I don't even mean odd builds/champ with a decent player on there, I'm talking about people who in pick claim "we duo queue bot, K" then proceed to go like 2-20 before 20min mark.
The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 103
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United States6722 Posts
I don't even mean odd builds/champ with a decent player on there, I'm talking about people who in pick claim "we duo queue bot, K" then proceed to go like 2-20 before 20min mark. | ||
New Zealand250 Posts
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United States6722 Posts
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New Zealand250 Posts
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United States9316 Posts
On December 29 2011 11:04 HavokTheorem wrote: This isn't a QQ really but just something that pissed me off - I had 324 RP, and I wanted to get Harbinger Kassadin. Guess what? Buying 650 RP would leave me with exactly 974 RP. Guess how much his skin costs? 975. I thought 'screw it' and bought some more heroes instead of spending $7 for a single RP :D You could also e-mail riot customer support and draw a bear or whatever and they'll give you 1 RP free. They often do that for people just shy of a new skin by a single RP. | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
On December 29 2011 12:08 BlackPaladin wrote: You could also e-mail riot customer support and draw a bear or whatever and they'll give you 1 RP free. They often do that for people just shy of a new skin by a single RP. Yeah, usually they will help you fill in 1-25 RP gaps, more than that is hard to guess, most of the time no. I remember I was 20 RP away from buying graves, so i drew them a picture of him robbing a bank and they gave me the 20. On Topic QQ: I have a love/hate relationship with playing support in ranked. On the positive side, i help my team to win without actually having to kill anyone, I don't have to worry about lasthitting or CS. However, people bitch and complain at me when there are little/no wards on the field (INCLUDING WHEN THE OPPONENTS ARE WARD SWEEPING RAWRGH), i can't carry when our ranged ad/ap carry aren't doing their job, and I have to make the tough decision between CV, Heal or other spells | ||
Canada213 Posts
I don't get how the **** my friend can tunnel vision SO HARD its beyond frustrating.especially coz he has to play a carry role. Seriously both the games we lose was a easily winnable game but we lose it because he decides he has to go balls deep with assassin chars. It's worst is when he is in the lead with kills because you know 80% of the time he ends up with as much deaths as kills just because he will engage any battle without second thoughts. Like if your at 6 deaths already, why the hell would u even think of engaging someone 1v1.. and if your carrying the team why would you chase the enemy team for half the map then get ganked and complain they are going for u... | ||
United States5710 Posts
On December 28 2011 05:13 Cloud wrote: Love how junglers never gank because "lanes are always pushed" and never give buffs to lanes because "you would've died with them". Then they act surprised when we have to surrender at 30 mins even though they did so crazy well with their 1-0-1 score. If I'm solo Q'ing and the people who want my buffs have a score thats worse than mine then the rule thumb I go by is that they get shit for buffs. Prove you arn't gonna feed before I start handing you my buffs. Also how do expect a jungler to gank if the lanes are pushed? That just seems like a troll bait question honestly. Can't gank if they are constantly hugging the tower unless everyone commits hardcore for a dive. | ||
Canada202 Posts
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Croatia11752 Posts
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United States20254 Posts
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9109 Posts
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Canada10660 Posts
I was testing out Shy jungle routes in bots games, and as someone who has always jungled and has fostered many friends into the world of DotA/LoL/HoN I decided to give this Ahri some advice because he was clearly new to the game. So, I gave him like basics 101. Don't push the minion wave, don't auto attack only last hit because you need to get gold to have an advantage and pushing the lane puts you at a spot where you are easily ganked etc. Instead of ya know, listening, he just yelled at me and called me an idiot. "If the point of the game is to kil there towers, why would you not try to kill there towers?" -.- I tried. | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
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Canada10660 Posts
On December 30 2011 05:57 57 Corvette wrote: 80% of the community can't be saved, thats why I /ignore at the start of any trashtalking and unignore only after we start to win. Obviously the 30/0/30 jungler is full of shit and the 2/8/0 Ahri has it down. That guy was the epitome of Noob... | ||
Hong Kong4308 Posts
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Finland33997 Posts
On December 29 2011 17:15 Zooper31 wrote: If I'm solo Q'ing and the people who want my buffs have a score thats worse than mine then the rule thumb I go by is that they get shit for buffs. Prove you arn't gonna feed before I start handing you my buffs. Well that's a bit rough, as some people have bad starts / bad games and such. However if you give them all the buffs every once in a while they actually want to win for you because you have been such a nice person - it's not always that the jungler gives away their buffs. Also just for the record, in a great majority of the games where the jungler has always given the blue to the AP and the red to the AD, the teamplay in turn has been good and usually we end up crushing. | ||
United States17233 Posts
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234 Posts
![]() It's just hopeless. I thought it would be good to have Janna to support me but it did fuck all. I'm going to go be sad in a corner now. | ||
United States10467 Posts
On December 29 2011 17:41 Sgonzo wrote: i dunno how many times in last 3 days people have been trying to blame supprots for loses this truly beguiles me Well maybe they should be getting higher K/D ratios like twitch who hangs around after teamfights to execute people when they are blue pilling and looking at the fountain. They always waste money on those silly wards too instead of getting a rabadon's deathcap or something. | ||
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