If GP ult didn't have global range I think he would be an EXTREMELY situational pick thanks to how many lanes he loses badly nowadays, but I don't know how they'd fix that because he's still strong nontheless.
[Champion] Gangplank - Page 21
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United States97 Posts
If GP ult didn't have global range I think he would be an EXTREMELY situational pick thanks to how many lanes he loses badly nowadays, but I don't know how they'd fix that because he's still strong nontheless. | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States97 Posts
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Denmark4564 Posts
On April 03 2012 00:58 Mogwai wrote: GP would probably still be fine tbh. I dunno, just seems like even though he can't play a lot of lanes aggressive, he can always just max oranges and build double gold/10 and end up at worst breaking even in farm and then be very strong late game. the champion's kinda bullshit. Jungle gp, build him as J4. I swear i can keep up with the medi ocre junglers like skarner, rammus. Haven't tried vs counter-jungle heavy champs yet tho. He's hella strong when he picks up red and gets to 3 especially against lanes that relys on cc to get away. | ||
United States97 Posts
On April 03 2012 01:55 Sponkz wrote: Jungle gp, build him as J4. I swear i can keep up with the medi ocre junglers like skarner, rammus. Haven't tried vs counter-jungle heavy champs yet tho. He's hella strong when he picks up red and gets to 3 especially against lanes that relys on cc to get away. Why wouldn't you just pick J4 instead? | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States13684 Posts
You need a team. To the point that I would not advocate it in solo q. You need communication and warding or you will be in a lot of pain. But if you can protect your jungle enough to where you can survive the game past 20 minutes you will be a force. Its just so easy to completely lose jungle control against a lot of common jungles. Its almost like top lane. There are just some champions you CANT run GP against. Counterpicking in the jungle is just as bad as top or mid. | ||
United States13274 Posts
On April 03 2012 02:40 Two_DoWn wrote: Jungle GP gets shut down SUPER hard though. You need a team. To the point that I would not advocate it in solo q. You need communication and warding or you will be in a lot of pain. But if you can protect your jungle enough to where you can survive the game past 20 minutes you will be a force. Its just so easy to completely lose jungle control against a lot of common jungles. Its almost like top lane. There are just some champions you CANT run GP against. Counterpicking in the jungle is just as bad as top or mid. Like what? I hate playing GP cause I play passive as fuck with him these days, but honestly there was never a matchup that I ran into with him that made me think I hurt my team with the GP pick. | ||
United States13684 Posts
On April 03 2012 02:42 Mogwai wrote: Like what? I hate playing GP cause I play passive as fuck with him these days, but honestly there was never a matchup that I ran into with him that made me think I hurt my team with the GP pick. Aggressive LS, Mundo, Shyv, Udyr are all pretty devastating if they go full counterjungle. IMO GP really needs both buffs on his first clear in order to level effectivly. If you start losing jungle control it is very hard to get back with GP because he has a pretty bad 1v1 without items and no real good way to lock people in place while you wait for your team. As a result losing jungle control is pretty devistating on GP cuz he has no real good way to get it back. Although, he does have the benifit of being able to just stack GP10 and still be useful because of his E and ult if you do get behind a little bit. The question becomes wether or not you can fully maintain jungle control enough to where you dont lose the game by 15 minutes. He handles getting shut down better than ww, for example, but it is still painful. But not losing a game due to a loss of jungle control is as much about your team as it is about the jungle. The jungle just enables the possiblity of getting shut down. | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States13684 Posts
On April 03 2012 03:00 Mogwai wrote: oh, I meant top. I can understand the jungle problems, I just don't see how he gets bodied top. lol missunderstanding then. I was just trying to point out that junglers can get countered just as hard as top/mid lanes can, even though people dont think that way a lot of the time. I dont know if he gets bodied top. Dun play it enough. Just know he can get crushed in jungle. | ||
United States13274 Posts
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Denmark4564 Posts
What i meant was that GP benefits more or less from the same stats as J4, not that they're identical. I like 9/21/0, makes you safe in the jungle, you will never drop low from any camp if you get a proper leash. Got standard tanky jungler runes: MS quints, arm seals, mres/lvl glyphs and AS reds. Flash/smite Wriggles -> Tabi -> Phage is currently my core rush, i dunno if you can go the double gp/10 way and still be efficient, but you will need wriggles sooner or later. You pick tabi cus you got W (i guess mercs could be viable vs heavy ap teams). From there it's basically your choice what you wanna do. What i like about GP is that he's so versatile in terms of items. Aegis is good, hex drinker and the new maw item is really good vs heavy AP burst. Trinity is an obvious choice if you can afford the other parts after phage, but mainly you wanna focus on getting very balanced stats against most teams. A mix of mres, armor and health, while still getting massive utility is the #1 priority on GP imo. I will not advise to rush warmogs, because i feel like it's a complete waste on any junglers with the amounts of gold you're able to get. Using 3.000 for nothing but health feels like a complete waste, you should focus on getting the items that makes you win fights. | ||
United States97 Posts
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United States13684 Posts
On April 03 2012 23:25 noggnoskill wrote: Why take flash over exhaust? There's nothing fancy you can do with it like a flash ult like Lee Sin or WW, and you probably won't need it to run away because you're not likely to be counterjungling early on. I carry flash for late game. Your job is to kill carries. Easiest way to do that and avoid getting kited is to just flash onto them. Plus if you are in jungle you will probably need it to flash away from invaders. | ||
Canada2595 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
On April 03 2012 23:30 Mementoss wrote: I played GP top, against a Mordekaiser and got absolutely destroyed. How do you play out this matchup. (low ELO) Fight him level 1 behind his creeps and kill him. or whatever, you can just use an MRes spec, open double gold/10 -> chalice or Spirit Visage and max oranges while chillin' under your tower farming | ||
Bulgaria18893 Posts
On April 04 2012 00:44 Mogwai wrote: Fight him level 1 behind his creeps and kill him. or whatever, you can just use an MRes spec, open double gold/10 -> chalice or Spirit Visage and max oranges while chillin' under your tower farming Why do people actually go for gp/10 and max oranges style GP?It pretty much makes you useless mid game and other team can just win since other guy is on free farm anyway.Not to mention GP isn't even some champ that has amazing scaling or something.... | ||
United States13274 Posts
On April 04 2012 00:49 nafta wrote: Why do people actually go for gp/10 and max oranges style GP?It pretty much makes you useless mid game and other team can just win since other guy is on free farm anyway.Not to mention GP isn't even some champ that has amazing scaling or something.... because GP sucks ass in lane anyway, so might as well just rice your way to endgame. and you're quite wrong, GP has great scaling and most of his early-mid game utility from top is just dropping ults across the map. if you want to play a strong laner, you just don't pick GP. He's just straight up weaker than Pantheon in every respect in lane. | ||
United States8519 Posts
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