On September 29 2012 09:44 Alaric wrote: 0K. Am I supposed to be able to do any kind of shit against Yorick as Olaf? I got an early kill on him (he started meki+pots, I had to use my 5 pots for this), but he had enough to buy tear and after that... well he went back with tear, no boots, no pots. And then there was absolutely nothing I could do. No way to make damage stick through his sustain, no way to sustain the damage from ghoul if I tank them, zoned from minions if I sit in the bush... the ganks were just icing on the cake, he had 40cs on me just doing nothing but pressing WE if I tried to get closer than axe range.
I ran AD, armor, a mix of flat and scaling MR, MS; started cloth+5 into boots+NMM+pots, then phage, level both Q and E at the same time. What am I supposed to do apart from praying no fucking bastard decides to play him, eat every axe, die at level 3 and still win lane through brainless spamming?
Just played my first olaf vs yorick lane, but to my surprise he was actually unable to stop me from farming once I got wriggles. It was clearly also a pretty bad yorick, but max W and wriggles gives you pretty insane sustain -- you'll steal life back from his ghouls, it's only him directly attacking you that you need to avoid. I'd be curious to hear what others think of the matchup.
olaf is a very strong jungler that is underplayed, he's similar to udyr but with a ranged slow instead of a melee stun
After playing top for a few months Olaf has been my most consistently enjoyable champ. I would like to make an updated guide for him for solotop, his ult works a bit differently than when this guide was first created, and numerous item changes have changed the way most people build him(e.g. atma's and warmog's have both been nerfed in past year).
I'm not sure how new guides for current champs work on this forum; do I need a banling blessing, or just make it?
On November 03 2012 01:31 BlasiuS wrote: After playing top for a few months Olaf has been my most consistently enjoyable champ. I would like to make an updated guide for him for solotop, his ult works a bit differently than when this guide was first created, and numerous item changes have changed the way most people build him(e.g. atma's and warmog's have both been nerfed in past year).
I'm not sure how new guides for current champs work on this forum; do I need a banling blessing, or just make it?
Just write a guide and post it in response; PM Kaniol to get it linked or maybe even copied into the OP. If he doesn't respond, PM Neo about starting a new Olaf thread.
Well olaf is viable as both jungler and solotop, and the guide is currently for jungle, I'd rather not delete the current jungler guide, but my guide is detailed enough for a separate OP. Although, even as a jungler guide, it's currently a bit outdated I think.
What do you guys build on olaf? I know mallet is good on him because he sticks to carries like a strong adhesive and randuins and warmogs help him tank like a beast but is there a general sort of plan for your starting items? I know that you need to build based on your situation but some advice would be great.
I keep debating whether to max Q or E first when laning top, I've seen it played both ways at high level. Maxing Q first seems to be better overall for lane control and is useful in many situations, E seems to be better for 1v1 battles? Anyone who maxes E first want to explain why it's better to level over Q?
And should you always get a level of W early on, or is it better to skip?
Also saw HotShotGG pick teleport for his Olaf yesterday, that was interesting. And he maxed Q first, btw.
Your tanky Olaf is pretty bad. Also E skill sucks, though maybe not for your tanks style, but if you change some resist items for attack items + use life steal wisely you make a much much better Olaf.
I'm pretty negative sorry for that.
On November 28 2012 02:07 rhs408 wrote: I keep debating whether to max Q or E first when laning top, I've seen it played both ways at high level. Maxing Q first seems to be better overall for lane control and is useful in many situations, E seems to be better for 1v1 battles? Anyone who maxes E first want to explain why it's better to level over Q?
And should you always get a level of W early on, or is it better to skip?
Also saw HotShotGG pick teleport for his Olaf yesterday, that was interesting. And he maxed Q first, btw.
I don't know if maxing E is better but I like it more because having a 5 sec cd 340 true dmg is pretty fun and it is easier to harass/trade without pushing creeps.But I like to try to freeze and zone other guy rather than pushing and roaming so it depends on playstyle.
I usually build him something like Phage/shur/randuin and then mallet/fon(obv some mr if needed inbetween or later).
On November 28 2012 02:07 rhs408 wrote: I keep debating whether to max Q or E first when laning top, I've seen it played both ways at high level. Maxing Q first seems to be better overall for lane control and is useful in many situations, E seems to be better for 1v1 battles? Anyone who maxes E first want to explain why it's better to level over Q?
And should you always get a level of W early on, or is it better to skip?
