[Champion] Gangplank - Page 18
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China26351 Posts
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Canada1681 Posts
if 3 ap fon if 2 ap triforce if 1 ap ie for top include a hog and philo. Edit: this is how i build GP, I think its sweet. | ||
United States12679 Posts
I like to go philo+hog and wriggles if needed. Then build from there. If I'm raping really really hard and they have ton of squishies I like to grab fast IE since it lets you blow people up really hard. GP is also decently good at surviving with minimal tank items due to the mobility from E and W. If you do grab a fast IE or even Triforce, you gotta be smarter about engaging. Otherwise I just go warmogs->atmas. Then build FoN, Triforce, IE, LW, PD depending on what I need/want. Laning against singed is really easy. It's a bad matchup for singed. You can afford to run offensive runes (AD/Apen/crit). Open boots or dblade and just spam your parrley on singed. He has no way to retaliate and you can easily harass him out of lane and/or keep him off the creepwave. Grab philo for the mana regen, then you can rush your big items or grab HoG if you plan on farming more. Wriggles is unnecessary in that lane imo, but the stats+free ward is nice if you really want 'em. | ||
United States8841 Posts
On February 06 2012 14:13 zulu_nation8 wrote: If I'm laning vs singed and get fb, the singed rushes tabi, do i go gp5 + warmog or dps? I have ignite he has tp. I think it's tentative, do you think you can harass him out of lane even with gp5 items? The most important thing about laning against someone with TP while you don't have it is getting them to use it on their lane instead of against your other lanes, especially when you have a kill spell like ignite. | ||
United States37500 Posts
I agree with Ryuu314, Resist boots, CDR, Zerker. Despite GP's stronk kit and passive, GP isn't much of an auto attacker outside of lane. Resist boots are great in lane and in team fights. CDR simply means more ballz (Q R). I rarely go DPSplank tbh. It depends on the lane matchup (you need to be against someone with minimal sustain, can't farm naturally, and you can harass enough to continually force them to base) and enemy team comp. (e.g. Get FB on a Nidalee then another kill, DPSplank in that lane is ok). DPS, I'd go the Bruiser build of Bladex2, Brutalizer, IE/Trinity. You'll be noticably squishier in team fights, which is why I don't like it. GP is meant to outlast in team fights and clean up with crits. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On February 06 2012 18:02 NeoIllusions wrote: @bly: you get FB, Singed backs with Tabi, base fast to get a Philo as soon as your lane is pushed. Just GP10 and build standard. You're ahead but you're not really going to stop Singed from farming. I agree with Ryuu314, Resist boots, CDR, Zerker. Despite GP's stronk kit and passive, GP isn't much of an auto attacker outside of lane. Resist boots are great in lane and in team fights. CDR simply means more ballz (Q R). I rarely go DPSplank tbh. It depends on the lane matchup (you need to be against someone with minimal sustain, can't farm naturally, and you can harass enough to continually force them to base) and enemy team comp. (e.g. Get FB on a Nidalee then another kill, DPSplank in that lane is ok). DPS, I'd go the Bruiser build of Bladex2, Brutalizer, IE/Trinity. You'll be noticably squishier in team fights, which is why I don't like it. GP is meant to outlast in team fights and clean up with crits. Wait, what? GP can poke around before the teamfight starts and contribute with E+R, yes. However once shit starts to go down he should be in the middle and trying to zone out the enemy carries. Basicly the only CC that can stop you from doing that are knockbacks of any kind. He can stick to anyone he wants to thanks to Q+passive, soak CC like a bitch and sustain well enough in the middle of a fight. When I think about "clean up" I'm thinking an Akali that waits for CC to be blown before she enters on someone who is low or fleeing or a Kassadin who waits till he can pick off squishy targets. GP is (assuming some kind of build that includes Triforce, Giants belt and resists) more of a typical bruiser compared to that. Actually now that I think of it I play my GP pretty much like I play mah Irelia. Dive in, soak CC and damage, zone squishies, get out with half health and come back for more whenever I please. If you just zoom zoom around the edge of the fight and press Q you might as well have picked Ezreal. =P PS: I find those IE builds to be pretty damn stupid. Yes, his Q can crit. So what. Big deal. Even lategame when I'm selling Wriggles I'd rather have a BT for moar sustain than an IE for moar damage. Bruisers don't need extremely high damage, they need a combination of self-sustain/survivability and sustained damage/burst. | ||
