On October 02 2013 00:12 BlasiuS wrote: New Olaf is finally live! Been waiting for this all year. My thoughts on him:
he now gets huge amounts of AS from passive + W. No need to build AS on him at all. He gets AD from his ult, and now his E scales with total AD, so there is a bit more incentive to build AD on him compared to before.
He increases his healing when W is active, which gives incentive to build lifesteal.
He doesn't like CDR as much now since both is Q and E have reset mechanics, although CDR is still certainly useful for him. He's also doesn't itemize for health nearly as much as before.
I'm thinking hydra is core on him due to good AD/clear/lifesteal. SV is also core against an AP lane, since it increases his lifesteal even more and gives great stats overall.
After hydra/SV build tank, I'm guessing randuin's is the next obvious choice due to Olaf wanting to dive the AD carry.
In my games played so far, the 400 range minimum still allows you to perma slow your target if you get next to them. however, olaf is worse when the target turns and fights since you can't just throw the axe right at your feet and machine-gun the target to death.
Ragnarok's +80AD at level 3 is huge.
If you need more damage after hydra, get BC or LW. However due to his improved lifesteal mechanics and his AD-scaling true damage, i'm almost tempted to just buy a BT if I need more damage.
No more than 2 damage items, since once you turn on ult you lose your resists. This means you need to build tank to stay alive in fights. Randuin's/SV is such a good core for bruisers/tanks, after that get atma's or FH if you need armor, hexdrinker/maw if you need MR, or something situational like thornmail/GA. I've built hydra -> randiun's/SV -> SV/randuin's in my games so far and it has worked well.
doran blade's are extremely good on him since he has an on-demand AS steroid and wants to trade whenever possible (meaning more AS from his passive) So straight tank olaf doesn't work like in the pre-nerf glory days? I'm not use to building damage items on olaf, but I like your build so I will give hydra tank olaf a try.
Just theory crafting here:
Runes: AD, Armor, MR (quints are very flexible, LS, MS, AD, HP) Masteries: 9-21-0
Doran's shield start. Spirit Visage is mandatory! Frozen Heart or Randuins depending on the enemy team comp. Maw looks great now that Olaf scales with extra AD against heavy magic teams. Phage looks like an excellent item in lane for sticking to people between the axe slows. I'm not sold on Triforce.
I'd suggest that Botrk is better than Hydra, it may not push as fast but you can spam axes and you'd be much stronger to get that kill in a 1v1 and with all the free and high base AS he has the on-hit mechanic gives great synergy and lets you murder the ADC.
On October 02 2013 00:40 UnKooL wrote:Show nested quote +On October 02 2013 00:12 BlasiuS wrote: New Olaf is finally live! Been waiting for this all year. My thoughts on him:
he now gets huge amounts of AS from passive + W. No need to build AS on him at all. He gets AD from his ult, and now his E scales with total AD, so there is a bit more incentive to build AD on him compared to before.
He increases his healing when W is active, which gives incentive to build lifesteal.
He doesn't like CDR as much now since both is Q and E have reset mechanics, although CDR is still certainly useful for him. He's also doesn't itemize for health nearly as much as before.
I'm thinking hydra is core on him due to good AD/clear/lifesteal. SV is also core against an AP lane, since it increases his lifesteal even more and gives great stats overall.
After hydra/SV build tank, I'm guessing randuin's is the next obvious choice due to Olaf wanting to dive the AD carry.
In my games played so far, the 400 range minimum still allows you to perma slow your target if you get next to them. however, olaf is worse when the target turns and fights since you can't just throw the axe right at your feet and machine-gun the target to death.
Ragnarok's +80AD at level 3 is huge.
If you need more damage after hydra, get BC or LW. However due to his improved lifesteal mechanics and his AD-scaling true damage, i'm almost tempted to just buy a BT if I need more damage.
