like, honestly 90% of the time I play GP these days I'm maxing W and playing passive as fuck in lane.
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United States13274 Posts
like, honestly 90% of the time I play GP these days I'm maxing W and playing passive as fuck in lane. | ||
Switzerland3257 Posts
On March 03 2012 00:52 Mogwai wrote: GP sucks in a lot of lanes. there, I said it. like, honestly 90% of the time I play GP these days I'm maxing W and playing passive as fuck in lane. isnt that a huge + if you can farm passively with a champ that scales well and has global utility? Btw its pretty fun to play him mid sometimes cuz nobody has enough armor to survive q spam -.- | ||
United States13684 Posts
On March 03 2012 00:52 Mogwai wrote: GP sucks in a lot of lanes. there, I said it. like, honestly 90% of the time I play GP these days I'm maxing W and playing passive as fuck in lane. Agreed. IMO he really just isnt all that strong early and you kind of either have to rely on being straight better than someone (which his kit is really good at abusing) or just be passive and try to hit your absurd late game. But I honestly think he really doesnt have a lot of matchups that he actually SHOULD win. Its just that good GP's are capable of making a lot of matchups look unwinable. If that makes any sense. | ||
United States9908 Posts
On March 03 2012 00:52 Mogwai wrote: GP sucks in a lot of lanes. there, I said it. like, honestly 90% of the time I play GP these days I'm maxing W and playing passive as fuck in lane. OMG. thank you, but can you explain to me, how do i beat a GP in lane? My solo top must be horrid cause GP always beats me (except Pantheon) and i always lose as GP :l | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
On March 03 2012 00:52 Mogwai wrote: GP sucks in a lot of lanes. there, I said it. like, honestly 90% of the time I play GP these days I'm maxing W and playing passive as fuck in lane. Pretty much. I feel like he's the second coming of Nasus with all the nerfs, only he's harder to shut down completely. | ||
United States222 Posts
On March 23 2012 05:59 Kenpachi wrote: OMG. thank you, but can you explain to me, how do i beat a GP in lane? My solo top must be horrid cause GP always beats me (except Pantheon) and i always lose as GP :l I'm not sure what's going on in this thread. I only lose as GP vs hyper-aggressive Warwicks and Udyrs, who I feel are broken in lane anyways. I skill Q,E,Q,W maxing R>Q>E>W. Until the enemy gets Wriggles I spam my Q on them and try not to take damage in return. I just keep spamming the Q as long as I can save enough mana for one W-E combo to escape a bad situation. If a melee champ wants to trade with GP he is required to come in your minions, so you can push E and swing at them while all your casters hit him as well. He'll realize it was dumb to rush you then as he runs back you can sneak a few more hits in because he'll be slow from your passive. Don't fight in the enemy's minions until you are so ahead in health (from earlier Q harass) that you can force him out of lane even with minions hitting you. During laning phase I use the ult wherever it will get me assist gold, even if it's not necessary for my team to get a kill. Before teamfights I sneak in Q's where I can while I wait for a good initiate by my team. When the initiate happens I push E and ult to make it very hard for the enemy to disengage. I'll immediately go in and start unloading on one of the carries- preferably the AD. If you get 3 hits on them then your passive will have max stacks on them and they won't be able to escape you unless they flash over a wall. If you can't get in range you can zone carries out of the fight just by making it clear that they will get Q'ed if they step close enough to attack your team. Build vs Ap lane - boots + 3 pots > 2 dorans blades + vamp scepter or 3 dorans > merc treads > sheen > IE > Trinity Force > Warmogs Build vs Ad lane- cloth + 5 pots > wriggles > boots > sheen > merc treads or ninja tabi depending on enemy team > IE > TF > Giants belt > Atma's > Warmogs For jungling I start vamp scepter or cloth + 5 depending on if I think I'll be in fights early, and I'll go for Wriggles > T2Boots > Giant's belt > Atma's > Warmogs > IE. With the jungle build I get the tankiness first because you don't have the huge level advantage that you would have if you were a solo-laner so you are much squishier, and unless you are fed you can't get a fast IE/Trinity force as a jungler. TLDR- Spam Q on your opponent, not on minions -> Build basic defense for your lane -> build sheen then infinity edge -> chunk people in teamfights with your sheen-procced, IE crit, parlayy shots. | ||
United States37500 Posts
A better AoE ulti than Nunu is also nice. Edit: Standard Bruiser Runes/Masteries. Open Faerie + 2 hp + 3 wards. Philo, Boots, HoG, Zeke's, CDR Boots, Aegis, Shurelya's. Game usually ends here. You also get max CDR at this point. | ||