Also saw HotShotGG pick teleport for his Olaf yesterday, that was interesting. And he maxed Q first, btw.
Q max is better vs ranged because you need to be able to clear wave quickly and punish ranged harass hard through axe chaining. E max is better vs melee's because you'll be able to get it off far more often without needing to land an axe. Point in W is better than a second point in Q/E almost always because it's stronger for both all-inning(auto/Q bonus damage+lifesteal is better than extra damage on one skill).
Also Q max is stronger when you're at a disadvantage for obvious reasons.
TP olaf is for lanes where you know killing the other guy is going to be hard/impossible, and he can't kill you, so you want to leverage advantages elsewhere.
I like double GP10->shurelya+phage-> giant's belt(warmog if ahead, FM if even or behind) item->resists. If you get fed though, triforce rush is very, very strong for forcing objectives and ending games.
On November 28 2012 02:07 rhs408 wrote: I keep debating whether to max Q or E first when laning top, I've seen it played both ways at high level. Maxing Q first seems to be better overall for lane control and is useful in many situations, E seems to be better for 1v1 battles? Anyone who maxes E first want to explain why it's better to level over Q?
And should you always get a level of W early on, or is it better to skip?
Also saw HotShotGG pick teleport for his Olaf yesterday, that was interesting. And he maxed Q first, btw.
Good rule that I use:
against champs that have to get within range of E to last hit/harass/trade, max E first. Otherwise max Q first.
Good examples of champs to max E first: Jax, Irelia, Singed, Riven, Renekton Good examples of champs to max Q first: Any ranged champ, Pantheon, Akali, Darius
Always get 1 point of W before level 6, it gives a huge boost for 1 point. ~15-25 AD depending on your health, plus lifesteal and spell vamp for trades.
any thoughts on the new items and olaf? Just played 3 games in a row (against Irelia, Xin, Irelia) and so far, aside from a sightstone the flask instead of potions i haven't felt the need to touch anything new.
Core is still Frosthammer and Warmogs armor, coupled with Ninja tabi. After that Atmas (their mid failed hard, so AD damage was primary concern) and guardian angel.
Anything spectacular I've missed, that I should have gotten instead?
(edit: regarding skill orders, no matter if I max Q or E first, the point in W at 4 is pretty mandatory. It's both some damage as well as insane synergy with your passive. If you win a fight 1v1 barely without it, you'll win it handily with it).
Just get some ArPen blues, rush a black cleaver, press C at level 6 and look at the value near the "Armor Penetration" line.
On December 07 2012 03:36 Alaric wrote: Just get some ArPen blues, rush a black cleaver, press C at level 6 and look at the value near the "Armor Penetration" line. true, but the point of olaf is to tank anything possible while still dealing true damage to the enemy. In most fights my damage comes from E and Q, not autoattacks (because they WILL try to kite you). So I am really not sure if Black cleaver is worth it. Guess I'll play around with that.
Black Cleaver gives health and cdr, both of which are good for Olaf. This is important with the nerfed shurelia.
It builds from brutalizer and provides armor pen, which makes Q's/autos hit way harder.
It is definitely the best offensive item to buy on Olaf right now.
See, Olaf without black cleaver right now does a lot of physical and true damage. However, Olaf with black cleaver right now does a lot of true and true damage.
I go BC -> warmog's now.
I can usually go straight for BC, but if I need to space it out, go brutalizer -> giant's belt -> BC -> warmogs
I've jungled Olaf in the new jungle and he's incredibly strong built as a tank. 0/21/9 masteries. Max Q first if you're rushing Spirit of the Lizzard Elder. Otherwise I get 2 points in Q first, 1 in W, and then max E by level 9 if I'm building tank items first.
Spirit of the Lizzard Elder, Warmogs, Frozen Heart, Maw of Malmortis, and the tier 3 boots upgrade that speeds up teammates moving towards you. It really helps initiating fights since you'll be deep diving their carries with your ult. Warmogs is too good on him now and I feel i don't need the FM slow, just hit your Q. Frozen Heart give 20% cdr so spam that Q-E while you debuff their team. Early dorans shield is great too.
I would replace Spirit of the Lizzard Elder with Black Cleaver if your playing him top lane. Otherwise I build the same. Against melee build tanky first and max E. Against ranged build damage first and max Q. Get extra points in W only if you cant win trades in lane (rare but useful against Yorick).
Always take Ghost. Teleport is good for TP-ganks since you should have wards everywhere.
What runes are you running on him in the jungle, Ghost-z?