That's both dumb and boring. Feels like trying to harass a Fizz with skillshots.
And they don't even seem to have to be good for this.
Forum Index > The Shopkeeper′s Inn |
France45622 Posts
That's both dumb and boring. Feels like trying to harass a Fizz with skillshots. And they don't even seem to have to be good for this. | ||
United States6003 Posts
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United States314 Posts
On December 26 2011 19:26 deskscaress wrote: great day of LoL game 1, enemy trist gets double kill at 2:00, proceeds to go 9-0 in 10 minutes game 2, actually a good game, easy win games 3-whatever, nonstop trolls on my team. TF that goes heal/exhaust, bot lane, opens health gem. ahri with 150 AP at 33 minutes. tryndamere that insists of running to the middle of the lane before DCing, then reconnecting, and repeating... 3 times in 1 game. trundle that dies to red buff... oh my god kill me now please Oh god is that even possible to die to red buff as trundle? I usually finish it with 90% hp >.< | ||
United States6994 Posts
On December 27 2011 05:21 Juliette wrote: How does anyone have 2.9k wins and still doesn't understand not to push the damn creeps as janna with tornado + autos when you're babysitting ashe. especially when ashe is lagging >< and their lane is super aggro I hate people who knowingly join games when they are lagging and complain about the game not going their way. Just fix your lag issues or don't play at all and ruin it for others. | ||
Slovenia1308 Posts
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Finland1190 Posts
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France45622 Posts
On December 27 2011 08:18 Kickboxer wrote: It is always amusing how some of you, in your whining here, clearly reveal you are bad or excessively emo players ![]() What makes you think we aren't already aware of that? ![]() | ||
United States8519 Posts
On December 27 2011 08:18 Kickboxer wrote: It is always amusing how some of you, in your whining here, clearly reveal you are bad or excessively emo players ![]() I blame Christmas break. :> | ||
United States10467 Posts
I'm making a desktop wallpaper to remind myself not to play anymore unless it's somewhere where I know 100% that I won't lag. I also need to become more accepting of people who do poorly now. There was a ww on the other team who lagged too. I could see it from the loading screen and I used it to my advantage to harass him. Cho and I (trist) got their tower down vs a lane rammus (why do people still do this?) and ww combo in less than 10 minutes I think. I've started getting mad at my allies and it's really bad. I never get mad at allies in starcraft. Even when someone is 0-12 they can still be useful. I had a summoner level 4 galio on my team this one time. He just kept pushing bot lane whenever he had the chance. He didn't even try to get kills. The enemy team kept sending their ashe to defend their lanes against him since killing him wasn't worth the 60 gold anymore. Ashe was bad too. She went 0-10 or something. They were still useful even though they did poorly and most people try really hard. Not everyone is perfect. | ||
United States1179 Posts
Guess I'll be sticking with jungling Riven and hope for her bunny girl skin ;_; | ||
Canada4122 Posts
We were up 3-1 in kills at 15 minutes and I was 1-0-2 as Vayne at bot lane... WAAAAAAAAAH THAT SHOULDVE BEEN A WIN | ||
New Zealand250 Posts
I've had a terrible losing streak over the last 2 days. I was excited to get back to playing after a trip to visit family, but ive just had mind numbing dissapointment in continual losses. Today I jump into a game and play kassadin. My adrenaline starts pumping as I play mid against Veigar. We hit each other down but i skilfully evade his abilities and kill him. Then I kill him again. Eventually I am getting fed like crazy and feeling on top of the world. The enemies are raging about how OP kassadin is. (he isn't, but people say that about any toon that gets fed or they dont know how to counter) I'm dashing in and soloing 2 enemies at a time, going legendary and scoring double kills. At the height of my triumph, I felt so sorry for the enemies I deliberately went a bit easy and gave them chances to escape (which they