No more than 2 damage items, since once you turn on ult you lose your resists. This means you need to build tank to stay alive in fights. Randuin's/SV is such a good core for bruisers/tanks, after that get atma's or FH if you need armor, hexdrinker/maw if you need MR, or something situational like thornmail/GA. I've built hydra -> randiun's/SV -> SV/randuin's in my games so far and it has worked well.
doran blade's are extremely good on him since he has an on-demand AS steroid and wants to trade whenever possible (meaning more AS from his passive) So straight tank olaf doesn't work like in the pre-nerf glory days? I'm not use to building damage items on olaf, but I like your build so I will give hydra tank olaf a try.
i actually think straight tank will still be viable, since has built-in AS and AD, and because his E scales with total AD (not bonus). So he can of course build straight tank and still do good damage. I just think hydra is so good on him due to his free AS, AD, and lifesteal. He is also a good split-pusher and hydra turns him into a split-pushing monster.
I totally forgot to mention SotAG, which is way too good on Olaf to ignore. Between SotAG and SV you gain 30% cdr. I'd say adding a brutalizer to cap 40% cdr would setup Olaf for a monster mid game.
I have a suspicion that full tank is still going to be the way to play, since building damage also increases the health cost of E. Also because you're still a melee champ with no built-in tankiness (at least, not for most of a teamfight) apart from lifesteal.
Landing autoattacks is going to be very important, both for lifesteal and more Es. Phage and/or Frozen Mallet? Capping CDR also gonna be really big.
New Olaf gonna be really farm dependant, I suspect. Needs levels, tankiness, CDR, maybe lifesteal. If only there was an item that gave spellvamp and was cost-efficient on champs with no AP ratios.
Why spell vamp just for his E? In team fights you should be tanky enough that it shouldn't matter and in lane a dorans shield and SotAG will sustain you.
It also applies to his Q. The healing from it is also increased by his W. Spellvamp + single target true damage is really, really good. Spellvamp + single target true damage that has a health cost but no mana cost is just juicy.
Doran's Shield isn't that much sustain; it's more useful for the damage block, esp against ranged harass.
Ok - My thoughts on new olaf (from a diamond 1 player who playerd him alot pre nerfs) These come from 4-5 1v1 games that were allowed to continue for a while.. past first blood/first tower.
First off, early laning phase. I kinda think you just needto go q max and just survive, and use the waveclear to shove it and back alot. Vs shen and jax e max felt very very very weak as you lost every trade and once your chunked you can do nothing.. q max lets you survive until level 6 with evenish farm.
I felt like I needed to get 3-5 health pots every back for the first while, just to surivive in lane vs a shen.
vs ap tops, hexdrinker is amazing on him.. the mr/shield and ad lets you pretty much win 1v1s. Building pure tank right now seems very very weak.. It might have just been because I was playing vs shen and trying to outtank shen is pretty much always a loss, but it just felt way weaker then going hexdrinker->botrk.
Botrk is probably going to be core on new olaf because it works so well with his w e and r. Attack speed scales better then ad for his e it seems.
Just trading with e alone is pretty weak now, you kinda need extended engagements to come out on top. You need to be spamming autos so that you get the e reset or else you will just lose the 1v1.
Axe max is pretty strong in lane jjust for poke and waveclear, even vs shen. It feels like I dont oom as fast as before when maxing axe first.
I think olaf with new changes a stronger jungle than laner. I think 1v1 he weaker, but he gets more free stats abd his Q a much better ganking tool with the normalized slow.
I've been experimenting with all sorts of builds. It is of course hard to evaluate. I consider Shen/Renekton to be the most important tops to face, and Renekton is just a loss. All the suggested offensive itemization besides Triforce and BotRK seem bad though, because without one of them you cannot weave autos well without wasting ghost. Axe slow is strong, but without a little MS advantage you basically are relying on hitting 100% of them, and I'm no Voyboy.
Also I think more than 1 offensive item is suicide unless you are going TP/Ghost vs. Shen and just stopping his splitpush +cleaning up in fights.
