I been going cinder hulk into RG.
I think warrior might be better still. Cinderhulk doesn't really enable you to dive any better so I still think warriors gives you more early game presence and farming ability.
That being said., I'd rather be 6 item olaf with Cinderhulk than warrior's. So.... lol.
Played with a jungle Olaf just now that did well and went triforce first. When he hit w his attacks were a blur.
I think warrior's is still a fine build on Olaf if you already have enough tankiness in your team comp or if you lack hard carries. But in the case of a carry top laner I think you need the beef in the jungle and that flexibility really helps Olaf in solo Q.
In other news: Olaf is drawing bans in EU LCS in order to enable the "protect the Kog" team comp.
On March 21 2015 02:21 Ghost-z wrote: I think warrior's is still a fine build on Olaf if you already have enough tankiness in your team comp or if you lack hard carries. But in the case of a carry top laner I think you need the beef in the jungle and that flexibility really helps Olaf in solo Q.
In other news: Olaf is drawing bans in EU LCS in order to enable the "protect the Kog" team comp.
Why not just leave Kalista and olaf up, pick 4 protect one comp with no adc and have Kalista laugh at olaf like he's a cute little puppy dog?
What do you build against Olaf if you're against him top and you want to be full tank?
Half his damage is True so armor is only effective against half of it.
So then I can take a look at the full health items Mallet doesn't work against his ult. RG works, the slow won't but that's fine. 650 health and some mana sustain. Warmogs? I'm not sure if you have that many periods out of combat to regen though.
Ended up rushing sunfire. It helped me push and I won a single duel where I had minions and he didn't.
whats the matchup? armour isnt necessarily that bad in engagements but if you get harassed its not good
On March 22 2015 06:02 Slayer91 wrote: whats the matchup? armour isnt necessarily that bad in engagements but if you get harassed its not good Let's say it's Garen vs Olaf. I don't want to admit who I was really building full tank on Q_Q
thats irrelevant you go sunfire on garen against almost everyone you're going to need to do better than that
who the fuck cares about who you were builiding tank on holy shit we're not going to call your mom to heckle you do you want to try to learn something or what
On March 22 2015 07:32 Slayer91 wrote: thats irrelevant you go sunfire on garen against almost everyone you're going to need to do better than that
who the fuck cares about who you were builiding tank on holy shit we're not going to call your mom to heckle you do you want to try to learn something or what Xin Zhao. There.
tank on xin zhao isnt even that bad sunfire used to be what people go on him because he has to go in hard and his base damages are good enough for fighting with just sunfire in lane
its a tough call xin zhao vs olaf you pretty much have to all in him I think, probably you want to get phage+dorans blade o something like that with hp+ad
Australia18228 Posts
I think Randuin would be best. You're gonna be constantly duelling since you're both melee and Olaf's strength comes from his passive+W AAs when it comes to fighting
On March 22 2015 08:22 Slayer91 wrote: tank on xin zhao isnt even that bad sunfire used to be what people go on him because he has to go in hard and his base damages are good enough for fighting with just sunfire in lane
its a tough call xin zhao vs olaf you pretty much have to all in him I think, probably you want to get phage+dorans blade o something like that with hp+ad
frozen mallet?
ud neeed some way to push a lane anyway so the choice is between hydra and sunfire and i dont think hydra is a tank item so sunfire is the only option left. I dont think phage dorans are tank items either.
Pay attention to what Olaf is maxing first. Against E max build HP first. Against Q max build Armor first.