You can't really DO anything once he gets farmed. What you do is you deny him early and get a large cs lead, and if you kill him as well, you go and make plays around the map. Gank mid, Dive bot, Play for dragon, steal their buffs. Nasus can't follow you becaues you just kill him while he's weak and you want to have a significant advantage before he does.
The 4% CDR reduction and 10% magic penetration logic goes like this: You don't want to spend 5 points to get 10% armor penetration. But 4% CDR is really valuable, and the 10% magic penetration is really good for 1 point, it helps on your E and R that little bit. However, if you're definitely going frozen heart shurelyas as first 2 items, you either don't get the CDR/lvl in defense tree, or just don't go 9 offensive at all IMO. Better to go 9 utility or more in defense. But I'm not toally sure about that. I don't like hog because I feel like even a fast philo is pushing it, and only because you know for sure you're going to play passive, you're better off getting a kindlegem, it helps you in lane more both for fighting and farming your Q, and lets you get shurelyas faster where the early dragon fight potential and mana regen and extra CDR makes it worth losing the gp/10 on your philo stone.
I rarely get a fast triforce, but if I do I tend to rush GA after. CDR builds are really nice on Nasus but it's not necessary to rush it especially early game when you're out leveling their bot lane and jungle by quite a bit and the AD steriod and arpen from your E and R makes your autos hit like a truck. Generally CDR builds are necessary for laning, as both shurelyas stats (cdr to stack Q and get 2x W's in trades and more Q's in trades, and also to get away from ganks with the hp and move speed active), and the frozen heart stats (mana to let you cast spells in lane without going oom and not being able to farm Q, CDR, and armour because most tops are physical heavy).
Aegis is also an excellent Nasus item if you don't think GA is a good choice or generally just want more of everything tank stat wise. But generally it gets overshadowed by CDR items.
Randuins is that item I get after Frozen heart when I know for a 100% fact that if I shut down their AD carry we win the teamfight. (Consider that Nasus is extremely hard to kill without an AD carry as well, if you take him out you can help clean up, even QSSing wither will only do so much with the short CD, randuins+frozen, and the wardens mail proc letting you run away from AD carries with PD and redbuff)
I used to get LW and warmogs more, but I find with better teams generally if you accomplish your role as the tank (shutting down their ad carry, intiating, hitting their squishies really hard) you'll win teamfights. If they have like a fed irelia or akali etc things become more complicated, however.
On January 28 2012 02:00 Slayer91 wrote: Anyone can lose 2/3 of health to gp if you aren't careful, that's nothing exclusive to nasus. If anything nasus has a far easier time getting zoned since he has so much lifesteal and the fact that W prevents him from gibbing you at level 2. If you don't get all the last hits early then the lane will get pushed to your side so you can relax. Once you get some CDR your W is shorter cd than his oranges by far so once you have glacial he can't fuck with you unless you've fallen really far behind.
Like I played 1 game and got behind early and got owned but the next time I faced a GP I sorted out my early levels and thne got a fast glacial after philo and boots and everything was fine.
Definitely a really annoying matchup. He'll get wiggles (I think he went tabi->wiggles->building for warmogs) and it was really annoying to go against him even at later levels. But once I had Kindlegem + Glacial I would win in trades because my w would be off cd (probably 1/2 cd) and I had a better manapool, as well as better sustain because I would last hit with Q after a successful trade.
I've been maxing w after Q, for its cdr as well as extra slow percentage. Against champs who don't have built-in flash (or Garen) w essentially is a kill if you bait a trade correctly, and even flash champs can die from a commited jungler flash. Also with the AD carries going zerkers most often unless they run cleanse (even then, hopefully you have CCs) w will effectively shut them out of any fights early-mid game. And lategame too dohoho.
Another annoying point is when their AP mid gets really really fed but you have to build at least glacial to be effective in lane. But I find that that tends to happen when I'm vs Nasus as they'll build tabi->FH and our mid will kill him with a good gank.
I always max W second. I've never really had problems with my pushing power that I need to level up E early.
