[Champion] Olaf - Page 18
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United States8519 Posts
On July 09 2014 13:42 arb wrote: Frozen heart, Spirit Visage, Idk for the last 10, runes/masteries probably Both of those are super good items on Olaf tbh. You could get 40% cdr with two items and no cdr runes not that long ago. I'm not claiming building CDR is bad, just that nothing has really changed other than you have the option (which has an opportunity cost) of using CDR runes. To say that is an Olaf buff is a stretch, because anyone can use them and it's not exactly for free. Especially when the person making these claims is advocating a two offensive item "split push" build where you're not going to reach 40% cdr in any reasonable time frame. On July 09 2014 13:56 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: I dunno it just seems like jungle pressure completely owns Olaf in those two matches because both of them have a pretty much guaranteed stun with counterstrike + leap strike and slice/dice + ruthless predator. Not only that but Olaf is generally taking ghost over flash and will have a very hard time escaping. Is a post 6 Olaf really worth ganking? A lot of times, the answer is no. Ghost is a double edged sword- it comes back faster too. I mean yes, Olaf has this weakness, but going into that you know that, so you play accordingly. | ||
France45622 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
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United States566 Posts
On July 09 2014 17:04 Alaric wrote: Shouldn't you try to build some HP before you go FH/Visage anyway (since Kindlegem by itself isn't that much and delays the resistances)? If only because HP >>> resistances early (unless you're like Irelia vs Fiora/Renekton/etc. where you go Warden's Mail first) for the price, and to make you lose a lesser % of your HP to your E spam. HP doesn't affect how bad E hurts you though, E will damage you the same regardless of your HP, besides the point is more about your opponents damage to you, since they can't stop you from hurting them, you just have to kill them before they kill you. Your W negates most/all of the E damage and should be off cooldown when you engage. | ||
France45622 Posts
Because as you say E inflicts the same self-damage to you, having more HP means you'll take relatively less damage. Obviously Olaf has sustain, but when you can't abuse it to great extents more HP means you won't wear yourself down as easily spamming it. W should be available when you go in for a trade obviously, but punishing a last hit/harassing shouldn't be done every 16s only. The main argument for starting with some HP over some resists when talking defensive stats is the whole "early game HP > resists" (especially if they have good magic burst since you'll be against physical damage in the off lane most of the time) anyway, and it was as a caveat to building FH first (I'd love to be able to, but then Syndra and Nami would look at me funny and I'd explode). | ||
United States1291 Posts
That said I prefer CDR boots after Frozen Heart to complete my 40% CDR build (5 from offence mastery). It believe it gives me the strongest two item timing with Warmogs & FH. I try to maximize aggressive fights mid-game because your damage spikes with low CD E's (everyone's HP still low enough) and you have a strong HP pool to hedge off magic damage burst and nearly 200 armor for tanking the tower shots for the team. Frozen Heart's 20% AS slow makes any attack speed based carry cry because they barely have a zeal at this point in the game. You also have plenty of sustain with Warmogs passive and W so you can pressure a 2nd objective (dragon or red/blue buff) immediately after taking a tower before going back to base. I start Doran's shield which synergies well with his E (HP and regen) and again with my runes which are flat armor reds, flat armor yellows, MR per level blues, move speed quints. Recent changes that "helped" Olaf: Doran's blade nerf helps if you play my tank style since now Doran's shield has a bigger level 1 advantage and the Randuins nerf because I prefer FH anyway. Is there any other champion that is just as effective levels 9-13 as Olaf after only building Warmogs and Frozen Heart? | ||
United States566 Posts
