[Champion] Gangplank - Page 17
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United States817 Posts
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United States16 Posts
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United States574 Posts
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3534 Posts
On January 26 2012 08:59 MindBreaker wrote: Hey I usually go for 2 phantom dancers an infinity edge manamune Ionian boots of lucidity and a phage. It's expensive but it works well what do you think of it? It's bad because you'll blow up in one stun, even if you eat your orange. Don't like glass cannon GP, I think he's supposed to be played at least a tad tanky. | ||
United States268 Posts
On January 26 2012 08:59 MindBreaker wrote: Hey I usually go for 2 phantom dancers an infinity edge manamune Ionian boots of lucidity and a phage. It's expensive but it works well what do you think of it? don't get manamune, get a warmogs, as for if you really have that much money i'd say warmog, atma, IE, triforce, lw | ||
United States574 Posts
On January 26 2012 10:07 requiem wrote: don't get manamune, get a warmogs, as for if you really have that much money i'd say warmog, atma, IE, triforce, lw Ok will swap out manamune for warmog. Only use it early because of low mana | ||
United States3130 Posts
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TG Manny
United States325 Posts
Brawlers gloves -> Avarice Blade -> Sheen -> Zeal -> Trinity Force (iirc) -> build infinity edge whenever I need to heal -> phantom dancer. However I don't believe my build is an issue, as when I'm relatively well fed and leveled I can even stave off large ganks until help arrives and generally keep heros weak for us to get map control for baron/dragon (which I end up soloing 99% of the time and don't baron). Anyone willing to mentor me in how to properly play LoL and GP specifically? | ||
United States37500 Posts
I typically open Cloth+5 vs AD, Boots+3 vs AP. Wriggle's as first item if I can (Vamp scepter asaply) but double Blade if I need the HP. Phage first. Trinity if you're ahead and can go DPS. Phage Atma is you plan on going more tanky. Mog's after Atma's. | ||
China26351 Posts
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United States37500 Posts
On January 26 2012 11:53 zulu_nation8 wrote: are you supposed to max w vs ww? I like QWQEQR, R > Q > W > E | ||
Netherlands183 Posts
On January 26 2012 11:53 zulu_nation8 wrote: are you supposed to max w vs ww? Max Q as long as your poke makes him lose HP/mana significantly. Once he has some defensive stats, his passive healing will negate your Q spam and you can max W the rest of the way. | ||
Germany358 Posts
Also if I have to carry with gangplank, what is the best way to deal damage? IE trinity atmogs BT or something like that? Is going zerkers okay in that case? Thanks for your input. | ||
United States13274 Posts
On January 31 2012 00:10 Xedat wrote: A few questions about itemization, when I go top I normally build philo warmogs atmas and then defensive items based on enemies, but I feel that building up to warmogs and until you have atmas you deal very little damage. I thought about building wriggles, sheen or atmas before warmogs to counter this lull in damage, what is the best option in your opinion?Thanks for your input. wriggle's and/or phage. drop the sheen boner and take phage, it makes you 100% impossible to run from in a typical chase and HP and AD are much cooler stats than AP and Mana. On January 31 2012 00:10 Xedat wrote:Also if I have to carry with gangplank, what is the best way to deal damage? IE trinity atmogs BT or something like that? Is going zerkers okay in that case? Thanks for your input. boots 2 + wriggle's + trinity + atma's + warmog's should probably be in like, every gp build. If you're trying to carry, sure, IE for last item, if you're tanking out, Omen or FoN last item. Something like that. BT is unlikely to be gotten to because wriggle's is so much more cost efficient for the midgame and once you've gotten a 6 item build with wriggle's, it's probably better to pump elixirs than to save up to cash out wriggle's for a BT you're going to need to charge anyway. | ||
Canada3508 Posts
Also imo Frozen Mallet is better than Warmog's, since it's amazing for catching people or getting away. You won't be as tanky though. edit: and if you get Triforce it's a little redundant but the guaranteed slow is still awesome | ||
United States13274 Posts
On January 31 2012 00:26 starfries wrote: Most gangplanks go Wriggle's first into their giant's belt item. I really don't like philo stone because he doesn't get all that much out of it. Even Shurelya's isn't that great on him. Also imo Frozen Mallet is better than Warmog's, since it's amazing for catching people or getting away. You won't be as tanky though. Frozen Mallet is a bad item because trinity force is in the game. Mallet's cost effectiveness is pretty terrible and you end up dumping a lot of gold into the 100% slow chance when the combination of movespeed and 50% slow chance on Triforce accomplishes the same thing (makes you inescapable) while providing more betterer stats for the price. You can hate philo all you want, but if your goal is to sit on your tower and parrrley creeps until you can back for 2 pieces of triforce, gold/10s are pretty good IMO. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
On January 31 2012 01:40 Slayer91 wrote: How many lanes zone GP that hard though? My experience against GP and watching other people play or vs gp in ranked is that he's a kind of snowbally champ where, you are effective early game and your harass keeps him somewhat off creeps, you get a fast wriggles and even if he has wriggles your harass is strong enough that you keep him off creep line while keeping full hp by autoing creeps. If the other laner comes out on top generally GP is the one being zoned and he just farms as much as possible and uses ult to help other places in the map. Philo seems to automatically put you in that passive farm state. Pantheon, Rumble, Kennen (unless you get an early crit parrrley and kill him), WW, Yorick, Riven, hell, even the last time I played vs. Renek he was getting all up in my business when I tried to rush Wriggle's + Tabi. I dunno, I always seem to play one of these matchups when I pick GP, so I just end up playing him passively so frequently. A lot of them are GP advantages for like, the first 4 levels or something, but after that I just feel so helpless vs. characters with strong sustain that I just say fuck it and go double gold/10 -> farm 15K gold and win lategame. Maybe I'm just bad at playing GP aggressively =3. I wonder if my parrrley positioning sucks because I'm used to just spear tossing with Pantheon because spears don't draw creep agro. | ||
Canada12016 Posts
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United States3104 Posts
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