Every time I see a Nasus get Warmogs, they do really poorly. Think it has to do with the fact that you don't really have time to charge it fully before teamfights break out and you sacrifice speed and damage or resistances for it in the meantime. When team fights break out, you're in this awkward position where you're not really ready to do anything. By the time you can get it without sacrificing damage or resistances, you could be finishing off other items that are more useful.
I probably play Nasus about as passively as humanly possible. I'm content to sit back with two gp/10 items, locking the lane in front of my tower, and just sitting there for 40 minutes if I'm not needed elsewhere. This tends to net a lot of kills because eventually my jungler will wander up and smack the enemy top. I also feel like it vastly accelerates how quickly you can dominate the game if you can get away with it, the trick is being able to get away with it.
And yeah, I always max w over e too.
Like, I think saint was flaming doublelift over not maxing E FIRST beause thats what hotshot does. (against singed, I think), which I think is just totally crazy, I know hotshot likes his pushing and all, but SURELY having above average pushing strength with Q and level 1 E, enough sustain to tank the creeps totally, and a crazy anti tower steriod MORE than makes up for taking a 5-10 seconds longer to clear a wave, there's only so much they can do in that short time that early in the game.
So I bought Nasus a month ago and only played like 5-7 matches. Is it better to get glacial shroud before sheen? Since you should only use your Q when the minions have a tiny amount of health left, so that Sheen effect shouldn't be necessary. However, sometimes people insult me calling me noob and all that sort for not rushing Sheen? Is it that necessary before Shroud? Also, after I get those two items, should I go for Frozen Heart or Triforce? Does it even matter? Any extra tips would do me fine :D
It's situational. Glacial Shroud is a fine choice a lot of the time, people are just sheep who think rushing Triforce is the only way to play Nasus.
It does matter and depends entirely upon the matchup. If you're against Garen for example, get the shroud ASAP. Triforce makes you do more damage, while also making it easier to escape. If you don't need the resistances, it's a really good item to have. Sheen by itself is kind of meh in my opinion. Order that you finish Triforce/Frozen Heart is up to you, and again, it depends on the matchup.
Sheen's used for the extra burst damage, which means better trades with opponents (potential kills) and better pushing power by killing towers faster.
On January 31 2012 04:27 Ayush_SCtoss wrote: So I bought Nasus a month ago and only played like 5-7 matches. Is it better to get glacial shroud before sheen? Since you should only use your Q when the minions have a tiny amount of health left, so that Sheen effect shouldn't be necessary. However, sometimes people insult me calling me noob and all that sort for not rushing Sheen? Is it that necessary before Shroud? Also, after I get those two items, should I go for Frozen Heart or Triforce? Does it even matter? Any extra tips would do me fine :D
I'd almost always get glacial first; It's made better by the fact that most tops are AD. Unless your team needs the damage, you won't need Sheen early, and in lane you shouldn't really even be fighting your opponent unless you know you can kill them. I'd go as far as to say that you don't need Sheen at all until you have glacial+boots+kindlegem, if you're even building Triforce at all (which you don't always need to).
I also thought I'd add that, though he's my favorite and best character, I never play Nasus unless I see it'll be a favorable matchup for me. This is one of the reasons why Nasus always looks so good competitively, as he's only picked at time that he'll be able to win his lane/the game.
On January 31 2012 04:48 Wala.Revolution wrote: Sheen's used for the extra burst damage, which means better trades with opponents (potential kills) and better pushing power by killing towers faster.
CDR also works for killing towers faster. Sheen does help in trades but so does resistances, since your lifesteal makes you gain a lot of health the armour makes it beefier. Sheen is only a good choice in lane if you're winning by a decent amount.
Does anyone max E on nasus? I've seen it done against me to stay even in lane, and I like it in dominion and TT.
