On November 24 2011 00:01 Stryk wrote: Try starting with a vamp scepter, it also builds into a wriggles which is great for junglers
I really don't see how vamp scept would be good to open with on riven when riven is a melee caster, not an autoattacker.
if you mean melee caster as in renekton, no. i think you're forgetting her passive which is extremely good. imo she's more like a semi melee caster with autoattacks of a melee fighter.
as far as jungling goes, vs seems pretty good with ad quints.
But even then, she's not going to get out of a vamp scepter what trynd, xin, or nocturne would in the jungle. Opening cloth would likely give her more effective health and allow her to jungle and gank faster and more effectively. Even if you're thinking of jungling passively I still don't think vamp scepter would be a good choice for riven.
personally, i wouldn't open vs whatsoever. but it seems like a decent choice in an arranged match if you know there's not much ganking potential in any of the lanes early on, and you end up farming most of the time. ie when they have tryn top and vlad mid.
Renekton free week has been giving me plenty of practice against him. Here is what works and what doesn't work (1300-1550 ELO's is the range of renekton players I have laned against).
What didn't work: Full offensive or 27/3 or even 21/9 doesn't give you enough sustain. He does so much damage and can take so much damage that going full offensive against him just doesn't work. I had no success even having multiple free trades and a first blood on my side. The lane eventually turned into me getting dominated (though I had ~20% cs advantage the entire phase) under my turret. I tried both ignite/ghost, ignite/flash, and exhaust/ghost. I could never quite secure a kill and at higher levels I would just die even with summoner usage. Every time I opened cloth+5pots. I tried going 2x dorans to brutalizer, wriggles->boots, wriggles->BT and they all failed to save my tower and prevent me from getting pushed out of lane due to being dived by renek+jungler. I out-cs'd the renekton every time (it happens in every game, I am pretty good at cs for my ELO) but he would get a kill or two on me (with jungler help).
What did work: 9/21/0 straight damage reduction baby! One note is that you can take 3 armor and 1 in -minion damage. Helps trades way more than you think. Also, abuse the fact that renekton has to push the lane to heal and keep the wave just out of turret range (this is a big spot where reduced minion damage helps). Open cloth+5pots, and teleport/ghost. If he tries to combo you, stun and combo him back. Otherwise, try to save your CD's. If he goes exhaust you can mitigate the amount of free hits he gets on you. If he goes ignite then just be wary of your health. I have yet to see a renekton run teleport. Teleport lets you just keep buying wards and potions so you can safely CS. Since you are going to be hard to kill and have a shitload of potions, he is going to have a tough time keeping you from CSing. This is all you want. If you hit 20min with dead even CS then you win. The most important thing is to not push your lane. Tank a creep wave in front of your tower for a few seconds to prevent them from getting in tower range if need be.
It is a rough lane to play but you can safely CS if you counter his aggression with your own and keep your lane just in front of your tower. Teleport gives you the ability to keep up with him and eventually out-cs him. Runes are AD reds/Quints Armor Yellows Mres/Level blues. Want to try armor quints too just for extra survival.
Riven beats Renekton if she wins or goes even with him for the first ~7 levels. If you die early, Renekton will shit on you. All you have to do is have the jungler gank top a few times to get the advantage and you can ride it for the rest of the game.
Wait, Heal is worthwhile now? I gotta start taking a look at summoners again...
On that note, what are Jungle Rivens running nowadays? I never really thought Flash was super necessary on her since you can WsutnEQQQ away and never get caught. Maybe Heal for silly sustain shenanigans? Exhaust for ganks? Or just stick with Flash because Flash?
