On January 01 2012 06:56 Offhand wrote: Why isn't AFKing 5 minutes in any game type not immediately bannable?
Maybe not in all game types, but in ranked this could be an option.
Duo queued with a way higher elo friend and supported his AD bottom lane. Everything went fine, then at the 15th minute mark our jungle Skarner was like: "afk 5 minutes mom called" right before dragon respawned and all were like "wtf?!".
Ofc he didn't even recall, so the enemy noticed him being afk which is SO devastating at 1800ish since people actually know how to abuse a 4v5 and not wasting any more time...
While Skarner was afk for twice as long as he told us, we lost 2 dragons, buff control (without our blue buff mid couldn't hold the lane vs. enemy ap with their blue buff) and the enemy could push and pressure like mad since they knew their weren't any more ganks incoming.
Finally, when Skarner returned he was like /all chat "omg noob team how u get in such shitty situation we were far ahead?!" and was raging and heavily insulting the rest of the game.
On January 01 2012 19:48 iCanada wrote: I hate when you do something stupid, and then your team just can't let it go.
I hate that attitude, thats why I never do solo queue, at most I do duo queue. That attitude lead to a game of me playing ryze with my queue partner jungling, can't remember as what. The 3 randoms on our team obviously know better than me in that ryze has to have ignite and I am bad for taking exhaust. Well, we didnt have any ignite on our team, but there were no heals of any sort on the enemy team anyway. Furthermore they blame me for picking ryze against annie, even though she picked after me. I don't even know why annie would beat ryze. She can't push hard and she can't 100->0 me and I do way more sustained damage. Also, at 1200 elo I really don't give a shit, my opponents aren't good enough to make any matchup unwinnable.
Well, in the middle of the game, I was getting fed to a point where they can't deal with me anymore. Now the 3 randoms my buddy the jungle for them just dying to their lane opponents. My team starts a surrender vote, which fails 3/2, with me and my duo queue partner voting no. Shortly after we get into a teamfight in which I just destroy everything (tripple kill) and the enemy team surrenders, my score is 11-3-something.
Morale of the story, just ignore all the idiots. Half of the time I don't read the chat anyway, at least when its a long message, because then I know that its some bitching and complaining about something.
I like normal draft pick way more nowadays. People are more relaxed, can queue with 2 or 3 friends and I get way better games than I get in duo queue ranked.
Bwahahahaha, oh justice in this game is sooo fucking satisfying when it works out. Got the same guy in my game 3 games in a row. First two times on my team, last time on enemy team.
We lose the first two games and this guy goes fuckin' NUTS. Screaming at everyone, talking pounds and pounds of shit, just crazy angry. Always mad never not mad. He's insulting both teams, everyone else is bad, he's good and should be higher elo but keeps getting bad teammates like us. Every time someone dies he screams at them and tells them how bad they are and what elo they should be at . You all know this guy. At the end of game two he says "I'm gonna get stuck with you all day aren't I." "I TERROR U ALL DAY SON" I reply.
So 3rd game he's on the other team. Very first thing he says is "100 bucks says I crush rhav in lane."
First blood his face and then get like 4 more kill off him in lane. He immediately blames team and swears at everyone for the rest of the game. SOOOO SATISFYING OMG
On January 02 2012 03:38 Haemonculus wrote: Bwahahahaha, oh justice in this game is sooo fucking satisfying when it works out. Got the same guy in my game 3 games in a row. First two times on my team, last time on enemy team.
We lose the first two games and this guy goes fuckin' NUTS. Screaming at everyone, talking pounds and pounds of shit, just crazy angry. Always mad never not mad. He's insulting both teams, everyone else is bad, he's good and should be higher elo but keeps getting bad teammates like us. Every time someone dies he screams at them and tells them how bad they are and what elo they should be at . You all know this guy. At the end of game two he says "I'm gonna get stuck with you all day aren't I." "I TERROR U ALL DAY SON" I reply.
So 3rd game he's on the other team. Very first thing he says is "100 bucks says I crush rhav in lane."
First blood his face and then get like 4 more kill off him in lane. He immediately blames team and swears at everyone for the rest of the game. SOOOO SATISFYING OMG
real sadist. have to agree with you tho, nothing better than stomping the shit out of arrogant assholes.
jungler comes gank bot -> their AD is at half hp in the brush closest to our tower and that spot is CVd while their support is running away -> jungler instead of attacking the AD with me chases and dives support, dies, then their AD kills me and we dont kill anyone. If he had attacked the AD no one would have died and we kill him. How stupid can people be
On January 02 2012 03:38 Haemonculus wrote: Bwahahahaha, oh justice in this game is sooo fucking satisfying when it works out. Got the same guy in my game 3 games in a row. First two times on my team, last time on enemy team.