What quints are you running?
Life steal and/or Regen for extra sustain or just flat HP?
Also his E refunds the health cost when last hitting now which might benefit going Q max for harass.
On October 02 2013 04:06 Ghost-z wrote: What quints are you running?
Life steal and/or Regen for extra sustain or just flat HP?
Also his E refunds the health cost when last hitting now which might benefit going Q max for harass.
Been trying AD, LS, and HP.
i cannot throw axe so good, not viable caracter
X post from GD.
So after messing around with olaf in a custom
-Need 40% CDR for mid-lategame. The axe change(min range) feels really nice and intuitive while solving the abuse case. Tried jungling with it, and it didn't seem like a big deal so long as I remembered to aim it towards a wall. The noclip upon hitting monsters with an axe helps immensely as well.
-Need 1 of triforce/botrk(hydra? didn't try). With 40% cdr & W up, so long as you can land an axe, you can stick really well. 2 autos means ~3 second CD on E(same as old, slightly lower dps), but if you can get 3 auto attacks in(not really that likely without ultimate up), you get up to about 2 seconds in between E's, which is pretty absurd.
Overall thoughts. You can't build him full tank as easily, but grab a single DPS item and you become god. The sustain at low HP with a blade is frankly ridiculous. It's like aatrox, except you heal every single auto attack. Triforce is probably better at teamfighting, while blade is better for dueling. Being able to E for lasthits is pretty awesome as well.
While I agree you need a DPS item, I don't think it turns you into god. You need at least 1, maybe 2 defensive items to make up for how squishy you get while your ult is activated. He is just in a weird place right now. I think viable is the word.
What about Movespeed Quints? I imagine that they'd be useful on a melee with no gapclosers.
On October 03 2013 17:26 HughMyron wrote: What about Movespeed Quints? I imagine that they'd be useful on a melee with no gapclosers. I use MS Quints and loving it. Really helpful helping avoid ganks prior to level 6 too, and since I love to brawl as much as possible during lanephase with Olaf it helps getting an edge by faster base -> lane speed too.
@clutz: Granted I've only played two games vs Renekton as Olaf I didn't felt it was that bad. First game I got level 3 ganked, did survive tho but Renekton got an advantage since I was forced to back immediately after clearing the next wave after their gank.
Went R>Q>E>W, picked up a flask and farmed as safe as possible relying on outscaling him. While I didn't win the lane, I managed to be more relevant later. Basically going "kog'maw" and put Renekton on a clock.
Second game I got ahead, this time we level 3ed him got an assist, and went for 2x Dorans Blades on my first back with boots 1 + armor on second back.
Went R>E>W>Q and brawled with him every time I got the chance, whenever he tried to do his dash-harass I'd get off a E and sustain everything back fast thanks to Dorans and W, safely knowing his dash would have a 18 second cooldown. Come level 6 I'd go ham everytime it was off CD. Eventually grinded him out and got control of the lane through a level advantage by stronger trades forcing 1 more back than I.
Basically my thought process: 1) I outscale him. 2) If behind - survive. 3) If ahead - abuse Olaf's superior dueling and sustain from W constantly.
I can't say if it's optimal, but it worked for me (gold 3 atm - so take my experience with that in mind).
Olaf might just be a jungler now. Highly reliant on auto attacks for damage, lots of ls and as. With all his free stats tanky might be the way to build him, definitely sounds like a jungler you'd pick to camp an ashe/zyra or something like that.
On October 04 2013 13:04 SnK-Arcbound wrote: Olaf might just be a jungler now. Highly reliant on auto attacks for damage, lots of ls and as. With all his free stats tanky might be the way to build him, definitely sounds like a jungler you'd pick to camp an ashe/zyra or something like that.
Its how I;ve been playing him, had a ton of success.
Jungle Olaf would build like any other tanky jungler? Ancient Golem -> Locket -> Omen/SV/whatever you needed in current situation?