I've been playing quite a bit of Riven lately, both in normals and in ranked and I've met 1 Renekton in ranked so far and a few in normals, I beat all of them pretty handily - either in cs because every trade was to my advantage or I got an early kill on them because they played badly. I even had one of my friends try it out in a custom against me (he's 1700 Elo and mains Renekton), and I still beat him, I really don't see the big problem with that matchup. In case anyone is interested about the game against my friend, we both started cloth+5pots and it was pretty close but I outcs'ed him and (barely) got first blood both games. I think the biggest kicker is that you shouldn't be afraid to trade damage at your creeps and also just keep chasing him when he used Q/W. As he uses his E back towards his tower you just E towards him and use your Q knockup (try to have your 3rd Q charge ready at this point). Because of your passive your autos will hit harder when all your stuff is on cd.
With that said, against a good Renekton it's a REALLY close matchup and if you are somehow lower hp than him, try to avoid trading with him. I run 21/9/0 and ghost/ignite.
gah i cant beleive i was so stupid to not know how to build riven on her bf variant of choice and lategame.. it took a while but i learned this: IE is better vs tanky teams for example, udyr,renej and jarvan,their health/armor softcounters too fast for lifsteal/flat ad and armor pen to react.
but on the otherhand, squishy ap/assasin teams (ex. akali, kassadin, brand) flat ad/mr and lifesteal and health (thirster + spirit visage) destroy them because their health and armor gains are much lower and your abilites will do more damage to them rather than autos
yommus and berzerk greaves might be goodish midgame.. but they fall off lategame unless your droping towers. your better off with merc treads and last whisper for overall damage and survivability.
for whoever asked what masteries i use in jungle, i run 21/9/0 for runes i use ad quints, armorpen marks, armor seals, and mr/lvl glyphs to give riven a good lategame and a good clear time.
i do dorans start at wolves (enemy wraiths if i can) or double golems->gank tho i find the riven lvl 3 gank stronger scince it does not need flash like the lvl 2 gank (less you use tribush method.)
I've been running Riven a ton lately (Flash/Exhaust, 21/8/1), the only matchups I have trouble with early are lucky critplanks (full crit runes, meki starter, and parleying me every CD, all of which is stupid but effective in this scenario), Swain, and Teemo.
Against Rhenek, you have better burst at level 3 and odds are he pushed your lane, get a gank about that time and let the advantage snowball. Even without a gank, if he hangs around the tower, jump him when most of his wave is gone.
Riven is all about maxing out your passive damage, so you should never be using abilities while you have 3 stacks, try weaving in auto attacks. Always get boots/wriggles parts on the first blue pill. Focus on BT into Bruta (vice versa if you have bad farm), then go Hexblade/GA if they have a ton of magic burst, Tabi/Ghostblade/GA if they have a bunch of physical bruisers (you can deal with them a lot better because you lifesteal tank).
Also, put R on smartcast and learn to use it as such, I can't tell you how many kills I was missing trying to aim that thing.
Jungle riven pretty much dead, you need both gold and exp to survive ganking and making it to lategame. unless they revert jungle.. she now deserves to be solo top exclusively this patch
Yeah, was just thinking about that as well. I love doing the mini golems into level 2 gank bot/top into gank mid into finish jungle, but with all the xp changes it seems like it wont work as well. Unforunately I've been busy all day and won't be able to play any games, but from what I've been reading on forums, jungle kinda sucks now.
On November 30 2011 09:00 SidianTheBard wrote: Yeah, was just thinking about that as well. I love doing the mini golems into level 2 gank bot/top into gank mid into finish jungle, but with all the xp changes it seems like it wont work as well. Unforunately I've been busy all day and won't be able to play any games, but from what I've been reading on forums, jungle kinda sucks now.
On November 30 2011 09:00 SidianTheBard wrote: Yeah, was just thinking about that as well. I love doing the mini golems into level 2 gank bot/top into gank mid into finish jungle, but with all the xp changes it seems like it wont work as well. Unforunately I've been busy all day and won't be able to play any games, but from what I've been reading on forums, jungle kinda sucks now.
Big/little brother golems no longer give a level.
But red does now, so you can do redbuff into level2 gank, which is at LEAST equally brutal if not moreso.