@nekryy: I have a possible explanation. How does your actual .SC2Hotkeys file looks like opening it with a text editor ?
Double-checking, I got a html-like file using "save link target as"… Make sure that you use save from "raw". You should browse the github repository, look at the content of the actual file you're interested in, and click "raw" button (upper-right of the document frame). It should look like that. From there you save the page.
If it didn't solve your problem, could you please give me the keyboard layout you're using ?
thanks for the fast answere. saving the hotkeys via raw fixed the problem thank you very much and have a nice end of 2016
I've pushed some major changes to make Terran unit production keys fit Protoss one.
– D (basic): marine, hellion, viking – R (support): marauder, siege tank, liberator – F (sneak): reaper, widow mine, medivac – V (advanced): -, cyclone, banshee – G (ultimate): -, thor, battlecruiser – Space (caster): ghost, -, raven – E = reactor hellbat = T
I changed Lift/Halt to 4, select worker to 5, to avoid F and T usage and get more consistent command card for terran production facilities in various modes. There has been some other changes to fix poping conflicts indeed.
Thinking about: – bringing siege tank back on Space (and R for hellbat) – using C for Techlab (non rapid fire key as reactor)
The plan would be to release something stable for multiplayer in January
It's becoming more and more stable now for multiplayer: – no more C key used for spells requiring target, E is used, C is alternate if available, Space is rapid fire if it's not non-sense – cloak and pulsar beam on/off are F/CapsLock now – hallucination keys reassigned – Yamato and psistorm have been adjusted – Oracle spells now using precision keys E for stasis ward, C for Revelation (same as scan)
I've also spent some time to arrange terran Coop and WoL campaign. New terran units assignment didn't cause much trouble.
I will test F/CapsLock mechanics using Oracle in my games during the next weeks. I tended to make lot of accidental "pulsar beam off" or "on" with previous key placements, which wastes mana. Hopefully using CapsLock for pulsar beam off will help, F is used for "pulsar on" so that it is easy to chain pulsar (F) on and hold position (G). Same logic applies for cloak
Any feedback is welcome, the goal being to get something stable by the end of January
I've just prepared a prerelease. From the following link you can see releases notes and download .zip archives:
TheCore Lite v2.1 beta prerelease
To be final released on 4th of February. Feel free to speak up if you see some inconsistency or enhancement.
A snapshot of the current pre-release notes:
Release scope: – unit harmonization between protoss and terran – bridging method applied map for better unit production/research/building consistency – rapid fire static defense implemented – new Control camera approach – compliant with big patch 3.8
Big changes: – macro groups are back to Q and W, keeping Shift+Q+W mechanics – cloak/decloak now on F/CapsLock (due to Infested Banshee), same for pulsar beam – zerg keys morph is now F (previously E), speed research is now E (previously C), creep remains C – reactor: C techlab:E lift:4 select builder:5 to free command card for unit production
Awesome, I have some time off in February and plan on focusing on improving mechanics then. Out of interest, what are the outstanding items that you still want to do before 4 February?
Nothing! It's kind of a freeze period, just to make sure that everything is caught before release
Thanks a lot for your feedback btw. It made me realize the rest keys and the bridging method used in original TheCore Lite
Then the plan is to: – maintain the whole stuff along the patches, without touching too much the multiplayer (ideally without changing anything); I will try to implement a check in the python script we use – polish the campaign/coop, mainly based on users' feedback – compile all the material in the README.md in a .pdf document (this part will take time)
I love the adding of these small details to make certain actions easier.
@bobo38, what is your recommended hotkey setup for protoss? A,S,Z,X would probably work better for units that use spells and commands in the D,F,C,V block. The units on `,1,2,3 would probably work better with E, R. Units on 1 & 2 would probably also work with D
I'm thus assuming that ` & 3 should be units that typically don't have an attack (prisms, HTs, etc.)
I know this comes from the original TheCore Lite, but for Protoss specifically, does Nexus - C, Assimilator - R and Pylon - D make sense? From an optimization standpoint, I know that I typically build a nexus, 2 assimilators and 2 pylons when taking a new expand (except for my first expansion).
This means I need to hold my pinky on Shift and then do index finger - C, index finger - R, middle finger - D. Alternatively it is pinky on Shift and then do index finger - C, middle finger - R, middle finger - D.
A combination of E, R, D (or E, F, D which I find is more comfortable while holding Shift) feels more natural and a bit faster.
My off-races aren't that good, so not sure how much of an impact these changes would have on the other races. Feels like these somehow got stuck with the Standard Terran hotkeys.
Basic buildings
Not sure about changing the basic building stuff. It's really part of everyone habbits and could be a difficult change to absorb. I could be a good idea to investigate. I'm remembering that I wanted to change them at some point, but I cannot remember why exactly.
Control groups
About control group there is this reference video from JaKaTaK Starcraft 2: How to use 10 Control Groups - Protoss
Each time I watch it I do notice some new detail, which is amazing for a 6 minutes video. The whole picture about selection priority helps a lot in group architecture. You can find the unit selection priority as .png files on the TheCoreLite github page, here for Protoss: https://github.com/bobo38/TheCoreLite/blob/master/Images/LoTV_protoss.png
Another helpful document is this page of TheCore Archives, where you can find this suggestion for Protoss:
W Nexus/Forge Q Gate/Star/Robo A Army S Templar Z Harass X Stalker 2 Mothership 3 Harass
– Q and W are no questions – 2 for Mothership stuff is reasonably well for RapidFire Recall; I was thinking about using E for Photon overcharge, I tried to swap with Time Warp but misused it due to habbits. I realized that Photon Overcharge has also Space as RapidFire alternate that chains correctly from 2 – S for HTs (or ghost, or infestor) is convenient to reach all spells, you can put oracles as well with them – 3 is perfect for warp prism or oracle harass
For the other groups it is tricky. Should A be melee or ranged ? if melee and ranged group follows it, A + D + LeftClick makes you whole army Attack-move with melee units always in front. This is a trade-off with the ranged units, whose 1st selected unit matters. There are valuables units beside Sentry as well: – disruptors, if used, gain a lot to be 1st selectable units – void rays to be prismatically aligned could melt armored units – phoenixes that could help a lot with some RapidFire graviton beam
About the stalker group, if there is a something for cloned caster groups in TheCore Lite. But you can always Ctl+click a stalker, blink all stalkers that were selected and create a group on the fly.
