On February 01 2013 15:02 101toss wrote: Triforce/LW/Hydra sound all good on paper
Hydra is not that good: -cleave only does Ad dmg, not stacked dmg -crescent same -only main target death gives +3 dmg, non-main target kills don't
I guess one main advantage is that it massively augments your passive lifesteal
Nasus has more than enough lifesteal for a bruiser. Lifesteal quints seem a bit too much maybe armour pen would be better.
Going 9 in offensive seems pretty silly, quite a bit of your damage is from E and R anyway, better get 21 in utility for that 6% cdr and movement speed and other goodies.
Putting points in E and just qing the large creep seems like the best way to play him. You get 66% of your original q stacks compared to doing it perfectly before but you don't artificially slow yourself.
Hydra is trash, lw is okay if they stack armour trinity is going to be good when it costs a reasonable price again. Spirit of the ancient golem+cdr boots+kindlegem into locket+glacial seems like a good core and maybe a spirit visage instead of glacial vs heavier magic damage.
I'm not agreeing with the Hydra, just pointing out what the suggester was probably getting at ^^
I wasn't replying specifically to you but it's still a stupid idea people who buy bloodthirster for lifesteal don't buy 4 of them.
Stacking lifesteal is only good for 1v1 or fed as fuck ad carries when there isn't 123103213 assassins that can jump you which is pretty much never these days
On February 01 2013 23:23 obesechicken13 wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 15:02 101toss wrote: Hi guys, I'm here to get some input on new jungle nasus. I've already ran it prepatch, and it seems promising (can only get better after the patch which gives him around 9 more damage per clear). Here's what I have so far:
Masteries: 9/9/12 (grab %arpen, the 30 flat health, and 3% vamp and buff duration) Runes: 6% lifesteal (this means you won't need potions after the first clear), AS reds, armor yellows, flat cdr blues (you can get mr if you want, but nasus prefers to farm, not fight)
Build: machete/5->spirit stone->dodge boots->locket->aegis/stone upgrade->SV/FrostFists->InsertSituationalItemHere
Skill order from level 1: E->Q->E->W->max Q or W depending on what your team needs
Need input on the following: 1. Which spirit stone upgrade: tenacity or red buff? Both upgrades cost the same, so question is, is the burn and damage (it procs on Q, E and R, lol) worth it compared to the tankier option (the red buff *is* more cost-effective for the stats it gives) 2. What's the best lategame damage item? Triforce/LW/Hydra sound all good on paper but it's most likely one of these is the best in every scenario (opposed to defensive items which are almost always situational) 3. Rush cdr to maximize q farm vs having better items? (i.e. prioritizing kindlegem, redbuff stone upgrade, and glacial) Nasus Q is decent but it takes a while for it to even become better than Jax's W when CDR is taken into consideration. Spirit stone makes sense since you don't really want to lose Q procs from madreds procs. Only your Q procs the spirit of red buff. I'd say you need a consistent slow to prevent kiting and then you go tank stats since Nasus doesn't have the mobility in teamfights to survive if he's not tanky. 2 points in E might kill the little creeps too fast. I played Shyvana jungle recently and I think I killed the little wraiths with a level 1 W. I think another big consideration if you're going to max Q is your mana consumption. Q at low levels doesn't cost much, but it steadily increases to 40mana and a shorter cooldown. Are you taking blue buffs? The biggest problem is still going to be your clear speed. If you slow it down to farm your Q then you can't gank for your allies as much. His W is decent CC if you can somehow get in range to use it. On spirit of red buff, I can confirm E and R damage both *do* proc it (tested in custom game, feel free to check yourself)
And yeah I looked at the mana costs, but spirit stone should cover you as long as you use E responsibly
Also the reasoning behind hydra was that you have lulzy aoe healing while being tanky so you don't get bursted 100 to 0, but it seems iffy at best. Armor pen runes are questionable on nasus since E already shreds armor to really low levels. Flat ad/AS/MS seem good, would have to test
On February 02 2013 03:45 101toss wrote:Show nested quote +On February 01 2013 23:23 obesechicken13 wrote:On February 01 2013 15:02 101toss wrote: Hi guys, I'm here to get some input on new jungle nasus. I've already ran it prepatch, and it seems promising (can only get better after the patch which gives him around 9 more damage per clear). Here's what I have so far:
Masteries: 9/9/12 (grab %arpen, the 30 flat health, and 3% vamp and buff duration) Runes: 6% lifesteal (this means you won't need potions after the first clear), AS reds, armor yellows, flat cdr blues (you can get mr if you want, but nasus prefers to farm, not fight)
Build: machete/5->spirit stone->dodge boots->locket->aegis/stone upgrade->SV/FrostFists->InsertSituationalItemHere
Skill order from level 1: E->Q->E->W->max Q or W depending on what your team needs
