On December 27 2011 19:33 icemanzdoinwork wrote: : / the trolls at 1400-1540 have no morals.
Last game in this losing stretch explains it all.
Olaf heal/ignite top vs gp last thing said in chat is "I got this.".
2:20 first blood gp 3:00 double kill gp 4:30 5-0-0 gp 7:00 I'm 2-0-2 at this point and the score is 4-17. They already have the other two towers and one dragon.
Why Nunu WHY!!!!!!!!
Is that even possible?
On December 28 2011 00:54 CeriseCherries wrote:Show nested quote +On December 27 2011 19:33 icemanzdoinwork wrote: : / the trolls at 1400-1540 have no morals.
Last game in this losing stretch explains it all.
Olaf heal/ignite top vs gp last thing said in chat is "I got this.".
2:20 first blood gp 3:00 double kill gp 4:30 5-0-0 gp 7:00 I'm 2-0-2 at this point and the score is 4-17. They already have the other two towers and one dragon.
Why Nunu WHY!!!!!!!! Is that even possible? I suppose it is.. but it'd be hard to achieve.
On December 27 2011 07:59 Dubzex wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On December 27 2011 05:21 Juliette wrote: How does anyone have 2.9k wins and still doesn't understand not to push the damn creeps as janna with tornado + autos when you're babysitting ashe. especially when ashe is lagging >< and their lane is super aggro
I hate people who knowingly join games when they are lagging and complain about the game not going their way. Just fix your lag issues or don't play at all and ruin it for others.
On December 27 2011 20:01 ControlMonkey wrote:+ Show Spoiler +
I agree when I start lagging (happens on my connection, I finish up that game. No point ruining it for everyone else.
I played one game where 3 people on my team DC at the same time, and for the rest of the game, every 30 seconds "A summoner has disconnected" after about 5 minutes I type in "APPARENTLY A SUMMONER HAS DISCONNECTED!"
Opposing team types in "NO SHT? RLY?". made me chuckle.
Just to justify myself not raging randomly because the game wasn't going my way, the lag issues is because of the winter map and not my internet or whatever. I actually never know if I'm gonna lag (on very low -_-) till the game freezes. :[. It wasn't unplayable lag, just really hindering to my CS and against a super aggro lane I'd like to be close to my tower, but janna was angry at creeps, or something.
also wtf random lane choices on xmas day :\
Love how junglers never gank because "lanes are always pushed" and never give buffs to lanes because "you would've died with them". Then they act surprised when we have to surrender at 30 mins even though they did so crazy well with their 1-0-1 score.
On December 27 2011 23:53 Schnake wrote: I guess in unranked games everything is possible.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Pgjcs.png)
Related On Topic QQ: Played in a premade with my friend and a few people he knows, everyone on vent. My friend tells me to go Galio bot support, and sends his friend with kayle bot as well. This kayle player starts bitching and complaining "OMG WE ARE GOING TO LOSE THE LANE AGAINST SORAKA TWITCH HERPDERPDERP" He insults my skill the entire laning phase, but then our graves and Ahri get fed and completely dominate the opponents until we win.
I get an old friend to play with me and a current friend. They spend the whole fucking game insulting each others' skill (1 AD bot, 1 solo top)... One guy disconnects, one guy afk farms the whole game, lose against shitty team
I'm getting 4 or 5 elo points for wins and like -10-15ish points for losses. I'm 10-2 in my last 12 twelves and my elo hasn't moved. They need a bonus pool system to compensate for players that put a lot of time into the game. I'm continually matched with players that are around 1200 that have just started playing ranked games and they're nowhere near my skill level (i'm stuck in ELO hell hovering around 1000 with over 100 ranked games).
I'm also at exactly a 50% win ratio for ranked games yet my elo is 200 points lower than it was to start out with. Completely ridiculous.
Sounds like the system is working perfectly.