United States4054 Posts
I also don't see how GP will do better in bot lane fights than Nunu, especially past level 2 or so. | ||
United States306 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
On March 27 2012 04:18 NeoIllusions wrote: I've been playing Support GP for a few games now and it feels rather effective. Q is a great poke in lane and E works like a team Blood Boil. So in essence, it's another non-sustain support like Nunu who does even better in bot lane fights cause he has built in CC and can crit with Parley. A better AoE ulti than Nunu is also nice. Edit: Standard Bruiser Runes/Masteries. Open Faerie + 2 hp + 3 wards. Philo, Boots, HoG, Zeke's, CDR Boots, Aegis, Shurelya's. Game usually ends here. You also get max CDR at this point. Nunu's CC is stronger bot lane because it's instant, higher slow % and higher duration. Also Bloodboil gives better stats for a ranged AD than Raise Morale and also has the HUGE benefit of 100% up time. I know support GP works and is decent, but I personally think Nunu is a much safer and stronger support pick | ||
866 Posts
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United States1864 Posts
I'm relatively new to the game so I don't really know what's good and right. I get philo stone asap because of mana issues+ gives lane sustain, and then I get mercs because I go atmogs and the weakenss for that is usually magic resistance I think. Phage gives a little bit of sustain/attack damage while I am building the expensive atmas and before I get warmogs. The OP is a little bit out of date, so I was wondering if someone can give me some feedback on how I should build him! Edit: I also get armorpen marks, flat armor seals, flat mr glyphs, and health quints (only ones I own, anything I should purchase next for him?) | ||
United States7572 Posts
shit like that has no place in a competitive game | ||
France45622 Posts
On April 02 2012 00:18 Complete wrote: hi, I just started playing GP solo top. I usually build him regen pendant >philo stone>merc treds>phage>atmas>warmogs>trinity>inf edge>something game specific (I don't really know, I usually get a defensive item like thornmail/FoN/GA). I'm relatively new to the game so I don't really know what's good and right. I get philo stone asap because of mana issues+ gives lane sustain, and then I get mercs because I go atmogs and the weakenss for that is usually magic resistance I think. Phage gives a little bit of sustain/attack damage while I am building the expensive atmas and before I get warmogs. The OP is a little bit out of date, so I was wondering if someone can give me some feedback on how I should build him! Edit: I also get armorpen marks, flat armor seals, flat mr glyphs, and health quints (only ones I own, anything I should purchase next for him?) One important thing is that you have to get adaptative about your opening. Some champs are going to smash you if you mindlessly rush philostone for exemple, like Rive, Panthéon, Wukong, Fiora, etc. against some you'd rather start cloth+5 pots, perhaps even tabi instead of mercs. One other thing is that unless you are cramped for slots (or your opponent/his jungler has cc, but that applies less for GP with oranges), the 450 gold to upgrade to mercs from boots+NMM is better spent elsewhere early on, so don't feel hard pressed to rush it or anything. | ||
866 Posts
On April 02 2012 00:50 Alaric wrote: One important thing is that you have to get adaptative about your opening. Some champs are going to smash you if you mindlessly rush philostone for exemple, like Rive, Panthéon, Wukong, Fiora, etc. against some you'd rather start cloth+5 pots, perhaps even tabi instead of mercs. One other thing is that unless you are cramped for slots (or your opponent/his jungler has cc, but that applies less for GP with oranges), the 450 gold to upgrade to mercs from boots+NMM is better spent elsewhere early on, so don't feel hard pressed to rush it or anything. i never feel too obligated to rush mercs, because i can just eat an orange. | ||
United States97 Posts
On April 02 2012 00:41 sob3k wrote: When are they going to change GP's ult to not be completely fucking makes no sense, sometimes it just levels people and sometimes they just walk right through without taking a single point of damage. shit like that has no place in a competitive game The reason his ult is strong is because of the slow on global range. You can secure a kill your team would have otherwise missed out on. The damage is strong, yes, but it's really just a bonus. A really, really strong bonus, but a bonus nontheless. | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States4241 Posts
On April 03 2012 00:13 Mogwai wrote: GP ult needs to be ranged similar to Pantheon/TF ult. That shit should not be hitting dragon fights while GP farms top. Isn't Baron in Panth/TF ult range anyway? | ||
United States13274 Posts
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