On July 10 2014 02:22 Ghost-z wrote: This thread should be about how to gain the most value from Olaf's kit every single game and not whether he is OP or UP. That said I prefer CDR boots after Frozen Heart to complete my 40% CDR build (5 from offence mastery). It believe it gives me the strongest two item timing with Warmogs & FH. I try to maximize aggressive fights mid-game because your damage spikes with low CD E's (everyone's HP still low enough) and you have a strong HP pool to hedge off magic damage burst and nearly 200 armor for tanking the tower shots for the team. Frozen Heart's 20% AS slow makes any attack speed based carry cry because they barely have a zeal at this point in the game. You also have plenty of sustain with Warmogs passive and W so you can pressure a 2nd objective (dragon or red/blue buff) immediately after taking a tower before going back to base. I start Doran's shield which synergies well with his E (HP and regen) and again with my runes which are flat armor reds, flat armor yellows, MR per level blues, move speed quints. Recent changes that "helped" Olaf: Doran's blade nerf helps if you play my tank style since now Doran's shield has a bigger level 1 advantage and the Randuins nerf because I prefer FH anyway. Is there any other champion that is just as effective levels 9-13 as Olaf after only building Warmogs and Frozen Heart? That's what it was before everyone started going crazy. I'm not positive on the math but I really do feel FH to giant belt to Spirt Visage is a much better build path for olaf if you go the tanky route. | ||
United States1291 Posts
I don't need the CDR because my build already has 40% so I'd rather get BV which allows me to tank more and go a little deeper before having to pop his Ult. If you do need the 10% CDR then I believe Locket is much better than SV. It costs only 50 gold more, but you get more HP with the shield active and you sacrifice 15 MR (regen is wasted stat during fights) for the team AoE shield and MR. Locket in my Opinion has much more value. My major MR item after the Warmogs/FH core depends on their team comp. It's either BV (tons of Magic dps) or Maw of Malmortius (little magic dps). | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On July 10 2014 03:56 Ghost-z wrote: I prefer the giant's belt first unless I'm against a full AD top and Jungle then I will opt for the Glacial rush. I never like going for Spirit Visage unless you have lots of heals or lifesteal. Sure, if your rushing Bork or Hyrda then yes Spirit Visage is a great MR item but other than those two items I think its wasteful on Olaf. I don't need the CDR because my build already has 40% so I'd rather get BV which allows me to tank more and go a little deeper before having to pop his Ult. If you do need the 10% CDR then I believe Locket is much better than SV. It costs only 50 gold more, but you get more HP with the shield active and you sacrifice 15 MR (regen is wasted stat during fights) for the team AoE shield and MR. Locket in my Opinion has much more value. My major MR item after the Warmogs/FH core depends on their team comp. It's either BV (tons of Magic dps) or Maw of Malmortius (little magic dps). He does get 21% lifesteal + increased healing on W so i dont think its a waste, obviously alot better with Bork tho | ||
United States1291 Posts
On July 10 2014 05:35 arb wrote: He does get 21% lifesteal + increased healing on W so i dont think its a waste, obviously alot better with Bork tho I had forgotten about the "enhanced" healing on his W so SV is better than I gave it credit for but I still think buying it for the regen/healing is a waste unless you plan to stack life steal from another item (Bork) because SV is only for "self heals" which means it does nothing if Soraka heals Olaf. Building Bork into SV/FH is probably better against teams with low burst otherwise I still feel like I need a giants belt item. | ||
United States566 Posts
Undertow ( Q ) cooldown reduced to 7 from 8 seconds Vicious Strikes ( W ) increased healing from all sources changed to 1% for every 2% of health missing from 1% for every 2.5% of health missing. Ragnarok ( R ) cooldown lowered to 100/90/80 from 120/100/80" PBE MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA | ||
United States8519 Posts
I feel like I can use Ragnarok when I actually want to, instead of absolutely having to save it and be very careful about it. The cooldown at level 1 was so obnoxiously long, and its really noticeable when his ult is more in line with others. The viscous strikes upgrade lets me use armor penetration runes more easily, which makes the axes hurt a lot more. And the undertow change makes missing axes a little less punishing (but isn't overly oppressive for your opponent due to the mana cost). All in all, it makes things so much easier in the laning phase. If you're good at Olaf, he's going to beat most melee champions now (except for probably Irelia and maybe Gragas), and fairly hard too. I was pleasantly surprised at how good the changes felt. | ||
United States1291 Posts
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France45622 Posts