United States37500 Posts
That said, I still wouldn't dive in balls to the wall like I would with Irelia. GP just doesn't feel as resilient as some of the other top lane Bruisers. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On February 06 2012 21:18 NeoIllusions wrote: Ok, I mistyped. He does auto a lot in team fights, despite chunking people with his Q for more. But what I'm trying to say is that +AS is not worth the utility from Resist Boots or CDR for even more Parleys. That said, I still wouldn't dive in balls to the wall like I would with Irelia. GP just doesn't feel as resilient as some of the other top lane Bruisers. k, that sounds good. Agree with serkers making not much sense. Sadly Pirates still have to waddle past all those tanky fuckers to get to the real juice, imo that's why he feels less tanky to you. When teamcomps allow for it I usually try to flank the enemy team somehow instead of walking past their CC bots if they have any. GP can still perform the "I zone your AD carry while my team 4n4's without your main source of damage" just fine. :> | ||
United States33802 Posts
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France45622 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
On February 07 2012 01:30 Alaric wrote: Parrrley applies red buff. Get overextended? Flash or die (except perhaps mid). Still, though, I don't feel like he's overly amazing compared to other junglers out there. Having a decent slow on a medium range and a small MS buff isn't absurd and a lot of champs get that or better, plus better tankiness or sustain innate. I love Laneplank, but I just feel like he's shunted to Jungle because he can, not because he's good at it. | ||
Netherlands183 Posts
Thats why you see him picked in tournament level games; if they want a solid, allround jungler. And because you can play mindgames with your opponents: who is top, who is jungle? | ||
United States10536 Posts
There aren't many who can still meaningfully contribute to a teamfight when underfarmed and underleveled. There are precious few who can do that and build into a carry if the game goes well. Kayle is really the only other jungler who can do both, but she doesn't fit universally into team compositions the way Gangplank does. As a good reference, here's a scrim TL B played recently. I was on Gangplank and got fairly schooled by the enemy team. Despite my complete non-presence early game and general inexperience as Gangplank I still contributed to teamfights and helped win the game. http://www.own3d.tv/video/431643 | ||
China26351 Posts
On February 06 2012 18:02 NeoIllusions wrote: @bly: you get FB, Singed backs with Tabi, base fast to get a Philo as soon as your lane is pushed. Just GP10 and build standard. You're ahead but you're not really going to stop Singed from farming. I agree with Ryuu314, Resist boots, CDR, Zerker. Despite GP's stronk kit and passive, GP isn't much of an auto attacker outside of lane. Resist boots are great in lane and in team fights. CDR simply means more ballz (Q R). I rarely go DPSplank tbh. It depends on the lane matchup (you need to be against someone with minimal sustain, can't farm naturally, and you can harass enough to continually force them to base) and enemy team comp. (e.g. Get FB on a Nidalee then another kill, DPSplank in that lane is ok). DPS, I'd go the Bruiser build of Bladex2, Brutalizer, IE/Trinity. You'll be noticably squishier in team fights, which is why I don't like it. GP is meant to outlast in team fights and clean up with crits. That's what I did but not only could I not stop him from farming, I couldn't win exchanges and couldn't get close to creep line when he zoned me. I was able to get atmogs fairly early and become super strong, however despite dying 3-4 more times to ganks, the Singed was nearly as strong and because he had TP, was able to influence a few important fights more than me. I asked him after game and he said he would've rushed Mercs and dblades and tried to cripple him completely. | ||
