[Champion] Riven - Page 42
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9109 Posts | ||
United States33802 Posts
On December 05 2012 05:54 sylverfyre wrote: Are you aware tough skin ONLY affects JUNGLE monsters? Not minions. And perseverence seems iffy. Put those 9 points into the health mastery - Vet scars is as good as it ever was (quite good) especially for early game lane fighting. If you want any flat damage reduction, pick up Unyielding/block (requires 13 points in defense) Oh, I did misread that. I'd put it into health, sure. I may be overestimating Perseverance's power, as it doesn't have any numbers tied to it. I still think missing out on deep offensive is a bit of a waste. Veteran's Scars and Durability? Sure, I can see that, but missing out on Sunder and Executioner for 5 damage blocked (which will start to fall off as ADs get more a couple items, well before you start dueling them) seems a bit of a waste. | ||
9109 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
On December 05 2012 07:08 koreasilver wrote: Why would you not be trading in lane before you get items. You're playing Riven. I meant against AD carries, as in "by the time you fight the enemy ADC, they're going to have enough damage that they won't really care about you blocking 5 of it". I could see taking Unyeilding against someone like Xin/Fiora/etc that's going to be high auto attack in lane, but that's not every enemy champion. | ||
United States1938 Posts
Strong trading power, haven't needed the ward or biscuit from utility as 3pots gives enough regen for me and if a level 2 gank is a possibility I just play more passive and let them push. Maxing Q>W>E>R. As far as items, yesterday I went Boots->2x dblade->brut->vamp->BT->BC and was absolutely destroying anyone who got near me. Game ended at this point, but I most likely would have gone Mercurial and a LW if heavy armor or 2nd BT if squishy after. | ||
United States35092 Posts
Going BC>BT>Hydra>Defencive. Been wrecking EVERYTHING. Granted, BC is stupid strong but I haven't been stacking them either. Riven brings the damage that just won't quit. RIVU RIVU RIVU! | ||
United Kingdom1483 Posts
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United States35092 Posts
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Adun Toridas!9144 Posts
Not having the 8% ArPen is actually quite noticeable in early trades: I'd rather start sword 2 pots and have better masteries The flash CDR is nice, but ArPen is just too good, and the other 8 points in utility are pretty much wasted filler (don't need gp10 to stomp people, idle movespeed not awesome anymore) | ||
45 Posts
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Russian Federation3 Posts
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Sweden2360 Posts
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Ukraine711 Posts
On January 12 2014 20:32 a13ph wrote: Why is she banned so often nowadays? Is that Renekton/Shyvana/Mundo related? No, Shyvana and Renekton are actually good picks against Riven. (Mundo isn't). Riven has been banned a lot for quite some time now, she's just "too good" in a sense. Mobile, very high damage and even after the combo she can just get away. If she gets a slight advantage there's not much you can do to stop her anymore. I think the general consensus is that her E shield might need a nerf so she's still a fun assassin, just a bit more killable. | ||
Canada12499 Posts
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United States1938 Posts
As someone who mained her to Diamond, I feel like her laning phase is much, much weaker. I think a sufficient nerf to her trading power would have been increased CD on shield with lower duration perhaps, but the damage nerf is pretty noticeable. Her endgame is still strong IMO, but it's rough getting there on a "snowbally" champ especially vs the current top laners. | ||
United States735 Posts
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United States1961 Posts
On January 24 2014 04:20 Mondeezy wrote: Any thoughts on Riven post-nerf? As someone who mained her to Diamond, I feel like her laning phase is much, much weaker. I think a sufficient nerf to her trading power would have been increased CD on shield with lower duration perhaps, but the damage nerf is pretty noticeable. Her endgame is still strong IMO, but it's rough getting there on a "snowbally" champ especially vs the current top laners. Definitely feel the early game hurt. Lategame I don't really see a difference damage wise. Ehh.. I feel like the Riven OP was a bit exaggerated. She's definitely really strong in small skirmishes, but there are tons of champs that snowball harder and have more relevance in team fights in my opinion. | ||
1129 Posts
On January 24 2014 12:30 K3Nyy wrote: Definitely feel the early game hurt. Lategame I don't really see a difference damage wise. Ehh.. I feel like the Riven OP was a bit exaggerated. She's definitely really strong in small skirmishes, but there are tons of champs that snowball harder and have more relevance in team fights in my opinion. There is a big difference, riven had little to no counterplay when snowballing and was hard to shut down. For the following reasons: 1. 4 dashes, aoe stun and shield, everything on low CD. For instance other snowbally champions like fizz/zed are pretty easy to shut down with a coordinated team, you chain your CC and thats it, one long cd escape won't save them in every situation. 2. Riven is a top lane champion, and enemy team doesn't generally waste their CC on toplane champions like rene, mundo, shyv, since there are higher priority targets like Mid carry and ADC. Therefore Riven gets even more snowballing potential, since there isn't enough CC to shut her down. 3. Itemization. The more damage you build, the tankier you get. Epitome of snowballing. So yeah, nerf was justified. But the way it was done is questionable. | ||
Sweden492 Posts
If you want free elo pick her up. Only thing you can do against her is chain cc until she's dead. I did face a really bad riven yesterday. I was thresh and hook flay ulti ignited her under turret. She had to run and I couldn't catch but was so close she died =) Any other non tank would have died for sure in that situation. | ||
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