I picked up J4 a few months ago when still playing to complement Nautilus (comp dependant) and Vi (bug RNG dependant), but considering how he's doing now there's a high likeliness he'll get banned or picked by the opponent. Olaf was also one of my favourite champions until Riot gutted him, and even when Smash reworked him he still wasn't quite there, and now the competition top is just way too strong for him and as an "hybrid" he doesn't provide enough compared to them with the farm. But it seems like he's having a resurgence in the jungle so if that means I can play him without gimping myself and the team, I'll jump on it. AD/armour/scaling CDR/AD, 21-9-0, WQQ and starting Gromp? With all his AS steroids I assume starting krugs is nice too. Smite/Ghost since we're talking Olaf. Stalker's Blade + boots -> Juggernaut -> Warmogs or something, stacking tankiness and CDR on him since he won't have the farm to build damage and tankiness from the jungle? Stalker's Blade to enhance his ganks with the slow, I assume no need for Ranger's Trailblazer since he clears petty fast. WQQEQR R>Q>E>W for the skill order? I'm also curious about what makes him get picked, apart from good clear and decent burst early on. Chaining Undertows and the permaslow that helps against current FotM that likes kiting? I don't recall him doing particularly well against Lee and especially Jarvan, so I assume he's not picked because of that the way Graves is picked because he's supposedly good in lane against the popular marksmen? | ||
United States20754 Posts
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France45622 Posts
![]() Putting Scip's posts from GD here so they aren't lost: I go 9/21/0 masteries and flat AD quints+marks, flat CDR blues and eith scaling armor or scaling HP yellows (depending on the enemy teamcomp). Depends on what phase of the game it is. When you are level6-9ish, when you are on your way to getting warrior enchantment or got it already, you are a massive damage dealer. You don't want to be focused, because you are somewhat squishy but you have pretty much the highest damage in the entire game, so wait around until the fight starts, and start wrecking the melees or whoever gets split off with your axes and autoattacks. Once you get Righteous Glory, you are still a massive damage dealer, but Righteous Glory really allows you to get on top of the squishies. It depends on your teamcomp, if you have other melees to dive with you (like Leona, Irelia, Gnar), you might just want to run at their squishies with them and focus them down very quickly. If you are rocking double AP with something like Rumble, you probably want to play it very similiar to the lvl6-9 teamfights, and just focus the melees, and use Righteous Glory to allow your team to fight in a better position and get better picks. In the lategame, after you get a tanky item or 2, you are no longer a massive damage dealer. Now your teamfighting style depends on both enemy teamcomp and your teamcomp. If the enemy has assasins like Fizz or Leblanc that can totally wreck your squishies regardless of your involvement, it might the best to rush the enemy squishies in response. If your backline can survive the onslaught (maybe you have sufficient countermeasures like Lulu Janna or something), then focus melees or whoever comes close. If the enemy team doesn't have such powerful assasins, you probably still want to focus the melees, unless their backline is both vulnerable and stronger than yours. There are tons of circumstances I haven't mentioned, but I think this is the gist of it. Olaf isn't really any weaker in teamfights than other junglers are imo. I suspect you might find him weak in teamfights due to inappropriate use of axes. You can lose 1000's of damage by throwing it a bit too far or off to a side. The assumed build is Stalker's, Warriors, Righteous Glory, tanky items (mostly Locket, Randuins, perhaps GA, Thormail). Never build mercs, they're trash on Olaf. Go ninja tabi every time, if they have double AP and you're not at all afraid of their autoattack damage, just built tabi after Locket. Don't built FH either, you don't need the mana after you get Righteous Glory and you're already sitting on 32.5% CDR from runes+masteries+warrior+locket. Trailblazer is trash on Olaf even on the first back, I just get Stalker's in case I want to gank or fight, the speedup for yourself is massive in both ganks or fights. If you're focusing melees, you should probably wait until you are melee range to throw your axe, then proceed depending on what they do. If they start running away from you, well, that's simple. If they want to run past you, you go past them to pick up your axe and reevaluate whether you want to go deeper or start chasing the melee towards your team, which is the more likely choice here. In a small fight, you probably want to use your ult just before you hit your first axe, provided you can follow up properly, in the early and midgame then 40-60 AD buff is absolutely murder. In bigger teamfights you probably want to wait to just before you get hit by CC or a reposition to maximize the useful time your ult is up. | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
The infinity damage is obviously a joke but his damage IS pretty cray cray | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
olaf has a pretty good kit he just lacks some stickiness and tankiness which he needs to get from items | ||
France45622 Posts
I mean, do you really think Olaf would thrive against Cass, Kass, Gnar, Lissandra, etc.? ![]() | ||
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