The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 105
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6170 Posts
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United States153 Posts
Twenty minutes later, we were doing pretty good. We'd pushed all our lanes back, and were about to try to take the mid inhibitor tower. The Rammus got ganked in the enemy jungle (don't ask me what he was doing there, I honestly don't even know), and I ulted to try and save him. I taunted the enemy Shaco, letting Rammus finish him off, then went for their Ashe. Rammus and I chased her, bringing her down to about 50 health when she hit Rammus with her ulti. I knew Rammus wouldn't be able to catch her, so I flashed and finished her off with my Q. Then Rammus typed his first words all game. He yelled at me for being a noob, saying that he could have taken on both the Shaco and the Ashe, then accused me of killstealing, cursed at me some more, then ragequit. The entire enemy team loled (Rammus had used the /all in his rage). We still won, even though we were 4v5 and Rammus was feeding hard (2/14/6), mostly because our Kennen was playing incredibly well. TL:DR Please listen to your teammates, and talk to them. Also, don't let your only words all game be those of rage and anger. Thanks | ||
United States10467 Posts
On January 01 2012 03:43 Spaackle wrote: So, I'm still not quite level 30 yet, and I'm playing Shen in a solo queue normal game. I was expecting the Ashe on our team to come lane in bot with me, but she went top, leaving me with Rammus in bot. I said that maybe Ashe and Rammus should switch, and Ashe could go bot. Rammus immediately starts heading top, but the Ashe refused, telling Rammus to go bot. I conceded, asking Rammus to come back bot, but he stopped in mid and didn't move from there. We had to move our Kennen down to bot so that I didn't get slaughtered by the Taric/Ashe combo I was up against. Twenty minutes later, we were doing pretty good. We'd pushed all our lanes back, and were about to try to take the mid inhibitor tower. The Rammus got ganked in the enemy jungle (don't ask me what he was doing there, I honestly don't even know), and I ulted to try and save him. I taunted the enemy Shaco, letting Rammus finish him off, then went for their Ashe. Rammus and I chased her, bringing her down to about 50 health when she hit Rammus with her ulti. I knew Rammus wouldn't be able to catch her, so I flashed and finished her off with my Q. Then Rammus typed his first words all game. He yelled at me for being a noob, saying that he could have taken on both the Shaco and the Ashe, then accused me of killstealing, cursed at me some more, then ragequit. The entire enemy team loled (Rammus had used the /all in his rage). We still won, even though we were 4v5 and Rammus was feeding hard (2/14/6), mostly because our Kennen was playing incredibly well. TL:DR Please listen to your teammates, and talk to them. Also, don't let your only words all game be those of rage and anger. Thanks Rammus alone in a lane gets completely shit on. | ||
United States153 Posts
On December 29 2011 06:21 Sabin010 wrote: I didn't get any free RP cause I was banned. I didn't get any free RP, and I haven't been banned... ever... | ||
United States8519 Posts
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Canada3508 Posts
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United States1869 Posts
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Finland33997 Posts
Anyway so in the game I recently played our first pick first asked what people will play, then banned them all, then he picked kennen and fed mid morgana and then just trolled the whole game >_> And I'm guessing nothing will happen Really wonder why tribunal is so useless | ||
United States10467 Posts
On January 01 2012 07:54 Shikyo wrote: I got free RP. Anyway so in the game I recently played our first pick first asked what people will play, then banned them all, then he picked kennen and fed mid morgana and then just trolled the whole game >_> And I'm guessing nothing will happen Really wonder why tribunal is so useless XD Troll level: Trundle! | ||
United States8519 Posts
We almost won anyways. Sigh. | ||
Hong Kong4308 Posts
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6170 Posts
G1: Queue with a Volibear who doesn't do anything all game... goes "support" bot, calls our Viktor "newbie" all game long. Then, he started calling the rest of our team newbies too because we told him that Viktor wasn't as bad as he made him out to be (altho true that he managed to miss half his collosi laser thing) Because we were apparent newbies, he was not willing to tank and ran out of every teamfight +50% health (at least) so we fought everything 4v5 and were ok- he was 2v2 bot with our cait and just ran because as he later stated "Cait Newbie". Then he decides that our Singed "stole" his kill (with poison) and then threatens to leave. When no one begged him to stay- like we didnt rage but were just like "fine", he just was like "Newbies, time to leave." and leaves... oh and for the last 15 min we had 3v5 because our Ahri left too -.- G2: 4 man queue normals. We get a jungle yi. Im playing Nid mid because you know, I love dem spears. He comes and ganks at level 4- no red, no cc at all in our lane against a full health anivia with egg. I tell him no, and he calls me "fuckign retarded," "blind" and "dumbass." I ask for blue, and he takes it, and immediately donates it to Anivia (No seriously, I go to blue, he smites it, i go back to lane, yi comes and just dies. Then he just signs off with a cheery "you're so fucking bad" and just leaves... brilliant utillity yi... | ||
