On February 28 2014 18:00 JessicaSc2 wrote: How do I change the hp/armor of the rocks?
you open your map click on data editor select units tab type "rocks" in filter research window select the proper one that you want / are going to change go to stats tab look for Cunit LifeMax change the value
On February 27 2014 09:52 SetGuitarsToKill wrote: So I want to try my hand at making a melee map. I know it's probably gonna suck but is there a guide or something for making a decent standard map? Maybe just some tips?
Just basic checklist of things I can think of at present:
- Enable symmetry, obviously - Main base should be about one and a half screens - Main should (at least for standard maps) always be on higher ground than nat with the smallest possible ramp connecting the two diagonally (when done vertically or horizontally it screws with terran walls) - Give a decent amount of airspace to allow for drops and space behind the mineral lines for both drops and buildings - Careful of how much surface area the main has with the rest of the map (think reapers/blink stalkers). Yeonsu is a very blink-prone map, Habitation Station is not. - Make the third moderately easy to defend. Look at existing melee maps (except Alterzim) to see how their thirds are positioned, and factor this into your design. - Have multiple attack paths for multiple kinds of engagements. Be sure to make some narrow spaces (for Protoss-favored engagements) and some wide spaces (for Zerg-favored engagements). - Lots of elevation changes always makes things interesting, although it does create corridors, so be wary of not making the map too Protossy.
In short, when designing your map, keep in mind what features of a map benefit and cripple each race, and also try and add in features that make games dynamic. I don't know specific tips for this, for example, but be sure to avoid maps that can easily be split and stalemated between two players. Just slam a few maps out, see how you like them and the community likes them, and go from there
thank you, but I have a question about the editor itself. there are the blue and yellow lines on the map, the bounds. should I be messing with those or just leave them and make the map normally?
Can you change the tips shown in 1v1 ladder loading screens to your own custom tips?
And is there a way to create a mod or other shareable file for this, to compile a quality tips database that everyone can easily use? Finally, would such a mod be against the rules?
How can I change the textures of destructible rocks and resources? You know, like jungle tilesets have rocks that are more green while wasteland tilesets have red rocks. I can change the texture theme of rock doodads, but for units I can only select Default. I thought there would be an option in the map's terrain type in the data window but changing the key "editor categories" has no effect and I see nothing else that might control this.
Also, I have the problem that when zooming out, fog effects disappear. I don't mind this when editing, but the fog also doesn't appear in exported map images unless I zoom way in. Changing the editor's video settings has no effect on this.
Edit: I want some doodads to block vision, which effectively means placing invisible LOS blockers on the same square. However, since the doodads are pretty large this makes the LOS blockers disappear and I can't select them anymore. My current solution is to temporarily replace all LOS blockers with a different visible doodad that I can then move. Is there a better way of doing this?
On March 05 2014 23:09 And G wrote: How can I change the textures of destructible rocks and resources? You know, like jungle tilesets have rocks that are more green while wasteland tilesets have red rocks. I can change the texture theme of rock doodads, but for units I can only select Default. I thought there would be an option in the map's terrain type in the data window but changing the key "editor categories" has no effect and I see nothing else that might control this.
Change the "texture prop" of the tileset's data options.
New problem: I must have accidentally pressed some shortcut because now whenever I try to rotate two mirrored objects, they rotate around their common centre instead of each rotating around itself. How can I turn this off?
New problem: I must have accidentally pressed some shortcut because now whenever I try to rotate two mirrored objects, they rotate around their common centre instead of each rotating around itself. How can I turn this off?
Sounds like you need to turn symmetry off (?) If you have symmetry on it will select both mirrored objects and when you have multiple objects selected they rotate together. You might also Ctrl+Click which rotates the object towards your mouse without moving them
On February 27 2014 09:52 SetGuitarsToKill wrote: So I want to try my hand at making a melee map. I know it's probably gonna suck but is there a guide or something for making a decent standard map? Maybe just some tips?
Just basic checklist of things I can think of at present:
- Enable symmetry, obviously - Main base should be about one and a half screens - Main should (at least for standard maps) always be on higher ground than nat with the smallest possible ramp connecting the two diagonally (when done vertically or horizontally it screws with terran walls) - Give a decent amount of airspace to allow for drops and space behind the mineral lines for both drops and buildings - Careful of how much surface area the main has with the rest of the map (think reapers/blink stalkers). Yeonsu is a very blink-prone map, Habitation Station is not. - Make the third moderately easy to defend. Look at existing melee maps (except Alterzim) to see how their thirds are positioned, and factor this into your design. - Have multiple attack paths for multiple kinds of engagements. Be sure to make some narrow spaces (for Protoss-favored engagements) and some wide spaces (for Zerg-favored engagements). - Lots of elevation changes always makes things interesting, although it does create corridors, so be wary of not making the map too Protossy.
