as he is pushed to his turret... I wait and hope he goes in or something... nope. I ping and wait. No movement. Ok i guess I'll ult in. Ult... trynd: still farming by turret. Enemy runs away, and trynd goes "noob ww, get out of my lane, stealign exp).. lol ok... 0-4 feeding trynd = op
We have an awesome team, Cho Morgana Graves Janna Udyr.
Our graves and morgana (bot and mid) somehow managed to feed the opponent ashe 12+ kills, and then they yell at me when I try to focus her down in teamfights and die (as Cho)
I'd just like to say, screw the Vayne sale they had. I've run into so many more bad Vayne's these days, it blows my mind. The sad thing is, if they're on the enemy team, they might carry their team even if they get completely shut out because your team is derping.
So it's Ryze vs Kassadin mid, I'm holding my own, winning the farm fest and able to keep him on his back foot, no danger of dying. An Udyr tries to do something stupid nearby, and me and Lee Sin nearly kill him. Udyr runs toward the bush by the dragon, I rune prison, kill is secured because he's one q from dying. Vayne condemns him away, flashes after, but he's way too far gone at this point. We get surrounded by Kass, Tristana, and Alistar in like 2 seconds, suddenly we're completely and utterly screwed and in the enemies jungle. 3 of us die because this Vayne wanted a kill steal. Now middle collapses because I can't do anything at all against Kass with an Udyr roaming nearby, and Lee Sin think its a good idea to try to fight them head to head (no... no, it's not), while bottom collapses horribly as Vayne dies repeatedly to Tris/Alistar.
Every time there's a Vayne on my team, they do stupid crap like this.
Just played a game with a "support shaco" who was level 9 with 17 cs at 26:00.