Posted in here instead of General. Read the spoilered quote as well.
On June 14 2011 16:27 hasuprotoss wrote:Show nested quote +On June 14 2011 15:12 WaveofShadow wrote: Saintvicious streaming jungle GP right now. Just played a game with a jungle GP and I was thinking 'oh god troll' but yeah....he has great self-sustain and a crazy gank with red buff and/or ult.
Looks like you start with vamp scepter but I'm sure you need a good set of runes to do this well and I can't figure out what SV is using... 21/0/9: http://leaguecraft.com/masteries/3010140032330100000000000000013040001000000Quints: Armor Reds: Arm. Pen Yellows: Armor Blues: Magic res/level Start E with vamp scepter, I don't quite know where he starts but I assume double gols.
Yeah that was what he used in that specific game, but it seems as though he chose the wrong runepage, mentioning that is his WW page. He was talking about using attack speed...?
In any case it did seem to go pretty damn well for him. Leveling order: E at 1, W at 2, Q at 3, then R>E>Q>W.
And here is the replay of him playing it: http://clgaming.net/replay/2035
Edit: You were right about the runes. The most recent game has him running:
2 Armor Pen Quints 1 Attack Speed Quint 4 Armor Pen Reds 5 Attack Speed Reds 6 Armor Yellows 3 Attack Speed Yellows 9 Attack Speed Blues
All-in-all he ends up with 20% Attack Speed, 8.4 Armor, and 13 Armor Pen.
New Patch:
Grog-Soaked Blade No longer reduces healing and regeneration, but now slows movement speed by 7% Now stacks up to 5 times, but duration reduced to 3 seconds from 10 Damage changed to 4-21 from 5-19 Parrrley Fixed a bug where Parrrley could sometimes restore gold to other players Now applies Grog-Soaked Blade Raise Morale duration increased to 7 from 6 Cannon Barrage damage increased to 75/120/165 from 65/110/155
Enjoy! (+bump for GP discussion)
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
nooooooooooooooooooooooo they ruined my gangplank
fuckin riot
On June 22 2011 12:31 Brees wrote: nooooooooooooooooooooooo they ruined my gangplank
fuckin riot
lulz they made him amazing you mean. AND YOU'LL NEVER PLAY HIM AGAIN IN RANKED
I <3 new jungle GP. Got 2 kills today with my R while I was ganking another lane :D
I wonder if they'll hotfix him or wait for the next patch? I picked him up today, first time playing, first time jungling, 6/1. Just ridic.
On June 23 2011 14:22 WaveofShadow wrote: I wonder if they'll hotfix him or wait for the next patch? I picked him up today, first time playing, first time jungling, 6/1. Just ridic. He's strong right now, but I don't think he's hotfix-worthy strong. Honestly, I just expect the next patch to tone down his passive and maybe his E a bit.
is awesome32269 Posts
I just played jungle GP for the first time.
Enemy nunu stealed my blue 3 times (the first 3 times it spawned) cause my team wouldn't come help. I still pulled through, once i got wriggles I could do whatever I wanted, instant saved people with ult, stole dragon, etc.
edit: also red buff gank is EVIL.
I've been messing around with him. Been doing decent in my first few games.
I'm using as reds and blues, armor yellows, Arpen quints 21/0/9. Start with vamp scepter at wolves, usually wind up clearing around 5:15, level 5 with 700-800 gold depending on how many qs I got.
His ganks are godly ATM, i usually don't even have to get boots 2 until later and just rush phage for unstoppable ganks.
My only problem with him is his inherent squishiness in team fights until you get your tank items. I usually go sheen+phage into Fon/randuins then finish triforce. I also want to try shurelias on him as it feels like it would be amazing with his kit.
wriggles -> triforce -> force of atmogs GG now u r super op but the game wont last that long because of to much rape.
After about 4 games of jungle GP i will say that... he's really strong... none of my games have gone further than 25 mins and i've had 1 death in 2 of the games 0 in 1 and 4 deaths in my last game.
Red buff ganks are an autokill at level 4, and as soon as you get phage it doensnt matter if you have red cuz your gonna get a kill, and as soon as you have sheen it doenst matter WHO your gonna kill because q deals like 600 damage a shot. And you never need boots 2.
Real new#1 jungle.
On June 14 2011 16:49 WaveofShadow wrote: Leveling order: E at 1, W at 2, Q at 3, then R>E>Q>W.
Is this still the right order? I want to try GP out at some point.
is awesome32269 Posts
I do QEQE starting wolves -> wraiths -> small golems (vamp scepter)
You can do EQEQ/QEQE starting cloth armor+5xpots starting blue and clearing all.
gp is no longer fun to use because of how stupid broken he is
United States37500 Posts
EQEWER, R > E > Q > W or something to this extent. By level four, you want two points in E and one of each of Q W.