United States6533 Posts
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United States1381 Posts
On January 01 2012 06:56 Offhand wrote: Why isn't AFKing 5 minutes in any game type not immediately bannable? ^ For that matter, anyone who has more than 3% leaves in games should be automatically banned for X amount of time. Even if its just your connection, its ruining it for everyone else. | ||
Canada10567 Posts
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447 Posts
I won lane as Annie vs Ahri. 2-0 up 30 cs np. I never received one gank, never complained that gp only used his ult to cs. Didn't complain that the 6-0-0 noct that took all the kills from cait built a Bloodthirster first and his first defensive item was at 35 mins. That was until it was my fault we started losing. It was my fault that when we were pushing mid. GP decides to ult away on some cs. Using the best initiation we have. It was my fault that Nocturn was a glass cannon, who also couldn't initiate. It was my fault that Monkey always ulted me with udyr chasing. Then soraka would silence me and I would haveto blow up monkey. It was my fault that nocturn couldn't do anything late game. | ||
Canada5009 Posts
Playing as jungle Malphite, every single teamfight I land a good ult, slow their entire fucking team with Randuins, speed boost our whole team with Reverie, stick my ass on their Sivir and slow her attacks all day long. You'd think that would win it, right? Nope, our MF is derping around fighting Gangplank at melee range, our Rumble is chasing Soraka way out of the fight, and our Nunu blew his ult before the fight even started. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
Playing ranked, I'm second highest player. Captian wants to ban Shaco, and as the Jungler I basically said that I didn't think Shaco was that strong so long as you don''t facecheck bushes/overextend yourself (which really helps you become a better player anyway.) putting yourself in a vulnerable position. So I lock in Jungle Shy, jungle as normal, yada yada yada, get to about level 4 and successfully gank top to get FB. AT this point I answer a phone call from my Mom and just click to minimap to go do red instead of taking the long way around (like I had the first time and every other time I ever Jungle against Shaco) to avoid the bushes. Distracted, I run through the bushes into a million jack-in-the-box's and get killed by Shaco. Damn... that sucks, fluke mistake I never make that i made because I was distracted. For whatever reason, my team then decided to spend the time while I respawn QQing in chat at me for saying Shaco wasn't that OP a champ while all three lanes get pushed hard. Shaco kills the Riven top (because she was hugging the other teams tower...) so I respawn and cover top. Meanwhile, Ahri mid decides to bitch me out and gets ganked 'while typing' because apparently the guy typed at 10 WPM. Riven respawns, I plant a couple wards to try and track Shaco while stealing Wraiths/Wolves. Shaco goes through a Ward to gank our bot lane which is of course hugging the other teams tower... I ping furiously, they ignore, and by the time I get there to help them out both guys are dead so i just let the three enemy champs take the tower because I couldn't defend it anyway. At this point Ahri mid decides to AFK and everyone else in the game spends the rest of the game just blaming everything on me. What gets me is that I took full responsibility for making a poor choice and dying to Shaco in the first place, yet instead of just playing the game they spent the rest of the game arguing with eachother about how bad I was instead of actually playing. Gah. -.- | ||
United States283 Posts
Game 2: I go Nocturne which is my main jungler and I get my team first blood and a really strong lead. We end up about 31:17 with the other team hanging by a thread when some of us get caught. Then Wukong decides to ult into the 4 "low" enemy champions prompting annie to get into the fight too and they die. While I type to Wukong what a bad decision that was, all 4 of them charge at me and I die. They push to win. Saddest game of my life. | ||
United States6980 Posts
Queue pops and two of our players immediately start shouting at each other. "You lost last game you baddy" "stfu fucking noob" etc etc etc. Then one of them decides to troll because he's super mad at the other, autolocks revive eve, blah. Crap like that should soooo be autoban | ||
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