Banshee pretty bad. I guess you can justify it if you're doing a weird catalyst build and not getting sheen OR glacial but then your build is probably bad.
Like, the spellshield is pretty bad for a melee because you're always in front and there's always a spammable spell that knocks it off. The hp isn't a great stat because you get so much from ulti and CDR items (kindlegem), and the magic resist you're better off getting from a negatron. Aegis FAR better for MR, so is spirit visage. Negatron-->FoN is a very good route. FoN gives you regen which is anti poke and is great when you survive over a long fight and also have lifesteal to keep you alive through a lot of damage from any left over bruisers/tanks that are still in the fight you can clean up. It also provides a lot of magic resist and movement speed which are all fantastic stats once you have your core of CDR and high resists + Q farm.
I get qss against malzahar, heh. Ninja tabi are great in lane against ADs and are good in general against auto attackers but the problem is generally nasus destroys them anyway what really hits you hard is cc+ap carries so mercs are #1.
Like, compare aegis+negatron to banshee veil. 2715 banshee I believe, aegis 1925+740 is 2665. Gain like 40 more armour and mr, lose like 50 health +gain a great aura.
Oh thank you Brambled! I am actually a Riven player but Nasus gives everyone trouble. Need to learn to stop the beast from farming that Q!
Edit: Nice laneing in your replay! If you ever want to practice Riven vs. Nasus let me know. I think I may be able to give you a better look than that Riven =P
Ugh....I want to watch this but it seems as though either the most recent version of lolreplay or the most recent patch has fucked things up. Gonna try to grab an older version. Edit: Didn't work. Sigh....I was kind of looking forward to seeing this. Oh well. If anyone has a workaround or fix I'd love to hear it.
On November 30 2011 08:28 Hoban wrote: Oh thank you Brambled! I am actually a Riven player but Nasus gives everyone trouble. Need to learn to stop the beast from farming that Q!
Edit: Nice laneing in your replay! If you ever want to practice Riven vs. Nasus let me know. I think I may be able to give you a better look than that Riven =P
Yea I feel like Riven made more mistakes and could have played better. But that is usually a reason why someone loses a lane.
I just had a game with me Nasus vs Tryn top. Was a tough lane and I think he played mechanically well but he over extended and then I had lane advantage imo.
Tough game where I played really well into mid game then made some mistakes but then carried team in last fight and baron decision.
What are your guys opinions of the Shen vs Nasus matchup top? I play a lot of both and just recently started playing Shen against other Nasuses, I can usually force them out of lane very early and get a decisive advantage before they get high enough level to compete with me. Basically just hitting them with every single knife early on while staying out of range of their Q, then poking them with my passive proc and knife whenever their Q is on CD...if they W you you can instantly use your dash to create a gap and get out with a good damage trade+they run out of mana.
I think Shen could be frustrating. His Q does magic dmg right and what about his passive? I think vs Shen I might go for a more aggressive farm build. Or instead of rushing armor like I normally do against most toplaners I would work towards warmog asap.
Just watched this game.... The Riven I most recently played against did not play anywhere near this passively...honestly I feel like your matchup was won because of bad play on her part and really stronk Guitar Serious ganks.
I just feel like there are so few champs that beat her these days when she is played properly...
Nasus #1 hero for baddies in low elo (speaking from experience here) because low elo players don't realize the importance of zoning nasus and are generally bad at it even if they do.
I am currently 5-0 with nasus in ranked and it has been pretty similar every time. Early game they either push lane early and get ganked, giving me a huge lead where I can sit on philo/hog, or they are passive and i get farmed anyway.
Only danger is that you might fall asleep from the constant AFK farming. Teamfights amount to activation shurelya's, withering their carry, then qing anything in range. Also activating ult i guess (once i forgot and it didn't matter). So also recommended for people with lag problems (once again speaking from experience) because you don't really need fast reaction time.
Just thought I would give my input to people asking for a good champ for low elo players.
That only really works if they have no idea who counters Nasus, or they pick their solo top first. :>
As far as Shen vs Nasus goes, it's almost a free lane for Nasus imo, if Nasus takes teleport (which he should). Unless the jungler is camping Nasus, Shen doesn't really scare me at all... just sit back and farm all day long. The dagger is annoying, but annoying doesn't really stop Nasus. I'd just get gp/10 items and pots if I felt like I needed them and farm at my tower. If you're Qing me all day long, you're going to push the lane, and I'll happily farm at my turret until I outscale you.
Also if you ult to save someone and it's not for dragon, you're giving me free farm in the meantime. I'm cool with that.