We lose the first two games and this guy goes fuckin' NUTS. Screaming at everyone, talking pounds and pounds of shit, just crazy angry. Always mad never not mad. He's insulting both teams, everyone else is bad, he's good and should be higher elo but keeps getting bad teammates like us. Every time someone dies he screams at them and tells them how bad they are and what elo they should be at . You all know this guy. At the end of game two he says "I'm gonna get stuck with you all day aren't I." "I TERROR U ALL DAY SON" I reply.
So 3rd game he's on the other team. Very first thing he says is "100 bucks says I crush rhav in lane."
First blood his face and then get like 4 more kill off him in lane. He immediately blames team and swears at everyone for the rest of the game. SOOOO SATISFYING OMG
There should be some way to request people as opponents so that things like this can happen more often.
On January 02 2012 03:38 Haemonculus wrote: Bwahahahaha, oh justice in this game is sooo fucking satisfying when it works out. Got the same guy in my game 3 games in a row. First two times on my team, last time on enemy team.
We lose the first two games and this guy goes fuckin' NUTS. Screaming at everyone, talking pounds and pounds of shit, just crazy angry. Always mad never not mad. He's insulting both teams, everyone else is bad, he's good and should be higher elo but keeps getting bad teammates like us. Every time someone dies he screams at them and tells them how bad they are and what elo they should be at . You all know this guy. At the end of game two he says "I'm gonna get stuck with you all day aren't I." "I TERROR U ALL DAY SON" I reply.
So 3rd game he's on the other team. Very first thing he says is "100 bucks says I crush rhav in lane."
First blood his face and then get like 4 more kill off him in lane. He immediately blames team and swears at everyone for the rest of the game. SOOOO SATISFYING OMG
I feel your p- relief bro (or whatever feminine equivalent may be adequate if I got it right).
On January 02 2012 02:07 h3r1n6 wrote:Show nested quote +On January 01 2012 19:48 iCanada wrote: I hate when you do something stupid, and then your team just can't let it go. I hate that attitude, thats why I never do solo queue, at most I do duo queue. That attitude lead to a game of me playing ryze with my queue partner jungling, can't remember as what. The 3 randoms on our team obviously know better than me in that ryze has to have ignite and I am bad for taking exhaust. Well, we didnt have any ignite on our team, but there were no heals of any sort on the enemy team anyway. Furthermore they blame me for picking ryze against annie, even though she picked after me. I don't even know why annie would beat ryze. She can't push hard and she can't 100->0 me and I do way more sustained damage. Also, at 1200 elo I really don't give a shit, my opponents aren't good enough to make any matchup unwinnable. Well, in the middle of the game, I was getting fed to a point where they can't deal with me anymore. Now the 3 randoms my buddy the jungle for them just dying to their lane opponents. My team starts a surrender vote, which fails 3/2, with me and my duo queue partner voting no. Shortly after we get into a teamfight in which I just destroy everything (tripple kill) and the enemy team surrenders, my score is 11-3-something. Morale of the story, just ignore all the idiots. Half of the time I don't read the chat anyway, at least when its a long message, because then I know that its some bitching and complaining about something. I like normal draft pick way more nowadays. People are more relaxed, can queue with 2 or 3 friends and I get way better games than I get in duo queue ranked.
I know, it is still frustrating though...
I finish that game 6/1/4 with the best CS and being the only guy on the team that bought a ward. Yet for some reason it is my fault our entire team got shat on. I must have been outclassed by the 2/0/5 Shaco who feel behind me in levels despite getting a gank on me.
HOLY MOTHER BALLS... 550 farm 10-3 Tristana on a team with a 2-9 jungle twitch, a 2-9 support blitzcrank who couldnt land grabs, and a 1-7 annie mid...
We were so fucking behind cause annie fed LB 4 kills in about 15 min, and so by 30 min the score was 4-17 (for reference, I was at 3-1 -.-)... we engage well twice, take barron and then DICK AROUND for about 10 minutes until their vayne goes all hyper carry and we get aced, they take inhib + barron, kill us again...
but on the bright side, 553 farm! personal best
6 games in a row in ranked Shaco is either banned or taken from their 1st pick before I get a chance at him on 2nd pick. When I finally get Shaco locked in finally, 4th pick on our team insta locks Eve with smite/ghost and types in caps "DIS GON BE FUN"
I proceed tell him to fuck off in the rudest possible way and dodge the queue and take my 10pt hit because I been dealing with trolls for about 5 games in a row now and don't even feel like starting that game up.
I highly suggest no one play LoL EVER, unless you have a very high tolerance for getting angry and have the patience of ghandi with dealing with people.
edit: Started at 1305, 8 games later I'm at 1269, 2 losses due to leavers and 1 Q dodge from above.
Fuck ranked Fuck matchmaking Fuck surrender votes Fuck the people that play this fucking game My team always ALWAYS gives up FB, usually to top or mid, and we never end up positive k/d in the first 10 mins. People bitch and moan all fucking match because they think OH SOMEONE ELSE FED, DISREGARD MY KILLING SPREE IN LANE AND HOW FED I AM AND RAGEQUIT BECAUSE SOMEONE ELSE ON THE OTHER TeAM IS FED.