My next tries will be: – A melee – S HTs + supporting oracles – X ranged with selectable on top (chains reasonably well with C and Space) – Z most useful cloned caster group depending on the circumstances (I should not forget to refresh it) – 2 MsC/Mothership – 3 harass warp prim or oracles
Shift+V is an alternate for Grave group (nobody will queue a Stop command). The main usage is for creep queens. But it could be used for the stalker group. There may be more polishing with it (making Ctl+V append to this group or Shift+Alt+V create non-steal). Holy shit! some new ideas are coming…
I would probably be more inclined to move the MSC to ~ with the idea of pressing it with the ring finger and then using shift (pinky) and then ring or middle finger to jump to the camera location and maybe index to recall if I want to go to a specific base (and space for rapid fire with my thumb).
1 or 2 could possibly be a nice position for disruptors with easy access to E and also because they don't benefit from pressing D.
I would be tempted to rather use S as a secondary army group to defend multi-prong harass. Think about scenarios with a colossi and a couple of adepts in each group. A + D + click mini-map, A + S + click mini-map to defend.
That is also part of the reason I'm asking about the control groups - I like the idea of having some non-steal groups (especially for stalkers) and if we standardize the recommended control groups then we can make a couple of things even smoother.
Have you thought about a throw-away control group and/or button? Something where you don't have to press Ctrl to steal the unit but just remove the unit from any existing groups. This would typically be either for harass or keeping units at watch towers.
Kicking a unit out of a group
Have you thought about a throw-away control group and/or button? If you select a group #, Shift(+Alt)+click a unit, and press Shift+Alt+# you create non-steal the group. Then the group won't contain the deselected unit. It's documented here, as part of the cloning support of TheCore Lite: https://github.com/bobo38/TheCoreLite#easier-cloning-through-shiftalt
The Control+Alt modifier could also be reactivated. TheCore position is to have only one steal behavior, and don't mix them.
I saw a couple of times well executed disruptor/stalker groups poking with 2 energy balls at each time then retreating. This style requires to have disruptors within the stalker group, so that they all move at the same time. I haven't really succeeded in using them myself. Most probably it's because the unit has no Attack – I should make some tries.
Secondary group
I would be tempted to rather use S as a secondary army group to defend multi-prong harass. Think about scenarios with a colossi and a couple of adepts in each group. A + D + click mini-map, A + S + click mini-map to defend. This one I don't follow, did you mean "A + D + click mini-map, S + D + click mini-map to defend" ?
This one I don't follow, did you mean "A + D + click mini-map, S + D + click mini-map to defend" ? Sorry, yes.
On a completely different note, how long did it take you to switch from your previous setup to TheCore Lite?
On a completely different note, how long did it take you to switch from your previous setup to TheCore Lite? Not that much, I was playing with Standard, versus AI with 2-3 friends. I used TheStaircase method to switch. TheCore Lite makes so many things easier that it was quick and smooth. And you ?
I have tried a couple of times, but gave up every time because I found many things uncomfortable (or sometimes even the learning process). I have 2 weeks off now so considering giving it another try.
Think I might be in a similar position as GuMiho where trying to unlearn something which I started at WoL is just too difficult and time consuming and maybe not worth it. I can see where I have inefficiencies, but not sure how much improved efficiency will benefit me as there are other aspects of my play which could potentially benefit more from the time I have.
I understand the pain of change. It's easy if started from unoptimized inefficient crap, far more difficult with almost OK things once mechanical memory is on board.
What have you been using since WoL ?
To facilitate the adoption you could try to: – play off-race (I would recommend terran as zerg is really different) – give a try to TheStaircase method (it forces focus on reduce set of things and reach macro excellence) – a combination of both – adjusting things to your style
About TheStaircase, there are some valuable ressources: – well made videos from JaKaTaK, here is the playlist – some video series of a guy called NeoBlade who coaches persons with this method here, some content is in German some in English, there are videos with diamond+ persons
I have a modified version of Grid with my control groups setup as follows: 1 - Nexus 2 - Gateway (gets replaced by Robo later) 3 - Stargate 4 - Forges 5 - Scouting probe R - Main army F - MSC V - Harass
The rest works pretty much on the normal 3x3 grid but I moved adepts to D for example. I also have A as my attack, though R - A - Click isn't that efficient. Q,W,E,A,S,D are all rapid fire.
I also have Ctrl bound to one of my thumb buttons below Space and use Space as an alternate (non rapid fire) for my main spells.
I've set this up at the beginning of WoL, so have played many many games over the course of the last couple of years with this setup. I have adapted it a bit over time (Shift + 1-5 for camera recall, etc.), but the remainder stays the same.
Struggling to do something which is supposed to be easy I find very frustrating and also no real proof of it providing a significant difference. I can see a lot of inefficiencies in my layout (and a couple in TheCore Lite as well), but there are people out there who are significantly better than I am without using proper hotkey layouts or even decent control groups. So it still remains a question to me if my time is best spent learning new hotkeys or if this is something similar to a fad diet which promises a lot, but if you just eat cleaner you'll get the same results.