On August 15 2012 00:47 Agnosthar wrote: I first started playing Riven when I read a guide on solomid, describing her as a massive late game carry.
Nowadays though, I feel weaker once the game goes past the 30 minute mark or so. I have a BT and GA as my core, and I'm not really sure what my thought process needs to be when considering what to buy next. Assuming it's not double AP, can anyone give me some advice as to when I would get another BT, and when I should get something for durability. I'm usually fairly fed going into the lategame, but I find it hard to carry when I'm stuck between building enough damage to nuke the carry, or building durability which prevents me from killing anyone.
i still think riven is an absolute beast lategame but i was definitely overstating her strengths in this thread's op and in my tsm guide because she was super underplayed at release and people trolled me for picking her T_T on 6 item lategames she will not be able to duel ADs who can use their skills to dodge her or certain 1v1 beasts like tryndamere, jax, etc., but her ability to snowball, her mobility in teamfights, and AoE strength is often greater than these heroes. you can definitely abuse the midgame teamfights and being on 6 items as compared to the enemys' 4-5 you can definitely beat them. Riven also maintains her power as compared to most other toplane bruisers even in those 6 item lategame situations in a 5 on 5 situation due to her knockup threat which always maintains its presence due to its inability to be cleansed and ability to follow up with w and ultimate for instantaneous burst. in other words, if you can chain your AoE with your team, i still maintain that she is an extremely potent lategame threat. its just that many teams have turned away from these AoE cc teams and champs (for instance galio is in my opinion one of the most synergistic picks with riven but has fallen out of flavor as of late) and towards AoE damage and dispersion and threat instead (champions that split up fights and abuse the split as people will deliberately avoid the AoE damage, such as vlad, karthus, gragas, morgana etc)
On September 02 2012 05:00 Navi wrote:Show nested quote +On September 02 2012 02:52 dukethegold wrote:On August 23 2012 21:32 ReadySetFire wrote: Anyone recommend me any good games of a pro-gamer playing as Riven? I recommend Wingsofdeathx. Goldfather8 claimed that Wings is 3rd best Riven after himself and SoloTopOnly. However, neither of those two maintain a stream. Wingsofdeathx is the only streamer I know of other than Scarra who actually articulate and explain his actions while maintaining a sense of humor. Just keep flipping through his archive videos till you find Riven gameplay. goldfather is not a very good riven but i think he is not as good a player overall compared to some streamers who play her. i like cris' aggression with riven, he roams mid with decent effectiveness. wings pretty solid overall with a few mistakes but a great learning resource.
Either way, Goldfather8 has quit League because of school. He might find more time than he has expected, but currently he's done.
EDIT: I think...I think I'm seriously going to try 9/21/0. Not sold on it but a few good points have been brought to my attention.
What's people's opinion on Lord Van Damm's Pillager (the new bruta upgrade) on riven? If you go something like fast bruta into vamp scepter for some sustain into hog, sitting on that for a while till you get bt with or without ga and then upgrading?
Maybe this was discussed in GD but I'll theorycraft anyway.
If I were to play TT, I'd rush Blade of the Ruined King as fast as humanly possible. However, since neither item are confirmed for SR it's a moot point.
As a side note, it stinks that we can't get multiple threads for maps types without cluttering conversation. =[
Well you can't build GA or BT on TT, so it's kinda pointless to give that as a potential build. But yeah, Pillager is a good item for Riven.
Is Riven even worth playing these days?
I used to main her but started to play her less and less. High elo players also seem to play her less and less. Darius and Jayce are both very difficult to deal with, and those two make me not want to play Riven top, especially since Darius is now a very popular pick.
Wait for the rest of the items to come out. She is in position it get a sizable buff from them.
High ELO players never really picked her up in the first place outside of Westrice. You'd see her here and there, but it'd usually be strange, like jungle Riven with bad items, or building silly stuff like FMallet on her in top lane.