I'm a little confused by the 10% magic penetration offensive mastery in the new guide. I get the 4% CDR being useful early, but usually you're going to have Frozen Heart and Shurelya's anyways, and with defensive masteries that's an easy 40% CDR. I usually get the 10% armor penetration. :>
My usual build is Philo->HoG->Mercs->Triforce->Frozen Heart->Shurelya's->Guardian Angel->Radiun's Omen. Unless I need to be stacking armor against Garen/Renekton, then I usually start getting parts of the Frozen Heart a wee bit faster. Occassionally throw in an Aegis after Triforce if I have the feeling team fights are imminent, or my farm isn't where I would like it to be.
On January 27 2012 14:34 zer0das wrote: That only really works if they have no idea who counters Nasus, or they pick their solo top first. :>
Like I said, I am a low elo player and pretty much everyone picks who they feel like playing, not to counter. Even champs who should counter him don't necessarily pay off if they play the matchup wrong.
At higher levels it may not work but at 1300 elo it is pretty effective.
What lanes do you feel confident in getting Nasus? I liked him before i started rankeds, but there i felt pretty fast that i got destroyed by many tops, who knew what they were doing, and forgot the champ. But now i was playing some normals with friends, and decided to try him again, and the dog is super fun.
What match ups you consider a nono, and what are the times when the other guy picks top, that makes you think that now is nasus time?
On January 27 2012 16:50 Gaslo wrote: What lanes do you feel confident in getting Nasus? I liked him before i started rankeds, but there i felt pretty fast that i got destroyed by many tops, who knew what they were doing, and forgot the champ. But now i was playing some normals with friends, and decided to try him again, and the dog is super fun.
What match ups you consider a nono, and what are the times when the other guy picks top, that makes you think that now is nasus time? Wouldn't want to go up against Pantheon, Renek, Garen, a decent GP, Riven, Skarner. I have found that every other matchup, including Kennen, works pretty decently for me if I am willing to either sacrifice some early farm for late game dominance or max Spirit Fire first. Then again, I'm by no means the most experienced Nasus player out there, I just picked him up after Karma granted me his Riot Skin.
Edit: Nasus time for me is against Irelia, Trynd, Warwick, Jarv, Singed, Udyr, Cho, Galio, Malph, Rumble. Oh yaeh, and Yorick. Trollface.jpg while Qing his ghouls. But honestly I have found that it's not so much about their top lane (because, at least at my Elo (1450ish), there is a point where he just magically becomes unstoppable from farming) but your and their team composition. If you have multiple (hard) CCs and they lack the tools to kite, Nasus is a really decent pick in my opinion.
Nasus has lots of trouble against tiger udyr but GP is less of a problem. Riven, garen, renek and panth can bully hard but also get screwed hard by the jungler. Skarner I have no idea about.
GP is mostly a matter of getting your glacial shroud fast after that it's pretty plain sailing.
I don't mind going against Renekton and Garen, because they're going to push the lane eventually, and it is easy to just farm until you outscale them. Riven is sort of similar, except she scales almost as well as you do, so if she's good, she can actually shut you down- but I've found this matchup generally comes down to skill (and whether or not your jungler ganks her when she's sitting in front of your tower *cough*). Riven has an advantage and is annoying to fight against though.
Gangplank, Pantheon, Skarner, and AD Nidalee I hate facing. I don't know how you can say it's smooth sailing against GP, given getting to that point is not easy. Get anywhere near creeps against Gangplank, even on a tower, and you're getting parrleyed in the face. Go a bit too far, oh you're locked down by the grog, now you're probably dead or at least lose 2/3rds your HP. He's not necessarily easy for your jungler to gank either since he can just eat an orange and run away if you don't have another CC. I know it is possible to swing the matchup, but I don't think it is easy. If you screw up and give him a kill he can really start to spiral out of control too.
Anyone can lose 2/3 of health to gp if you aren't careful, that's nothing exclusive to nasus. If anything nasus has a far easier time getting zoned since he has so much lifesteal and the fact that W prevents him from gibbing you at level 2. If you don't get all the last hits early then the lane will get pushed to your side so you can relax. Once you get some CDR your W is shorter cd than his oranges by far so once you have glacial he can't fuck with you unless you've fallen really far behind.
Like I played 1 game and got behind early and got owned but the next time I faced a GP I sorted out my early levels and thne got a fast glacial after philo and boots and everything was fine.
why would you ever get hp on nasus? especially first. with passive life steal health is going to be devalued compared to other defensive stats?
HP is not a preferable stat because of your passive and ultimate. In lane however, some health is nice to help survive ganks//tower dives but yeah generally you prefer resists and cdr far more.
sometimes i do my best to deny Nasus farm (played as Garen, Pantheon, and Swain). I out CS him and kill him a couple of times but he ends up getting a lot of CS later anyways though. what do i do then?