On October 07 2012 10:00 obesechicken13 wrote: Does anyone max E on nasus? I've seen it done against me to stay even in lane, and I like it in dominion and TT. only when i play ap nas solomid
maxing E is pretty ridiculous with a little bit of AP because it's like morgana on steriods unless you can 1 combo him he just needs to be in lane for 3 seconds out of every 30 its lolsy
ap nasus is actually really bad because it's like normal nasus but with slightly more damage and really squishy. but maxing E probably deserves some credit when you intend to be able to stack your Q later on when say you need to build some defensive items to be able to free farm.
but i think runing some AP and building a couple dorans at the start of the game probably works in certain situations like for example mid nasus 2 dorans +ap quints is probably a good idea. 1 doran+ap quints at level 5 can 1 shot the range creeps I think. I did some brief testing and it was barely not enough without the quints.
2 dorans glacial shroud almost seems like a warwick build actually. Or if you're mid probably 2 dorans spirit visage or something.
I mained nasus and I played him pretty similarly to this, as more offtank than bruiser. I do go sheen first on him though, the extra damage gives more leeway on when you can whomp a creep and more lifesteal, helps a bit with zoning. I get glacial shroud soon after though. I used to go sheen->aegis, it was pretty good, but I cut it out because I feel like it slowed down my other items and aegis isn't great lategame.+ Show Spoiler +That build was a little different, was aegis, frozen heart, banshee's veil, triforce, and last whisper. I got it from a friend who was pretty succesful with it to start nasus off with but ended up changing it a lot.
Now I get Sheen, Chain Armor, and Negatron Cloak first(if I feel mercury's won't be enough), cheap resists+hp regen runes+tank masteries give pretty good early sustain. Then Glacial Shroud->Force of Nature->Triforce, the extra movespeed is really helpful for chasing and necessary for nasus as he is melee, but has no gap closer and can only wither one person. I sometimes get a second chain vest before triforce if necessary, getting cheap resists are better than delaying them to get a whole item. The last few items change order depending on situation, but I finish Atma's, Frozen Heart, and usually GA. If I see an opportunity to end the game I often get GA earlier and just ace their team in a fight. Nasus can be quite deadly reviving in a teamfight, run in and deal a lot of damage and eliminate most threatening target(s), then by the time you revive, there are too few people to stop you from whomping them in the face and lifestealing all your health back. This build doesn't get full cdr from items, but frozen heart+masteries gives enough of it. Also buff potions are your friend, they're cheap, and each one has something to offer nasus, blue for cd, red for health and damage, and green for more crit, though I generally don't need them, or get them until my build is done and if not usually only blue once, maybe twice, for the cd in the midgame.
For final items, Last Whisper is an okay item, but shouldn't be worrying about losing kills due to armor pen as a tank, spirit fire and runes are usually enough, and triforce+atma's gives enough crit and damage. Aegis is decent enough but the stats are kind of low. Banshee's veil can be a pretty ok choice, not for the shield but for the extra health and magic resist. Thornmail can actually be very good situationally, sometimes I replace atma's with thornmail against some teams. I'm kinda surprised Thornmail isn't used more, very very cheap finished item, highest armor item, and can destroy some teams, especially on someone like nasus who gets in the fray. I generally go for GA though because nasus relies more on resists and lifesteal than maximum health, and it gives both resists and survivability.
Nasus is one of my trademark champions and probably the champion which I enjoy playing the most (sadly I main AD so I cant play it too often ) : ) My itemisation with Nasus usually goes like this:
boots 1 -> Philo -> Kindlegem/Chainvest -> Glacial shroud/Shurelia (possibly some MR if I need to like Spiritvisage earlier t2 boots etc or even Negatron really really rarely and when shits going insanly wrong -> Chalice) -> FH. Then it really depends and there are several options for example: Trinity Force, Randuins, Force of Nature. And thats usually my full itembuild (t2 boots Shurelia FH Trinity Randuin FoN).
For maxing E I sometimes do it when I have a lane which is insanly insanly hard (either 2v1 or some stupid matchups like Cassiopeia Ryze Vladimir Swain...)
For my runes usually: Armorpen Red Armor Yellow Magic Resist Blue Lifesteal Quints.
With Nasus you have to realize his by far strongest phase is: minute 20-35 when you can just run around and be unkillable while doing considerable amounts of damage.
