On March 07 2012 02:24 chosenkerrigan wrote: It just makes me sad when my favorite player gets beaten/knocked out in pvp by a overall lesser skilled player. It's just sad. So good to see MC made through today.
Because SC2 should be a game where favorites win 100% of their games vs less skilled players, right?
Elfi was the better player today, deal with it.
I was just talking about pvp, and elfi was not the better player today. MC's 1st in group and elfi's 2nd. Don't be so sensitive.
If you were talking about PvP then don't include their results vs Nerchio in this discussion.
I said that Elfi was the better player between him and MC today, in this matchup. It wasn't luck that won him those games, it was his superior micro during ~110/110 supply fights.
None of the fights in any of the games were even.
The guy with more stuff won all three games all the point of the a moving.
If you only saw a-move during those fights ... now I see why you think PvP = luck.
Anyway, what about Blizzard maintenance from tomorrow? Battle.net will be offline until 11:00am. IEM is supposed to start at 9:10am.
On March 07 2012 02:24 chosenkerrigan wrote: It just makes me sad when my favorite player gets beaten/knocked out in pvp by a overall lesser skilled player. It's just sad. So good to see MC made through today.
How boring would this game be to watch if beating someone 'more skilled' was impossible though? Even the best of the best only have ~70% win rates and that's a very good thing.
Not boring at all, it would make the inevitable upset that much more meaningful. When Flash lost his 14-0 winning streak it was big. Foreigner upsets in PvP are so common its almost standard.
If upsets are inevitable then we're agreeing with one another, not disagreeing. When I said the best of the best only have ~70% win rates that includes Flash.
Inevitable when a better player comes along. Not inevitable because the matchup is impossible to win consistently in.
Did you really just reference Flash's recent win streak ending and then say it's inevitable to loose when a better player comes along?
Chris Loranger @LorangerChris everyon1 watch the esl stream and seriously look at the player cam of elfi, look at the lightning speed of his hands, and him beat MC. pvp..
didn't elfi destroy huk with those lightning speed hands? isn't it ironic
Not at all, he's mocking PvP, why would it be ironic that he lost in a matchup he thinks is stupid?
lol dude are you for real? he's mocking elfi and trying to belittle elfi's accomplishment as a good pvp player. what on earth justifies such bitter tweets while someone else is playing a really hard game?
he isn't funny and isn't even right.
Are you for real? Look at the last sentence: "pvp.."
As in, he thinks it's a joke that someone as slow as elfi can beat someone like MC.
Yes, he is mocking elfi, but it's not ironic because he's mocking the ridiculousness of PvP. He is superior in the other matchups because he is the superior player mechanically, but overall mechanics are not necessarily that important in PvP.
yeah you're right it's really classy to mock someone who kicked you're ass instead of recognizing that it's not all mechanics and elfi's really good at mindgames and game sense.
people like you give shit to goody too... i really hope elfi continues to beat the shit out of all your favorite protosses. yeah he's not that awesome at other matchups but his pvp is really world class, deal with it
What are you even ranting about lmao. "Deal with it" as if I care, I was correcting you about what Huk's intentions were with his statement. He beat my favorite player but MC is still first in the group, I couldn't care less.
and what the hell do you know about huk's intentions? it seems quite obvious that he is just bitter, and obviously you like huk better than elfi so you make an excuse for him.
or yeah you're right huk is just mocking the matchup which happens to be his worst, in which elfi beat his ass, and coincidentally he mocks elfi a little bit either, but this is all nice and good and justified because you like huk.
Sounds like you just like elfi lmao? What are you even talking about, when did I say Huk's not bitter? I was stating that it's not ironic that he mocked the matchup just because he lost to the person, because that's not the definition of ironic at all. I couldn't care less about elfi or Huk.
an ironic situation can be when someone says something, when in fact the opposite is true. you know when huk thinks his mechanics should give him an edge in pvp, while in fact elfi's other abilities gave elfi an edge vs huk. i see you're trying to be smart here but irony doesn't only mean that your intended meaning is the opposite of what you actually say.
Huk believes the matchup is ridiculous, he knows that Elfi won because of his other abilities besides his mechanics. It has nothing to do with him saying something and the opposite is true, because he knows he lost because mechanics are not important in the matchup, and he thinks that makes the matchup ridiculous. Again, not ironic.
On March 07 2012 02:31 Champloo wrote: I love those glory hunters being butthurt cause their favorite koreans lost to foreigners.