In short, when designing your map, keep in mind what features of a map benefit and cripple each race, and also try and add in features that make games dynamic. I don't know specific tips for this, for example, but be sure to avoid maps that can easily be split and stalemated between two players. Just slam a few maps out, see how you like them and the community likes them, and go from there
thank you, but I have a question about the editor itself. there are the blue and yellow lines on the map, the bounds. should I be messing with those or just leave them and make the map normally?
As a general rule, don't expand an existing map (prone to bugs).. elements already present on the map will bug i always take max map size and then reduce it (if required) once the map is finished... Just start your map from the center outward, it will allow you to make the borders exactly as required. As for displaying them, go to view/something/bounds and click/unclick to display or hide them. (one is the playable bound, the other is the accessible visual surrounding playable zone
On March 03 2014 13:11 Vlade wrote: Can you change the tips shown in 1v1 ladder loading screens to your own custom tips?
And is there a way to create a mod or other share-able file for this, to compile a quality tips database that everyone can easily use? Finally, would such a mod be against the rules?
You can change anything in galaxy, check "ui" (should go surf sc2mapster) .. tips like anything else.. however, this is "forego your melee tag/label" territory .. i never thought the distinction useful/sensible or even warranted, but most players do :/
As for doing it in a mod, seems like a swell idea, and i don't see how the concept of "rules" should appy :D good project <3 glhf
How can I change the textures of destructible rocks and resources? You know, like jungle tilesets have rocks that are more green while wasteland tilesets have red rocks. I can change the texture theme of rock doodads, but for units I can only select Default. I thought there would be an option in the map's terrain type in the data window but changing the key "editor categories" has no effect and I see nothing else that might control this.
Also, I have the problem that when zooming out, fog effects disappear. I don't mind this when editing, but the fog also doesn't appear in exported map images unless I zoom way in. Changing the editor's video settings has no effect on this.
Edit: I want some doodads to block vision, which effectively means placing invisible LOS blockers on the same square. However, since the doodads are pretty large this makes the LOS blockers disappear and I can't select them anymore. My current solution is to temporarily replace all LOS blockers with a different visible doodad that I can then move. Is there a better way of doing this?
You are stuck with the zoom problem, screenshots with a large screen is a bit better.. link me the map if you want me to try to get a good rendition showcasing your doodads, i'll try/do my best
As for how to get ahold of these, you select a large square around the doodad and unselect others, then press return to open its features or to "command x" (cut it) to re place them some place else you can also see/select them via/from the "present on the map" doodads
Im new to map making and Im making a simple training map. I edited terrain, did all sorts of cool stuff with triggers, edited unit data - but. I couldnt get a reactor nor tech lab attached to a barracks. Like, have a reactored/TLed barracks there when the map starts. I just find that really hard ._. All I get is barracks with an addon next to it, but the barracks doesnt use it.
you must study the buildings that do use the reactors or tech labs
behaviors you might have missed maybe..
plus i don't remember the attachment bit...
if i wanted to do it... i'd copy and change an existing building that does already use said attachments (you chose) edit: plus remember that the building is "3" buildings (one with nothing atttached / one with a techlab/ one with a reactor)
Is there a map that combines MTG style turn based system with RTS style battles once you choose to attack? And if not how hard would that be to make in the galaxy editor?
On March 13 2014 09:23 turtles wrote: There is no real way to change the terrain, so each time you attack it would have to be on the same battlefield.
well yeah but you would have a battleground. and then youd have the board ground. on the board ground units cant attack / once you play your card or choose to battle it moves those units to the battleground. i think it would be cool because you could force a player to use a spell he doesnt want to use yet, because you start to win a fight you shouldnt, (two 2/2 guys vs a 5/4 creature.)
You could make it but it would be extremely time consuming, i mean you'd have to set up the entire game system with custom variables, triggers, I am assuming a custom UI, custom abilities, completely non-standard units etc. It wouldn't be easy but also not particularly difficult, assuming you have full knowledge of the editor. Someone did make a final-fantasy like battle system, but it was just the battle system without the underlying game elements. IMO it would be easier to make a game similar to say, final fintasy tactics, basically have units act as buildings that can only move and use abilities via trigger
That doesn't sound much like an RTS. I was thinking more like a game of risk where you move forces around the board ground and then the battle is faught RTS style. In which case the terrain would get boring.
But I see you're thinking of a more MTG style game where you would have an arena kind of area where you fight with a handfull of monsters and spells and utilize micro to give an edge in battle.
Totally do-able, But I don't know how you would make spells work or incorporate micro and still make it balanced. I'm sure you've thought most of it through. From a technical standpoint there is nothing holding you back. Though there is a very steep learning curve to the editor.