Map: Summoner's Rift Team Size: 5x5 Game Mode: Classic Pick Type: Draft Mode Game Type: Ranked Game
Cratonz joined the room. onlylove joined the room. KimJungEEEEL joined the room. qwfq joined the room. Eltharel joined the room. ** Kassadin has been Banned. ** qwfq: I'll play w.e please ** Rammus has been Banned. ** qwfq: CARRY MY AS.S ** Shaco has been Banned. ** ** Skarner has been Banned. ** ** Sion has been Banned. ** ** Riven has been Banned. ** ** onlylove has chosen Ahri. ** ** Summoner 1 has chosen Graves. ** ** Summoner 2 has chosen Morgana. ** KimJungEEEEL: nononono KimJungEEEEL: please KimJungEEEEL: give me ** Cratonz has chosen Sona. ** ** Eltharel has chosen Caitlyn. ** KimJungEEEEL: support.................................................. Cratonz: hm KimJungEEEEL: HMMMM KimJungEEEEL: FK Cratonz: i want to see what they pick first KimJungEEEEL: fiddle jungle..... KimJungEEEEL: it is.... KimJungEEEEL: cuz i dun got sona KimJungEEEEL: lol Cratonz: fiddle is terrible ** Summoner 3 has chosen Maokai. ** ** Summoner 4 has chosen Soraka. ** KimJungEEEEL: i know KimJungEEEEL: but i can't play any other champs Eltharel: can you play caitlyn? KimJungEEEEL: no...? KimJungEEEEL: lol KimJungEEEEL: my CS is horrible ** qwfq has chosen Lee Sin. ** ** KimJungEEEEL has chosen Fiddlesticks. ** Cratonz: what elo are you ** Summoner 5 has chosen Gangplank. **
i'd won 9 out my last 10 games, start 8/0/18 and our team is up like 20 kills, but no, someone has to dc and never come back even though we drag the game out for like 30 more minutes 4v5. most frustrating loss i've had in awhile
Idiot doesn't ban shaco as fp then refuses to get me shaco for his kennen. Continues to feed xerath and complains about how shaco ganks better than me (I was lee sin). So tired of this bullshit.
On December 28 2011 16:51 chalice wrote: i'd won 9 out my last 10 games, start 8/0/18 and our team is up like 20 kills, but no, someone has to dc and never come back even though we drag the game out for like 30 more minutes 4v5. most frustrating loss i've had in awhile
At least you have won 9 out of 10 games. I'm -50 ELO today, so much rage
Fuck. Im a fairly well off MF (242 farm, 5-2). We teamfight. Jarvan ults me into his shit. Twice. Team focuses and then dives Nasus. We lose. We started 5-1 in kills, went to around 19-5, and wound up 32-33
I'm trying to branch out and learn other roles aside from jungling and supporting. I picked up AD carry pretty easily and I've won my lane most of the time playing Vayne. I'm still learning playing AP mid and it's about so-so. But oh god, I'm terrible up top. I don't understand most of the matchups yet and last night I went 0-5 against a Ryze with Cho'gath. I felt so retarded.
Ignite/revive eve: "I'm trolling because you took my champ FUCK YOU"
alskdjfhlaskdjfhlasdj I love this community
" report me after gme i don't care faggots" "i love get banned fuck you retards i don't even care"
Oh yeah ok, I don't need any bluebuff at all for the entire game, I am sure our support and jungler could make much better use of it that then THE FUCKING AP CARRY.
Also, dont fucking trade me if you don't want to trade. You want to trade me sion for taric with 3 seconds left? You better want to fucking play taric
I think I'm done with this game. It is fun, but it's more enjoyable to win in Co-op vs AI. I just don't know what I'll say when I see my friends play. I may still play it with them. It's frustrating to get raged at and to have two lanes feed horrendously. In 1v2 lanes you're supposed to not trade harass since your life is worth twice theirs. It doesn't matter if you get zoned. Your enemies can't freeze the lane indefinitely- they're not skilled enough.
On December 29 2011 05:35 obesechicken13 wrote: I think I'm done with this game. It is fun, but it's more enjoyable to win in Co-op vs AI. I just don't know what I'll say when I see my friends play. I may still play it with them. It's frustrating to get raged at and to have two lanes feed horrendously. In 1v2 lanes you're supposed to not trade harass since your life is worth twice theirs. It doesn't matter if you get zoned. Your enemies can't freeze the lane indefinitely- they're not skilled enough.
"/ignore all" is your best friend in this game i pretty much make anyone i duo with type it at the beginning of the game and just communicate with each other such a better experience
Wanted to play some ranked games today. First team has jungle Alistar, mid-Fizz. Irelia feeds Kennen top, we have no poke and get our asses handed to us. Other team had a support Shen, so I knew we had a slim chance if we just played safely and didn't feed any more kills, Fizz gets caught repeatedly in 1v1s with Kennen he can't win, 1v3s in the middle of nowhere, etc. Jungle Alistar also fed a kill at dragon after we already lost 2.
Game 2 I pick Nasus, then someone picks Riven and says "I'm top Nasus, so jungle." Time to dodge and say eff this game.
I didn't get any free RP cause I was banned.
Played as gp, laned with Vayne against Tryn and Skarner(!). We win our lane soundly and yet Trynd snowballs anyway (somehow) and we lose. Fuck Tryndamere. I seriously hate melee autoattackers like him, Yi and Xin Zhao, it's so frustrating when they snowball and there's nothing you can do about it. I need to start playing champs that counter them.