China26351 Posts
On February 07 2012 02:22 Seuss wrote: Gangplank is a low-risk, high-reward jungler. His worst case scenario isn't all that bad because his skills bring so much to a team even without any items. In normal circumstances he's strong, and in his best case scenario he walks all over the enemy team. There aren't many who can still meaningfully contribute to a teamfight when underfarmed and underleveled. There are precious few who can do that and build into a carry if the game goes well. Kayle is really the only other jungler who can do both, but she doesn't fit universally into team compositions the way Gangplank does. As a good reference, here's a scrim TL B played recently. I was on Gangplank and got fairly schooled by the enemy team. Despite my complete non-presence early game and general inexperience as Gangplank I still contributed to teamfights and helped win the game. http://www.own3d.tv/video/431643 I've always view GP as high risk low reward since you don't have the sustain needed to stay in the jungle and you don't have the kit to clear camps fast. Ganks are super powerful but if you don't succeed you are almost certainly behind the other jungler. | ||
United States33802 Posts
On February 07 2012 02:47 zulu_nation8 wrote: I've always view GP as high risk low reward since you don't have the sustain needed to stay in the jungle and you don't have the kit to clear camps fast. Ganks are super powerful but if you don't succeed you are almost certainly behind the other jungler. Yeah, that's how I feel about it. I'm not a big fan of "gank oriented" junglers. Biggest reason I don't play Shaco as much. Gangplank feels kind of similar (not to Shaco, but to that style), where if he doesn't get any early ganks or gets killed trying to gank, he's far behind and can't rely on farming the jungle/invading the other jungle to catch back up. Probably just a difference in playstyles. I like to go for a couple early ganks to keep the laners on their toes, but prefer to farm up the jungle and control buffs if I have a choice in what I'm doing. I like champs like Skarner, Udyr, Shy, and Jax more than Shaco, GP, and Twitch. | ||
United States10536 Posts
On February 07 2012 02:47 zulu_nation8 wrote: I've always view GP as high risk low reward since you don't have the sustain needed to stay in the jungle and you don't have the kit to clear camps fast. Ganks are super powerful but if you don't succeed you are almost certainly behind the other jungler. The point about sustain confuses me. On your first clear you should have blue buff, and so long as you spam W you'll be high health. Thereafter you'll be a higher level and should have either Vampiric Scepter or Philo, at which point sustain is no longer an issue. What kind of sustain issues are you seeing, and what's the build you're using? | ||
United States13684 Posts
And jungle GP is VERY low risk. Your 1v1 is pretty good, and if you get the better of any engagement the enemy WILL die because of e+passive. Not to mention having his global ultimate is literally the best ultimate on any jungle in the game. I think a big issue is that people dont vary their build nearly enough on gp. Warmogs is NOT the correct build 50+% of the time. HOG into trinity is almost as tanky but much more deadly. Hell, if you are behind throwing a HOG and avarice blade will make you deadly AND tanky. | ||
China26351 Posts
On February 07 2012 04:28 Seuss wrote: The point about sustain confuses me. On your first clear you should have blue buff, and so long as you spam W you'll be high health. Thereafter you'll be a higher level and should have either Vampiric Scepter or Philo, at which point sustain is no longer an issue. What kind of sustain issues are you seeing, and what's the build you're using? when you dont have blue buff jungling gets pretty hard. I rush wriggles every game like everyone else. | ||
United States13684 Posts
On February 07 2012 04:43 zulu_nation8 wrote: when you dont have blue buff jungling gets pretty hard. I rush wriggles every game like everyone else. What are you runeing? a 21-9-0 with armpen reds, armor yellows, mr/lvl blues, and ad reds lets you open vamp or boots, and you should be getting whatever you didnt start with on your first back. Come level 3 you should have enough damage and armor to where the vamp cepter covers for any damage you take from camps. | ||
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