She is comparable in power, in my opinion, to Jayce and Darius. While she gets shut down by armor more (no true or magic damage like them), she also has no mana, higher mobility, more reliable AoE than Jayce, and a great defensive steroid that scales off AD. In my opinion she's the best out of the three at diving and focusing the AD carry, since she can't be kited like Darius can and can survive and lock down better than Jayce.
New BC and BotRK(now confirmed to SR) is going to make Riven so more interesting to build in lane.
Anyone have an idea how to beat Voli in lane as Riven? I don't get the match up often so I don't know much about it but every time I play vs Voli I tend to lose.
I think he has super long cool downs no? It's all I can think of tbh. Anyone with good pointers on this one would be much appreciated.
On November 19 2012 16:05 Incognoto wrote: Anyone have an idea how to beat Voli in lane as Riven? I don't get the match up often so I don't know much about it but every time I play vs Voli I tend to lose.
I think he has super long cool downs no? It's all I can think of tbh. Anyone with good pointers on this one would be much appreciated. Use the standard harass combo, back up when he tries to chase you down to negate the flip. Drawn out trades play into his favor because he gets passive AS from his W on autos. Save ignite for counteracting his passive.
Masteries look like this for S3? http://www.finalesfunkeln.com/s3/#7bUMSlqTvMa6vEd
I'm a bit miffed about the change to SR BotRK and the, in my opinion, nerf to BT. Granted getting a BF is a tad faster but now BT is more expensive overall and has less sustain. I was willing to take a hit in the AD to have BotRK give a smoother build path and fling around some magic damage for once, but that got changed. =[
Why do you guys even want to build botrk on Riven when its passive is an auto attack modifier. I get that Cris builds cutlass on Riven all the time, but spending 1000 gold on cutlass to get an auto attack modifier?
IDK I'd be aiming to build the new BC.
edit: even on TT, why in the world would you wan to get botrk "as fast as possible" when there's the pillager.
On November 20 2012 03:04 koreasilver wrote: Why do you guys even want to build botrk on Riven when its passive is an auto attack modifier. I get that Cris builds cutlass on Riven all the time, but spending 1000 gold on cutlass to get an auto attack modifier?
IDK I'd be aiming to build the new BC.
edit: even on TT, why in the world would you wan to get botrk "as fast as possible" when there's the pillager.
Riven is all about working in auto attacks...that's what her entire passive is. She's not an AD caster by any means.
That's like saying Pantheon isn't an AD caster because you work in auto attacks into his combos. Of course Riven works in auto attacks because of her passive but every AD caster fits in auto attacks into their combos. By design Riven is an AD caster and to say otherwise is completely nonsensical.
she's more like a autoattacker/ad caster hybrid. you need to use both to get the most out of her.
On November 20 2012 06:54 GhostOwl wrote: she's more like a autoattacker/ad caster hybrid. you need to use both to get the most out of her. That applies to literally every champion with a single AD scaling ability. Of course you have to use your AA. She's still an AD caster.
Okay guys, Renekton is no longer an AD caster because he has to auto attack to charge up his passive.
I think Riot should just make it that physical damage spells use life steal and magical damage spells use spell vamp.
On November 20 2012 07:31 koreasilver wrote: Okay guys, Renekton is no longer an AD caster because he has to auto attack to charge up his passive.
...but BotRK would be great on Renekton too. Renekton and Riven rely on staying with you and auto attacking to do most of their damage. They want to be constantly hitting you.
On the other hand heroes like Talon, Jayce, Kha'Zix, Pantheon are true AD casters. They rely almost purely on their abilities to do damage and don't actually want to get in your face fighting you for a long time.
EDIT: In any case it's semantics of what you want to classify as an AD caster. But Riven is definitely huge on auto attacking and would do it much more than for example the four heroes I mentioned above. Thus BotRK isn't bad on her. It isn't ideal, I agree with you, but it's not as horrible as building it on say Talon. I could see it being a great situational buy if you're against something like a Shen or Cho'gath.