Need input on the following: 1. Which spirit stone upgrade: tenacity or red buff? Both upgrades cost the same, so question is, is the burn and damage (it procs on Q, E and R, lol) worth it compared to the tankier option (the red buff *is* more cost-effective for the stats it gives) 2. What's the best lategame damage item? Triforce/LW/Hydra sound all good on paper but it's most likely one of these is the best in every scenario (opposed to defensive items which are almost always situational) 3. Rush cdr to maximize q farm vs having better items? (i.e. prioritizing kindlegem, redbuff stone upgrade, and glacial) Nasus Q is decent but it takes a while for it to even become better than Jax's W when CDR is taken into consideration. Spirit stone makes sense since you don't really want to lose Q procs from madreds procs. Only your Q procs the spirit of red buff. I'd say you need a consistent slow to prevent kiting and then you go tank stats since Nasus doesn't have the mobility in teamfights to survive if he's not tanky. 2 points in E might kill the little creeps too fast. I played Shyvana jungle recently and I think I killed the little wraiths with a level 1 W. I think another big consideration if you're going to max Q is your mana consumption. Q at low levels doesn't cost much, but it steadily increases to 40mana and a shorter cooldown. Are you taking blue buffs? The biggest problem is still going to be your clear speed. If you slow it down to farm your Q then you can't gank for your allies as much. His W is decent CC if you can somehow get in range to use it. On spirit of red buff, I can confirm E and R damage both *do* proc it (tested in custom game, feel free to check yourself) And yeah I looked at the mana costs, but spirit stone should cover you as long as you use E responsibly Also the reasoning behind hydra was that you have lulzy aoe healing while being tanky so you don't get bursted 100 to 0, but it seems iffy at best. Armor pen runes are questionable on nasus since E already shreds armor to really low levels. Not only that doesn't his Q and R do magic damage?
Yeah, I wasn't sure about spirit myself. It seems AoE isn't classified as DoT immediately. Thank you for doing the tests.
Is everybody pretty much valuing Icefist over TF now? It still ends up generally being my 5th/6th item once raid boss status has been achieved, but holy crap is that proc debilitating.
I generally sit on glacial + sheen for awhile before I upgrade it to Icebourne. The early CDR is good for more Q farm, as well as armor to mitigate damage taken in lane (obviously if you're facing an AD champ), but I don't find myself needing the proc until team fights are much more frequent.
I still like the Shurelya's, SV, Iceborn core. It gets you to 40% CDR and all of the buildup items are really good. If you're thinking of that as your core you can pick up kindlegems if you need health, chain or negatron as needed, etc, plus the sheen whenever you're feeling OK defensively and can build some damage. I guess TF plus Frozen Heart could be good too, but that feels like a really, really expensive build with everything else you want. Maybe if the other team is running AD mid you can totally remove SV and go TF plus FH?
Doesn't hydra synergize with Nasus ult? He gets ridiculous AD from it, so boom boom boom AOE death right?
On February 04 2013 03:52 ticklishmusic wrote: Doesn't hydra synergize with Nasus ult? He gets ridiculous AD from it, so boom boom boom AOE death right?
Pretty sure damage is not Nasus's problem.
not to mention that in no situation will you be able to sit in a whole enemy team close enough together for 15 seconds to get lots of ad and stay in aoe so your hydra actually hits more than 1 target
Yeah I think of the ult in this priority:
1. Health 2. AOE magic damage 3. Bonus AD
People are just going to scatter when you ult lategame, so hydra doesn't make much sense to me. Again, lifesteal is not as good as defense on him. You're not an AD, you can't sit there attacking to keep your health up. You need health and resists to survive as people try to kite you.
Edited because spelling 2hard.
On February 04 2013 05:26 Sufficiency wrote:Show nested quote +On February 04 2013 03:52 ticklishmusic wrote: Doesn't hydra synergize with Nasus ult? He gets ridiculous AD from it, so boom boom boom AOE death right? Pretty sure damage is not Nasus's problem.
Right, Nasus already has guaranteed damage built in (self scaling q, armor reduction, and r bonus). He needs extra mobility and tank stats, as long as he stays alive he'll deal out a lot of damage regardless. His passive and w also ensure that as long as you can outlast the enemies he'll be progessively harder to take out the fewer they get. Building an item purely for damage is not really the way to go, if you want more damage something along the line of atma's is better as it at least gives you armor and criting with q is way strong and lifesteals more than enough.
Also now I'm diggin' 'em swifties on nasus, dat slow reduction OP
The on autoattack mod of Nasus' Q can crit now. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=3080900
Before it couldn't. This is weird. It really shouldn't imo. It leads to a lot more damage on lucky TriForce crits and I have no idea when it was stealth patched in... Little things like this make theorycrafting much harder.
Hyfe posted it, I'm instantly a believer.
It does make TF a lot more attractive, though.
On February 04 2013 08:19 CatharsisUT wrote: Hyfe posted it, I'm instantly a believer.
It does make TF a lot more attractive, though. Who is Hyfe?