The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 99
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United States368 Posts
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United States183 Posts
Hitler needs to visit LoL low ELO and ban every single person who rages. It takes every bit of fun out of the game. I can't catch a single break. I never see their team complaining like my team does. You think it's a 50-50 chance on getting the team that enjoys the game. Nope. Not one the past 10 games. | ||
Australia966 Posts
Here's the deal. We get jungle shaco me top singed, trist mid who was forced mid because brand was a douche and refused to leave bot alistar was the last one. I end up 2v1 my lane and I ask for a gank from the shaco, he stands in that place next to the tri bush but directly above it (or to the left) like go to the tri bush and walk as far up (or left) as you can while still being in friendly jungle. Then he leaves he just walks off with no gank whatsoever trist was kind enough to help me out, but thats the minor gripe maybe he intended to deceive over then wall or some shit but didn't get what he saw as a chance (he had plenty dammit). What really fucking pissed me off was the brand 0/10/0 at 20min,,, then he fucking trolls us in chat constantly and buys sorc boots then immediately rushes to warmogs and a fucking mejia's. | ||
United States183 Posts
This is 1000 elo......I don't even care about the number, PLEASE let me play at 1500 again. I jsut want sane players | ||
United States183 Posts
edit: just played some sc2 ladder. was a bit better (: | ||
Canada4122 Posts
On December 24 2011 17:18 Shiragaku wrote: Shaco... Oh yeah, I am playing in a ranked team with my older brother and his friends and they refuse to run CV on their support. Their team has a general idea where I am or where I may be whereas we have no idea what their jungler is doing at all. Running CV is not an absolute necessity now... You can always just play safe ._. | ||
United States11378 Posts
Then the other team picks Kass with their first pick and my team won't stop QQing about how I just cost them the game. And then someone else on my team picks Talon, and I'm like "see, just send Talon mid and Kass won't be able to do anything." Talon then proceeds to go 0/5 against Kass and my team is powerless to do anything (I'd go into a teamfight and Kass would just Q me for 40% of my health bar and I couldn't ult anybody). My team's Sona calls me "fucking retarded" for not banning Kass, then she 1v3 tower dives Lee Sin, Soraka, and Kog'Maw and dies. My team's Cho kept overextending top and was ganked a few times, and never helped in team fights because he was dead/afk farming. I think from now on, I'm gonna ban Kass every game, and ban anyone my team really wants banned. And I will never, ever, ever again assume that my teammates are competent enough to even win a lane matchup when they hard counter the opposing champion. -_- I can't believe that I lost elo because of this. | ||
United States9908 Posts
In lobby i say anything but support. i get stuck with support so i say i have no support so i say ill go Support Nunu. they dont complain In game, i try to support this tryndamere in lane since we didnt have a ranged ad (yay) but he kept overextending, didnt know how to last hit and blames me for not healing him. Later im 1-4-25 and helped slow everyone and speed Rammus into people and i still get ridiculed for being useless | ||
Canada10567 Posts
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United States414 Posts
After getting insulted and trolled by CalPoly SLO in the IvyLoL tournament and banned 2x times by the "fair tribunal", I quit the game and started working on getting refunds. I told them I was angry because the most recent infographic was a low blow to people attacked by Tribunal. I pointed out why a 94% guilty rate was a very bad sign and how the reporting structure almost guaranteed anyone who appeared in it once would be doomed to keep doing so until they were banned. They escalated it on Thursday last week. Then they gave everyone who hadn't been in Tribunal RP on Christmas and made a clear point that they don't like my business or want me to be in the game. Fuck. PS. This stuff happens. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! ![]() | ||
United States8519 Posts
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Iceland2039 Posts
Even if you are mad about the result of the game, your teammates or your own perfomance, you should still have enough self respect and dignity to just leave without saying anything. | ||
United States8519 Posts
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Canada3508 Posts
On December 26 2011 04:25 h3r1n6 wrote: What's with the LoL community and its obsession to call bg for bad game? In my eyes gg is a polite formality, just like you say 'thank you' when someone holds a door open for you, instead of yelling at him why he thinks that you can't open the door on your own. Even if you are mad about the result of the game, your teammates or your own perfomance, you should still have enough self respect and dignity to just leave without saying anything. I've started reporting people for saying things like "bg" or "owned noobs" :3 | ||
Canada1639 Posts
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France45622 Posts
On December 26 2011 04:25 h3r1n6 wrote: What's with the LoL community and its obsession to call bg for bad game? In my eyes gg is a polite formality, just like you say 'thank you' when someone holds a door open for you, instead of yelling at him why he thinks that you can't open the door on your own. Even if you are mad about the result of the game, your teammates or your own perfomance, you should still have enough self respect and dignity to just leave without saying anything. I tend to respond "Not." to people calling "gg" when it's been a borefest for me, either because of an utter stomp like 25-6, my teammates raging at each other, someone leaving early into quick loss, things like that. If I didn't take any pleasure in a game, I'm not going to call it "good". Because it wasn't for me. I've had victories when I wouldn't call gg either because their was some baddy on their side that made up for all the flaming and bickering in team chat that made me cringe all game long. Those are really frustrating sometimes. :/ | ||
Canada3508 Posts
On December 26 2011 06:58 Alaric wrote: I tend to respond "Not." to people calling "gg" when it's been a borefest for me, either because of an utter stomp like 25-6, my teammates raging at each other, someone leaving early into quick loss, things like that. If I didn't take any pleasure in a game, I'm not going to call it "good". Because it wasn't for me. I've had victories when I wouldn't call gg either because their was some baddy on their side that made up for all the flaming and bickering in team chat that made me cringe all game long. Those are really frustrating sometimes. :/ gg is the handshake at the end of the game, a way of saying "even though we played shitty/had a leaver/teammates are retards/etc. it's just a game so no hard feelings". You don't have to take it literally. And please don't be an ass when someone says gg, just don't say anything. | ||
United States11378 Posts
On December 26 2011 04:34 zer0das wrote: Everyone out there thinks they are the greatest thing to ever grace LOL. They have to make it entirely clear how it is not their fault, and if they had a better team, they'd be 30-0-0 right now because they're just that awesome. Every single game has that one guy on the losing team who says "noob team" "my teammates suck" "my team is retarded" etc. DON'T WORRY GUYS, I'M GOOD, EVERYONE ELSE JUST SUCKS | ||
6170 Posts
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France45622 Posts
![]() On December 26 2011 07:14 starfries wrote: gg is the handshake at the end of the game, a way of saying "even though we played shitty/had a leaver/teammates are retards/etc. it's just a game so no hard feelings". You don't have to take it literally. And please don't be an ass when someone says gg, just don't say anything. I just take it quite litterally, I'll admit, but when the game really wasn't good, saying gg'd be quite hypocritical. There's no need to bear hard feelings toward a player or team in particular, some games just feel like an utter waste of those 20 minutes that you could have spent standing doing nothing, for the same effect. Also, when for whatever reason someone gets fed on the other team (be it because of me or one of my teammates or just sheer luck) and starts bragging and trashtalking in all chat, then dares to say gg at the end of the game, I see no reason to accept it. Well, the basic behaviour in those cases is to not respond anything and report them at the post-game screen anyway, so... | ||
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