Newest Olaf Iteration.
Random comment: I think the ult active needs to be a steroid that affects his axes or his reckless swing, because those are his bread and butter skills when ulting. All the focus on Attack Speed or Lifesteal basically forces him to take ghost (cus you cant really AA as a Melle without it), and means his ult really doesn't have much teamfight utility without Ghost (particularly because you sacrifice so much tankiness). Perhaps something like:
Active: Olaf's skills now Shred Armor, or Active: Reckless Swing Does double damage against targest affected by undertow Active: Undertow Now throws 3 Axes in a cone (Like Buckshot)
I think I like this version more than the first. The changes to the axes are nice. Not sure how I feel about viscous strikes straight up giving 80 AD when active at level 5 though. I can imagine some weird crit builds being pretty oppressive in lane, because that's a hella lot of free AD without having to be low on health either, especially with all those new items with crit coming out.
I like the ult change coming from the perspective of having to fight him as a team, but not as an Olaf player. If it's only going to be 5 seconds now, some minor vamp when their entire team is trying to slow you probably isn't going to help an awful lot. 3 axes in a cone would be hilarious. I don't think it would be that strong either, since you get to use it maybe twice.
The newest Olaf changes make no sense, once again, unless you think olaf is not a real character.
I like it. I think Smash is doing some pretty solid work here.
I like Ragnarok buffing his skills too, but honestly I'd prefer if it were more a number thing than a skill change thing. Like say he presses R and his skills just do 50% more damage. I dunno if that balanced or not just a random number, but it sure as hell would feel cool, would emphasize the "Dont fight him 1v1 like this" and would probably make the entire enemy team focus him like a boss if he was running at enemy AD.
Probably feel a lot more noticable for the Olaf player than double passive/free lifesteal. I dunno, lifesteal cool but as a tank unless you have obscene amounts of lifesteal you wont ever really notice it. For example I can't say the last time I was playing Nasus Jungle and went "Aww my god, yussss! My Passive lifesteal saved me so hard that fight!" Its there an all, and I am sure it has saved me many times, but it doesn't feel impactful because you not have huge AD.
so here's the latest iteration:
General - Base Mana moderately reduced - Mana per level moderately reduced - Attack Speed per level moderately reduced - Attack Damage per level moderately reduced Undertow - Base Damage moderately reduced - Slow Percent moderately increased - Slow Duration moderately reduced (based on distance traveled) - Slow no longer decays - Minimum distance added - Axes now stick in walls and structures only if they would land in impassible terrain - Axes now make jungle monsters ignore unit collision to enable Olaf's Axe pickup play in the jungle better Vicious Strikes - Mana cost significantly reduced at later levels (to a flat cost across all ranks) - Now provides % extra healing for every __% health Olaf is missing - Health ratio removed from AD component - Base Damage significantly increased - Lifesteal minorly reduced - Spellvamp removed Reckless Swing - Cooldown moderately increased - Damage moderately reduced reduced (more at later ranks) - Bonus AD ratio added - Cost is equal to __% of total damage dealt (unchanged ratio) - Basic attacks lower the cooldown of Reckless Swing Ragnarok - Cooldown changed to be higher at lower levels and lower at later levels - Mana Cost removed - Now provides Armor / Magic Resistance passively - Active Reworked: Now removes the passive portion of the ability while active, grants a significant AD bonus - Olaf now turns Red when Ragnarok is active - Retains his immunity to disables
+AD when using ragnarok actually IS the "do more damage with skills" that you're looking for (Reckless swing also has an AD ratio now)
My concern with the rework is the undertow changes. Even when he was picked every game, it was still a very unreliable skill, and one that was still very hard to use. If the slow isnt enough, then really he is just going to be an all-in character, which doesn't work if he loses his defense when he ults.
On August 28 2013 04:44 cLutZ wrote: My concern with the rework is the undertow changes. Even when he was picked every game, it was still a very unreliable skill, and one that was still very hard to use. If the slow isnt enough, then really he is just going to be an all-in character, which doesn't work if he loses his defense when he ults. Eh. I wouldn't say Q was unreliable. Pro top laners, especially Korean ones, were able to consistently hit their Qs and chain them reasonably well.
I think that is a bit of the kind of selection bias. Because, when I watched, what happens typically is you miss several axes, then when you hit one you go in and can chain them well.
On August 28 2013 07:42 cLutZ wrote: I think that is a bit of the kind of selection bias. Because, when I watched, what happens typically is you miss several axes, then when you hit one you go in and can chain them well. back when I started (about a year ago) undertow was so cheap to throw that you could easily afford to miss 2-3 in lane before you even had a chance to run oom.
I certainly remember missing quite a few during crucial ganks/fights but in general it isn't one of the hardest to hit skillshots because the projectile speed and hitbox were high / large. Still when his slow didn't diminish you needed very mobile champion to get away from him.