We are indeed very butthurt that Koreans took top 3 in Group A and top 1 in Group B. It was a bad day for Koreans indeed.
Just look at your last posts in this thread. You are totally butthurt.
Just look at your sig "oh that guy won the GSL multiple times, I'm gonna fanboy the shit outta him"
Well basically as a UK citizen we had only one UK player when I started watching and he plays Terran and was injured for a long time.
It will be a cold day in hell before I cheer for Americans, Germans, Frenchmen or other countries who are England's traditional rivals in all sports.
So I will cheer for the guys who play the best Starcraft and are from a country which my country has basically zero reason to ever dislike or want to lose.
On March 07 2012 02:31 Champloo wrote: I love those glory hunters being butthurt cause their favorite koreans lost to foreigners.
We are indeed very butthurt that Koreans took top 3 in Group A and top 1 in Group B. It was a bad day for Koreans indeed.
Just look at your last posts in this thread. You are totally butthurt.
Just look at your sig "oh that guy won the GSL multiple times, I'm gonna fanboy the shit outta him"
Some people actually like watching the best of each matchup play, rather than following randoms just because they are foreigners or are from your country. In other words, some people are FANS OF THE GAME and some people are fans of their country/geographic region.
On March 07 2012 02:34 TeveT wrote: Somehow I feel that this question has already been asked, but not sure if I can look through all pages to find the answer:
How come they end playing at 18? Isn't there another good 3 hours at least of playing time? Not that they would have time to finish all the games though... But still, I want more :s
because cebit closes doors at this time
Okey, that explains it. Thanks Too bad they play during the day when some people are working/at school... Well well, can't have everything i guess
On March 07 2012 02:31 Champloo wrote: I love those glory hunters being butthurt cause their favorite koreans lost to foreigners.
We are indeed very butthurt that Koreans took top 3 in Group A and top 1 in Group B. It was a bad day for Koreans indeed.
Just look at your last posts in this thread. You are totally butthurt.
Just look at your sig "oh that guy won the GSL multiple times, I'm gonna fanboy the shit outta him"
Well basically as a UK citizen we had only one UK player when I started watching and he plays Terran and was injured for a long time.
It will be a cold day in hell before I cheer for Americans, Germans, Frenchmen or other countries who are England's traditional rivals in all sports.
So I will cheer for the guys who play the best Starcraft and are from a country which my country has basically zero reason to every dislike or want to lose.
It's so easy to cheer for the best. I bet you're a fan of Manure Utd too.
On March 07 2012 02:31 Champloo wrote: I love those glory hunters being butthurt cause their favorite koreans lost to foreigners.
We are indeed very butthurt that Koreans took top 3 in Group A and top 1 in Group B. It was a bad day for Koreans indeed.
Just look at your last posts in this thread. You are totally butthurt.
Just look at your sig "oh that guy won the GSL multiple times, I'm gonna fanboy the shit outta him"
Some people actually like watching the best of each matchup play, rather than following randoms just because they are foreigners or are from your country. In other words, some people are FANS OF THE GAME and some people are fans of their country/geographic region.
If you're a fan of the game you should have really enjoyed watching that last set no matter what the player's names were.
On March 07 2012 02:31 Champloo wrote: I love those glory hunters being butthurt cause their favorite koreans lost to foreigners.
We are indeed very butthurt that Koreans took top 3 in Group A and top 1 in Group B. It was a bad day for Koreans indeed.
Just look at your last posts in this thread. You are totally butthurt.
Just look at your sig "oh that guy won the GSL multiple times, I'm gonna fanboy the shit outta him"
Some people actually like watching the best of each matchup play, rather than following randoms just because they are foreigners or are from your country. In other words, some people are FANS OF THE GAME and some people are fans of their country/geographic region.
If you're a fan of the game you should have really enjoyed watching that last set no matter what the player's names were.
I'm a fan of the game, but not a fan of PvP. I enjoyed most of the other games, but I don't even like PvP when MC wins it.
What really pisses me off though, and the whole reason I responded, is when sports douchebags trash people for being fans of actually good players because its 'easy'. What, you have to prove how special you are by being a fan of some nobody so you can massage your inferiority complex? Everyone should be a fan of MMA because not only is he 20 times better than your pet player but he is also a great personality and the heir to Boxer's throne. What more could you want? Oh wait, that would be too 'easy'..