[Champion] Gangplank - Page 22
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United States13274 Posts
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United States5348 Posts
On April 04 2012 03:38 Mogwai wrote: GP's good vs. shitty low level sustained damage characters. GP's low level sustained damage is pretty good and he's hard to disengage from if he sticks to you. But he sucks at burst trades, especially past level 3/4ish. So I dunno, he's strong against like, say a Wukong who jumps on him at level 1 rather than waiting until 6 or like, a Morde/Vlad who doesn't open cloth. Shit like that. i suspect that gp will also do pretty well vs irelia now that her healing has been effectively halved | ||
United States13274 Posts
honestly I think Irelia'll still be fine vs. GP tbh. matchup looks like, "ok, you zone me off first creep wave, then, w/e, idgaf, you still can't trade once I get level 7 and wriggle's." | ||
Netherlands183 Posts
I feel that with a tanky build, you can provide a lot during midgame teamfights as a tank. Max W, get a fast Philo Stone and the mana talents in utility and you can eat oranges all day. With a Phage, Shurelia's and Atma's or Hexdrinker/Maw you can be a good pealer for your carries, much like Mundo plays, but with more utility. He is also an amazing initiator. And once you get into lategame, you just do so much damage, as GP always did (Triforce/IE/etc.) if you want him to. Don't underestimate his kit just because he does not dominate lane anymore. There are few characters that outscale GP and still provide poke, buffs and that amazing ult. | ||
New Zealand804 Posts
Start with: that health regen thing that builds into philo and pot,boots and pot or cloth armor and pot. Farm like a boss, first trip back get philo and the crit gold item. then: cooldown boots, sheen, IE or some lifesteal item (I usually get this last since I max heal second after the gun) Normally in that order too. Then trinity force and sell your crit gold thing for a last whisper. And that's it. I normally turn Philo into shurelia's (the one with the speedboost) sometime around getting Trinity or Last whisper, I think earlier would probably be better though, I'll have to try it. The lifesteal item I get is normally Wriggles or Executioner's calling (crit and higher lifesteal value, and cheaper) but it depends on what you need. I first tried fitting atma's into this but then I realized you get about 320 or so damage with this and your resistances are about 100 each which isn't too bad. Runes: AD reds, AD quints, Armor yellows, MR blues Masteries: 21/3/6 (Change the 3 in defence according to who you think you will vs top) the 6 in utility is mana regen and improved flash/teleport. Tell me what you think! | ||
United States1001 Posts
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New Zealand804 Posts
On April 06 2012 03:29 Pooshlmer wrote: If the other team is paying attention they will destroy you as soon as you try to melee someone. Using only Parley every couple seconds isn't going to do much for your team. I was melee most of the time, the only person who managed to kill me repeatedly in one of the games was a really fed kennen with 700 ap when they focused me, which allowed the rest of my team to kill them.You get about 2500-3k hp with this build so I wouldn't say that's squishy. | ||
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Finland951 Posts
On April 06 2012 07:36 Lorken wrote: I was melee most of the time, the only person who managed to kill me repeatedly in one of the games was a really fed kennen with 700 ap when they focused me, which allowed the rest of my team to kill them.You get about 2500-3k hp with this build so I wouldn't say that's squishy. 2500 HP GP with low resists dies so quickly if focused and even in farm. In low elo, and leveling i could make critplank work, because people did not even try to focus me, but now when ever i see a GP with full dmg build, i just laugh, and we just wipe him out if he tries to engage on us. | ||
United States13274 Posts
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493 Posts
On April 04 2012 08:46 theMarkovian wrote: GP feels a lot like Cho or WW now. You can harass a bit, but you are mostly there to farm all the things and become a force mid and lategame. Also, like Cho and WW, you assist a LOT in ganks. Warwick is king of setting up jungler ganks, but GP is up there too with his two slows, the AoE MS/AS buff and his ability to get out of CC. He even helps set up kills in other lanes, Cannon Barrage still mapwide and overpowered. I feel that with a tanky build, you can provide a lot during midgame teamfights as a tank. Max W, get a fast Philo Stone and the mana talents in utility and you can eat oranges all day. With a Phage, Shurelia's and Atma's or Hexdrinker/Maw you can be a good pealer for your carries, much like Mundo plays, but with more utility. He is also an amazing initiator. And once you get into lategame, you just do so much damage, as GP always did (Triforce/IE/etc.) if you want him to. Don't underestimate his kit just because he does not dominate lane anymore. There are few characters that outscale GP and still provide poke, buffs and that amazing ult. Cho isnt a force at any part of the game.. only mediocre harass and cc early game, but falls off badly. And GP's scaling isnt great. A below average ad steroid.. cant compare him to late game monsters like udyr, mundo, olaf. | ||