didn't take) and of course got cocky and overextended and died once or twice. I was dominating on my own, but the lanes were about even. My team were still getting beaten back despite the fact that I was carrying the team and ganking the top and bot. Eventually Nunu says 'all in mid' and goes to mid. Understanding that he wanted to push the lane and end the game, we trickled in and pushed. The enemy team jumps out of the bushes and overwhelms us. 2 of the team die. Trynd survived because he wasn't with the team. I was the only one who escaped. They march in and roflstomp us, since one of us had DCed a bit before and my teammates just ran at them one at a time to die. Nunu then says 'Oh, i meant the enemies were all in mid.' So I went from what must be my second best performance ever and feeling like I had finally broken my losing streak, to getting totally thrashed, because of my team's incompetence and one player's inability to communicate. | ||
United States425 Posts
On December 27 2011 13:12 Abenson wrote: Goddamit, my internet completely died on me in a ranked game... We were up 3-1 in kills at 15 minutes and I was 1-0-2 as Vayne at bot lane... WAAAAAAAAAH THAT SHOULDVE BEEN A WIN Riot server troubles OP. | ||
United States1072 Posts
On December 27 2011 14:19 HavokTheorem wrote: I really need to rage or im going to break someting. I've had a terrible losing streak over the last 2 days. I was excited to get back to playing after a trip to visit family, but ive just had mind numbing dissapointment in continual losses. Today I jump into a game and play kassadin. My adrenaline starts pumping as I play mid against Veigar. We hit each other down but i skilfully evade his abilities and kill him. Then I kill him again. Eventually I am getting fed like crazy and feeling on top of the world. The enemies are raging about how OP kassadin is. (he isn't, but people say that about any toon that gets fed or they dont know how to counter) I'm dashing in and soloing 2 enemies at a time, going legendary and scoring double kills. At the height of my triumph, I felt so sorry for the enemies I deliberately went a bit easy and gave them chances to escape (which they didn't take) and of course got cocky and overextended and died once or twice. I was dominating on my own, but the lanes were about even. My team were still getting beaten back despite the fact that I was carrying the team and ganking the top and bot. Eventually Nunu says 'all in mid' and goes to mid. Understanding that he wanted to push the lane and end the game, we trickled in and pushed. The enemy team jumps out of the bushes and overwhelms us. 2 of the team die. Trynd survived because he wasn't with the team. I was the only one who escaped. They march in and roflstomp us, since one of us had DCed a bit before and my teammates just ran at them one at a time to die. Nunu then says 'Oh, i meant the enemies were all in mid.' So I went from what must be my second best performance ever and feeling like I had finally broken my losing streak, to getting totally thrashed, because of my team's incompetence and one player's inability to communicate. ROFL | ||
United States3308 Posts
cait was destroying bot and our top was pushing even. ahri starts raging at me cause i took 2nd blue, leeroy jenkins sion twice and feeds him (he blamed lag), his buttbuddy cait sells all his items to go AP cait and then ahri tells the enemy team because we (noct gp soraka) are afking at fountain. sigh. that was when i was 1550 good thing im 1700s now where i lose because i get ouplayed | ||
447 Posts
Last game in this losing stretch explains it all. Olaf heal/ignite top vs gp last thing said in chat is "I got this.". 2:20 first blood gp 3:00 double kill gp 4:30 5-0-0 gp 7:00 I'm 2-0-2 at this point and the score is 4-17. They already have the other two towers and one dragon. Why Nunu WHY!!!!!!!! | ||
Australia3109 Posts