(I lost over 10 ranked games today, why do I even play anymore?)
On January 02 2012 12:42 Zooper31 wrote: 6 games in a row in ranked Shaco is either banned or taken from their 1st pick before I get a chance at him on 2nd pick. When I finally get Shaco locked in finally, 4th pick on our team insta locks Eve with smite/ghost and types in caps "DIS GON BE FUN"
I proceed tell him to fuck off in the rudest possible way and dodge the queue and take my 10pt hit because I been dealing with trolls for about 5 games in a row now and don't even feel like starting that game up.
I highly suggest no one play LoL EVER, unless you have a very high tolerance for getting angry and have the patience of ghandi with dealing with people.
edit: Started at 1305, 8 games later I'm at 1269, 2 losses due to leavers and 1 Q dodge from above. Normally it's not adviced to play ranked when you know how to play only 1 champion, especially if that champion is permaban at your elo (though instalock smite eve like that would be really annoying)
On January 02 2012 21:27 ninjakingcola wrote: Fuck ranked Fuck matchmaking Fuck surrender votes Fuck the people that play this fucking game My team always ALWAYS gives up FB, usually to top or mid, and we never end up positive k/d in the first 10 mins. People bitch and moan all fucking match because they think OH SOMEONE ELSE FED, DISREGARD MY KILLING SPREE IN LANE AND HOW FED I AM AND RAGEQUIT BECAUSE SOMEONE ELSE ON THE OTHER TeAM IS FED.
(I lost over 10 ranked games today, why do I even play anymore?)
Play with TL people, since 95% of the people there are competent
Whats up with people who just talk from the moment champ select starts to the very end of the game? Its like a non stop discussion or flamewar in chat.
I suggest to focus on playing better but they're more interested in winning a pointless discussion.
Real mature community.
You picked a non-standard champ/role? Better start flaming.
On January 03 2012 04:19 Senx wrote: Whats up with people who just talk from the moment champ select starts to the very end of the game? Its like a non stop discussion or flamewar in chat.
I suggest to focus on playing better but they're more interested in winning a pointless discussion.
Real mature community.
Like 75% the community are 13 year olds or drunk 20-30 year olds. It's expected.
I don't understand how people actually rush zeal before bf sword on AD carries. Today I had a graves that fucking rushed a PD before building any AD items. He obviously wasn't dealing any goddamned damage and was basically a gold mine for the other team. I just don't get it. Fuck. Then someone on my team thought me building wriggles on Trynd was bad.
The fuck.
I just started playing today, and I can already tell you that this is the worst game community I've ever seen in my life. I mean, I do OK. I play Master Wi so far just because he's easy and I like his style, and usually I'll go 1:1 or slightly under 1:1 (like 1:1.2 or something). It's always the same thing... I die once, the whole team gets angry, two people leave, and then I have to wait until the 20 minute mark to surrender because I know it's just going to be a constant string of frustrating events until the inevitable loss.
What the hell is wrong with this game community? Yeah, you'll eventually get some bad mannered people in any game, but it's just like every single time I join a game it's just a lot of angry people.
On January 02 2012 12:11 CeriseCherries wrote: HOLY MOTHER BALLS... 550 farm 10-3 Tristana on a team with a 2-9 jungle twitch, a 2-9 support blitzcrank who couldnt land grabs, and a 1-7 annie mid...
We were so fucking behind cause annie fed LB 4 kills in about 15 min, and so by 30 min the score was 4-17 (for reference, I was at 3-1 -.-)... we engage well twice, take barron and then DICK AROUND for about 10 minutes until their vayne goes all hyper carry and we get aced, they take inhib + barron, kill us again...
but on the bright side, 553 farm! personal best Yeah this happened to me yesterday. I went 30-15 on trynd and got like 300 CS. I won my 2v1 lane in under 15 minutes and took the first tower. I left the lane 6-0, went mid and ganked, then went bot and ganked. Ported back like 8-0, bought shit and went back to my lane and killed top again. I ganked more than the jungler playing top lane. Too bad despite this we lost because everyone else somehow lost their lane and went like 1-10. Oh well, I was playing unranked with my level 6 friend so I wasn't expecting much, but god damn that sucked. And the reason that I died 15 times was because I ran into the enemy team with my team and then my team turned around. Like really?
Oh well despite that I had fun. Gotta get my friend to 30 so I can finally start playing ranked.
On January 03 2012 05:22 FoeHamr wrote: Oh well, I was playing unranked with my level 6 friend so I wasn't expecting much, but god damn that sucked. And the reason that I died 15 times was because I ran into the enemy team with my team and then my team turned around. Like really
I'm not too sure about your 2 opponents liking to get bashed in the head by an opponent far superior to them, and the same could be said about your teammates getting people higher level than them thanks to you. I don't get why people have to bring their nooby (not in an insulting way) friends in their level 30 acc games, just create a smurf, so even if you're going to outclass everybody else, they'll fight people their level. :/