493 Posts
On April 12 2012 21:03 Gaslo wrote: 2500 HP GP with low resists dies so quickly if focused and even in farm. In low elo, and leveling i could make critplank work, because people did not even try to focus me, but now when ever i see a GP with full dmg build, i just laugh, and we just wipe him out if he tries to engage on us. its not a problem about gp.. its just the meta, melee carries dont work. | ||
Netherlands183 Posts
On May 11 2012 07:44 storkfan wrote: Cho isnt a force at any part of the game.. only mediocre harass and cc early game, but falls off badly. And GP's scaling isnt great. A below average ad steroid.. cant compare him to late game monsters like udyr, mundo, olaf. I never said Cho is a force, he just doesn't get pushed out of lane and can assist ganks well, which I felt GP does too when maxing W. That said, after playing him more, I can't justify him over other bruisers top (nor jungle BTW), except because he is fun. His main selling point is Cannon Barage, but he doesn't dominate lane (Olaf, Riven, Renekton, Udyr) and he isn't a brick wall after a few levels (WW, Shen, Udyr). Give him blue or red buff at level one (with Teleport) and he becomes the most terrifying laner ever though, denying everyone all day. | ||
United States8519 Posts
On May 11 2012 07:44 storkfan wrote: Cho isnt a force at any part of the game.. only mediocre harass and cc early game, but falls off badly. I have no idea how you can make a statement like that. Cho can fall off late game depending on how you build him, but if you go something like merc treads/RoA/Deathcap/Void Staff/FoN/FH with the standard defensive rune/mastery setup, you have ~200/200 resists, an obscene amount of hitpoints, and 380 ap, which is nothing to sneeze at given you can do 1200 damage in an area of effect (before resists), with a knockup and a 3 second silence, and your autos do something like 300 damage before resists. And his prime is mid-game on top of that. It's way easier and faster to reach a stage where you're relevant as Cho'gath than it is Gangplank, because you don't have to be a passive wench for a large portion of the game thanks to carnivore. | ||
Canada5484 Posts
He falls off late-game but all champions do if they don't scale to do a billion damage. | ||
493 Posts
On May 11 2012 23:23 zer0das wrote: I have no idea how you can make a statement like that. Cho can fall off late game depending on how you build him, but if you go something like merc treads/RoA/Deathcap/Void Staff/FoN/FH with the standard defensive rune/mastery setup, you have ~200/200 resists, an obscene amount of hitpoints, and 380 ap, which is nothing to sneeze at given you can do 1200 damage in an area of effect (before resists), with a knockup and a 3 second silence, and your autos do something like 300 damage before resists. And his prime is mid-game on top of that. It's way easier and faster to reach a stage where you're relevant as Cho'gath than it is Gangplank, because you don't have to be a passive wench for a large portion of the game thanks to carnivore. his ratios are too small and CDs are too big, it doesnt work. Well, no better than other builds of his, he is pretty much ignorable in the current meta. | ||
United States8519 Posts
I honestly don't think you have any idea how Cho'gath fits into the game. If you gave an argument like "rupture is hard to hit" I'd be like "okay, that's definitely the case." But complaining about his AP ratios? For real? The only real issue with Cho is late game AD carries start doing so much damage, but he's more immune to that than most- hit a single rupture, feral scream, feast combo and their AD carry is dead (don't even have to waste feast if they're out of positon or your team follows up properly). The perception thank Cho scales poorly into the late game probably has to do with people building him janky or pure tank- if they do either, then yes, there is a huge need to win the game before it gets too late. | ||
Belgium473 Posts
On May 12 2012 00:46 storkfan wrote: his ratios are too small and CDs are too big, it doesnt work. Well, no better than other builds of his, he is pretty much ignorable in the current meta. frozen mallet, wits end, atma's and attackspeed/crit pot and you deal a decent amount of damage imo the atma's nerf hit him hard though | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
People give a lot of respect to chogath and like new arranged teams like around 1400 often take chogath solo top but how often do you actually see chogath do well? Only hotshot plays him and only sometimes to good effect. Chogath has short range and no form of mobiliy enhancement and is an unmissable target and poke damage is very non trivial even to a chogath if you don't have at least a fon. Not to say chogath is bad but definitely very situational. | ||
United States255 Posts
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