On December 27 2011 07:59 Dubzex wrote: Show nested quote + On December 27 2011 05:21 Juliette wrote: How does anyone have 2.9k wins and still doesn't understand not to push the damn creeps as janna with tornado + autos when you're babysitting ashe. especially when ashe is lagging >< and their lane is super aggro I hate people who knowingly join games when they are lagging and complain about the game not going their way. Just fix your lag issues or don't play at all and ruin it for others. I agree when I start lagging (happens on my connection, I finish up that game. No point ruining it for everyone else. I played one game where 3 people on my team DC at the same time, and for the rest of the game, every 30 seconds "A summoner has disconnected" after about 5 minutes I type in "APPARENTLY A SUMMONER HAS DISCONNECTED!" Opposing team types in "NO SHT? RLY?". made me chuckle. | ||
Germany1849 Posts
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3534 Posts
The first two guys are premade and are like ''GUYS PLX LET US PICK WHAT WE WANT WE'RE PREMADE IT'S K!'' The enemy firstpicks Skarner (who I intented to play), our premade, let's call them ''the dumbfucks'', instalock Malphite/LeBonk. They now announce that while they are premade, they do not intend to lane together, but rather go mid/top. The enemy team picks Karthus and Warwick and at this point, the only jungler I really enjoy playing left is Maokai, so I pick him. I figured, he's decent against Karthus, he has a great kit, Shurelya's+Malph ult+Maokai root should be nasty. Well enough. LeDumbfuck starts insulting me, going ''OH MA GAWD DUDE WHAT THE FUCK WE ALREADY HAVE A TANK WHY THE FUCK DON'T YOU PICK DAMAGE OMG DUDE''. I tell him that I'd rather play someone who I'm familiar with and who, in my opinion, benefits our team and does decent against theirs. Malphuck proceeds to tell he's playing Malphite for the first time right now and how I should have gone Xin or Twitch. At this point, I'm considering to instamute them, but refrain from doing so for whatever reason. Other picks were X+Soraka on our team, Y+Sona on theirs. Didn't really matter anyways. Game starts and we CV Warwick going mid with NMM+2Pots and something that smells like a full MR rune page. I share my observations with LeTrollolol and how it'd be a lot easier for her to just go top against Karthus. ''OMG DUDE ARE YOU FUCKING DUMB? LEBLANC BELONGS MID OMG HAHAH LB TOP THIS GUY!'' I don't even care anymore at this point at just do my normal jungle route. In the middle of me doing red buff, LB feeds Firstblood to a lvl 2 Warwick without any assistance and literally goes ''This Maokai...'' in /all. After asking how exactly her dying there was my fault, she replies ''Just learn to gank wtfscrub.'' I pull a few successful ganks bottom, try to gank top twice but never really accomplish anything because Malph decides he wants to save his ult for dragon fights. His summoners were Ghost/Exhaust. I successfully gank mid twice, getting the kill both times by barely throwing a sapling at max range. LB doesn't give a fuck and proceeds to die 3 consecutive times against Warwick. With 3 waves shoved at her tower, she realizes: fuck, that doesn't work and runs towards top, telling the team ''OMG MALPH (who she supposedly duoQ'd with) GO MID I TOLD YOU GUYS FROM THE VERY BEGINNING WE SHOULD SWAP LANES.'' I was doing wraiths and obviously farm the waves at the tower, seeing how I a) don't want to lose the turret and b) am not willing to let that farm go to waste. LeBlanc, who is at blue area, starts pinging me and yells ''WHAT THE FUCK MAOKAI STOP STEALING MY CS OMG'', runs back and never thinks of going top lane again. Long story short, 50 Minute game, 73 CS LeBonk, 10/2/13 Maokai with around 290 CS, 15/0/10 Warwick, we lose. Post game chat was interesting. I learned that: a) ''omg HAHAH THIS MAO SO STUPID PICKING TANK AFTER FIRSTPICK MALPH OMG'' b) ''Dude what the fuck how can I CS if you always (I did it once when she left turret and whenever I was covering lane, but I obviously didn't push then) steal my CS it's your fault I only had 73'' c) ''Hahahah, Mr. 46 wins giving out lessons, loooool, noob.'' After telling her it is probably better to be at 1450 with 40 wins, rather than with 400 like she had, because it's likely her Elo stagnated, she goes ''OMG GET A CLUE SCRUB'' how to carry. Seriously. Anyway, I just needed to get that off my soul, haha. | ||
Germany2819 Posts
Then I played a game as Sion top vs GP, went 0-4, made a lot of mistakes and got insulted all the time by my team. T_T | ||
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