I know this is a bit random but I'm curious to know what your favorite food is. If you have any, share the wealth and post it here! You could say that it'll be a good cultural experience even though some of us may never get a chance to try them.
Some of my favorite Korean dishes are (too many to name so I'm posting 2 for now):
삼겹살 - Sam Gyup Sal (Pork meat, sometimes 갈비 - beef ribs, where you cook it on top of the grill and once cooked, dip it on salt or bean pepper paste(쌈장 or 고추장), wrap it with lettuce and put rice and kimchi [for those who likes it] on top of it and devour it! Ahhhhh~ so tasty!)
떡복이 - Spicy Rice Cakes (The name of the food pretty much summarizes it. The sauce is what makes it spicy (or not). Some people likes to put egg, carrot, rameon 라면, and/or other vegetables in it to add flavor! *mouth is drooling*)
Buffalo Chicken Pizza has been my shit lately. And none of that pizza hut bs I'm talking real NY pizza.
When it's not BCP I go for any italian dish, preferably created from scratch. Baked Ziti, Penne a la Vodka, standard pasta and red sauce, pastina baby. You can't make a good sauce with "Ragu" 
Good THE BEST food consists of three things: -Grains -Tomato (however you make it, its always good) -Lots of Cheese. The more types of cheese the better!
On September 08 2009 23:52 Amber[LighT] wrote:Buffalo Chicken Pizza has been my shit lately. And none of that pizza hut bs I'm talking real NY pizza. Wow, looks fucking tasty!
Oh god that pork meat looks delicious
Norway28565 Posts
that first picture looks absolutely divine lol
I don't really have a "favourite food" tho, I like so much different stuff and it just all depends..
this is torture as im eating toast for breakfast because i have no food in the house (
I'm going for our local delicacy which is KARE - KARE
ingredients are: peanuts for the sauce, then some vegetables, for the meat ox tail and some beef chunks and the most important part is the fermented little shrimpys
10183 Posts
I'm gonna post my favorite foods here
Fish and Chips How can you not like Fish and Chips?! SO GOOD
양념치킨 (Korean Wings) SO GOOOOODDDDD
함흥냉면 North Korean Traditional Cold Noodles I love cold noodles.
![[image loading]](http://blogjan.free.fr/cpg144/albums/userpics/10001/normal_tire2.JPG)
![[image loading]](http://susannassketchbook.typepad.com/.a/6a00d83451f59869e2011168581e95970c-500wi) Fresh maple syrup on snow. mmmmmmmmm
man i love philly cheese steaks. i lvie like 20 minutes form pat's over in philly pa
edit: also love pho so fucking much
10183 Posts
Jesus christ Friloux that looks amazing
:O I want to try it now :O
On September 09 2009 00:27 MrHoon wrote:I'm gonna post my favorite foods here Duh Duk (더덕)Herbal Roots? Eww... WAIT THIS TASTES LIKE BEEF OMGWTF SO GOOD THIS MAN KNOWS HIS SHIT.
meat on every form is good
here is 15pounds of meat, world's biggest burger
PHOOOOO how can you not like that?
hey tonker whts the picture of the first food?