I'm actually curious how he would do today with the new phage and his old style ult (meaning the arpen back in). I've rolled him in Arams sometimes and was surprised how strong he still is if you have a decent bank behind you.
Its hard to know because Toplane has seen so many nerfs to important champions since he got hit.
bonus ad to true damage count me in :D
On August 28 2013 15:29 TomatoShark wrote: bonus ad to true damage count me in :D eh. the ratio will probably suck :\
Can't wait for new BrOlaf to come live!
Going to have to wait until after worlds but I'm jumping on that S4 Olaf train.
Hm, dunno. Just played him, and his kit is really cool if his stats weren't so shitty. Changes seem to be ok although I'm not sure about the reduction of the mana costs. With Nasus/Malph you also hava mana probs but they are still playable. Anyway, can't await the remake.
On September 05 2013 08:49 Djin)ftw( wrote: Hm, dunno. Just played him, and his kit is really cool if his stats weren't so shitty. Changes seem to be ok although I'm not sure about the reduction of the mana costs. With Nasus/Malph you also hava mana probs but they are still playable. Anyway, can't await the remake.
I think that's the issue they are having, his kit is quite good which means his stats are either acceptable and he's OP or they are horrible and he's Eve.
WTF are these olaf changes?
They are nerfing his base everything, and making his dueling/teamfighting reliant on using autoattacks? Melle characters dont get to use autos in teamfights. I mean, his W is an AS boost with lifesteal? He honestly looks like they are trying to make him into Aatrox 0.5.
On September 10 2013 07:25 cLutZ wrote: WTF are these olaf changes?
They are nerfing his base everything, and making his dueling/teamfighting reliant on using autoattacks? Melle characters dont get to use autos in teamfights. I mean, his W is an AS boost with lifesteal? He honestly looks like they are trying to make him into Aatrox 0.5.
To be honest, melee characters do get to auto when they have cc immunity
On September 10 2013 09:55 zodde wrote:Show nested quote +On September 10 2013 07:25 cLutZ wrote: WTF are these olaf changes?
They are nerfing his base everything, and making his dueling/teamfighting reliant on using autoattacks? Melle characters dont get to use autos in teamfights. I mean, his W is an AS boost with lifesteal? He honestly looks like they are trying to make him into Aatrox 0.5. To be honest, melee characters do get to auto when they have cc immunity 
Meh, 5s, no AA reset, no hard CC. Plus, because your Melle, AS is less helpful when you are being kited. Not to mention you lose your survivability when you go CC immune and don't get free AD for building tank now.
He might be good, but that will just be a #s thing. The "rework" really isn't putting him in a place of long term balancablity, and seems to be leaving him near current Olaf form. I think it all has something to do with Riot Assuming Olaf always has Ghost up, which is semi-idiotic, like assuming Sona always has Flash up.
Kited? Just get a Trinity Force, Olaf can trigger it constantly anyway. hue
New Olaf is finally live! Been waiting for this all year. My thoughts on him:
he now gets huge amounts of AS from passive + W. No need to build AS on him at all. He gets AD from his ult, and now his E scales with total AD, so there is a bit more incentive to build AD on him compared to before.
He increases his healing when W is active, which gives incentive to build lifesteal.
He doesn't like CDR as much now since both is Q and E have reset mechanics, although CDR is still certainly useful for him. He's also doesn't itemize for health nearly as much as before.
I'm thinking hydra is core on him due to good AD/clear/lifesteal. SV is also core against an AP lane, since it increases his lifesteal even more and gives great stats overall.
After hydra/SV build tank, I'm guessing randuin's is the next obvious choice due to Olaf wanting to dive the AD carry.
In my games played so far, the 400 range minimum still allows you to perma slow your target if you get next to them. however, olaf is worse when the target turns and fights since you can't just throw the axe right at your feet and machine-gun the target to death.
Ragnarok's +80AD at level 3 is huge.
If you need more damage after hydra, get BC or LW. However due to his improved lifesteal mechanics and his AD-scaling true damage, i'm almost tempted to just buy a BT if I need more damage.
No more than 2 damage items, since once you turn on ult you lose your resists. This means you need to build tank to stay alive in fights. Randuin's/SV is such a good core for bruisers/tanks, after that get atma's or FH if you need armor, hexdrinker/maw if you need MR, or something situational like thornmail/GA. I've built hydra -> randiun's/SV -> SV/randuin's in my games so far and it has worked well.
doran blade's are extremely good on him since he has an on-demand AS steroid and wants to trade whenever possible (meaning more AS from his passive)
edit: oh his W giving a large amount of AS means that he is much better at split-pushing, since he can take town towers much faster even at full health.