Edit: The shurelia is in my opinion nearly "must have" on Nasus due to it being an awesome item/helping Nasus a lot and it supports your team so well
So is Nasus going to get a nerf any time soon? Undefeated so far with him, every game has been a walkover. I usually don't even need to get all that many kills, it just takes the other team so many champs to deal with nasus that the rest of the team has it easy. Maybe it's just the black cleaver that I've been getting on him every game that makes him seem even more op, but damn, what a beast.
Oh and... his passive... lifesteal%... gfg
Absolutely not getting nerfed, have fun! I'm gonna update the guide when i get to playing him in the new patch.
Hi guys, I'm here to get some input on new jungle nasus. I've already ran it prepatch, and it seems promising (can only get better after the patch which gives him around 9 more damage per clear). Here's what I have so far:
Masteries: 9/9/12 (grab %arpen, the 30 flat health, and 3% vamp and buff duration) Runes: 6% lifesteal (this means you won't need potions after the first clear), AS reds, armor yellows, flat cdr blues (you can get mr if you want, but nasus prefers to farm, not fight)
Build: machete/5->spirit stone->dodge boots->locket->aegis/stone upgrade->SV/FrostFists->InsertSituationalItemHere
Skill order from level 1: E->Q->E->W->max Q or W depending on what your team needs
Need input on the following: 1. Which spirit stone upgrade: tenacity or red buff? Both upgrades cost the same, so question is, is the burn and damage (it procs on Q, E and R, lol) worth it compared to the tankier option (the red buff *is* more cost-effective for the stats it gives) 2. What's the best lategame damage item? Triforce/LW/Hydra sound all good on paper but it's most likely one of these is the best in every scenario (opposed to defensive items which are almost always situational) 3. Rush cdr to maximize q farm vs having better items? (i.e. prioritizing kindlegem, redbuff stone upgrade, and glacial)
Wouldn't Q first be better if you are garanteed a good leash, so you can get ~12-15 more damage on it from the wolves+blue?
On February 01 2013 15:02 101toss wrote: Hi guys, I'm here to get some input on new jungle nasus. I've already ran it prepatch, and it seems promising (can only get better after the patch which gives him around 9 more damage per clear). Here's what I have so far:
Masteries: 9/9/12 (grab %arpen, the 30 flat health, and 3% vamp and buff duration) Runes: 6% lifesteal (this means you won't need potions after the first clear), AS reds, armor yellows, flat cdr blues (you can get mr if you want, but nasus prefers to farm, not fight)
Build: machete/5->spirit stone->dodge boots->locket->aegis/stone upgrade->SV/FrostFists->InsertSituationalItemHere
Skill order from level 1: E->Q->E->W->max Q or W depending on what your team needs
Need input on the following: 1. Which spirit stone upgrade: tenacity or red buff? Both upgrades cost the same, so question is, is the burn and damage (it procs on Q, E and R, lol) worth it compared to the tankier option (the red buff *is* more cost-effective for the stats it gives) 2. What's the best lategame damage item? Triforce/LW/Hydra sound all good on paper but it's most likely one of these is the best in every scenario (opposed to defensive items which are almost always situational) 3. Rush cdr to maximize q farm vs having better items? (i.e. prioritizing kindlegem, redbuff stone upgrade, and glacial) Nasus Q is decent but it takes a while for it to even become better than Jax's W when CDR is taken into consideration. Spirit stone makes sense since you don't really want to lose Q procs from madreds procs.
Only your Q procs the spirit of red buff. I'd say you need a consistent slow to prevent kiting and then you go tank stats since Nasus doesn't have the mobility in teamfights to survive if he's not tanky.
2 points in E might kill the little creeps too fast. I played Shyvana jungle recently and I think I killed the little wraiths with a level 1 W.
I think another big consideration if you're going to max Q is your mana consumption. Q at low levels doesn't cost much, but it steadily increases to 40mana and a shorter cooldown. Are you taking blue buffs?
The biggest problem is still going to be your clear speed. If you slow it down to farm your Q then you can't gank for your allies as much. His W is decent CC if you can somehow get in range to use it.