On July 18 2012 20:00 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Yeah, you basically want to farm until you get too tanky to kill and then go around applying buffs and slows to everyone with your massive gold advantage. GP isn't exactly going to win many lanes anymore, but he's not going to lose a whole lot either.
Oh he'll still win lanes, just not his own. Global ult strong
On July 19 2012 00:20 Mogwai wrote:Show nested quote +On July 18 2012 21:15 RouaF wrote:well thats his problem atm, he gets pressured top and can't win trades, even if you farm decently you scale less than riven jax olaf & co. I don't think gp has a place top atm but he's still has a decent champ overall, can be extremely annoying mid and not a bad support. Really looking forward to this buff as he's always been one of my favourite champ but it's hard to play him nowadays  remove scurvy is pretty broken for trading. He attritions down a lot of champions because they can't deal with him healing for so much off such little mana and outscales most of them. He definitely outscales olaf btw, olaf is such shit late game and GP gives your team a free short CD reverie and a total beating of an ult. He definitely brings more utility than a Riven or a Jax, but they're certainly better at ramboing around teamfights, it depends on what your team needs. The thing is that in solo queue, having a champion that you will literally always be able to get farmed on, even through lane camping, is really really potent (this is really important and the crux of why I'm playing solo top nunu every game these days). Having a floor to how badly you can get destroyed in lane and having unconditional utility for your team means a lot in the current top lane meta. Show nested quote +On July 18 2012 23:45 RuskiPanda wrote: What I've seen some gangplanks in mid tier elo (1700-1800) do is run teleport flash and ult/tp bot in conjunction with a jungler gank to usually pick up a double kill/dragon. Seems to work pretty will when I've seen it. yea, those are the summoners I run too. No point in ignite or exhaust if you're never even trying to engage your opponent and TP is super duper strong as the game goes on.
well I wish all of this was true but from experience, it's not. I tryharded as GP but at top elo against fotm top picks you'll get shat on. I'm pretty sure it's not only me being bad with gangplank since I haven't seen him top in months, while he was picked a lot before nerfs.
Oh also for the tp thing, i've tried it a lot. The problem is that it makes your laning phase even harder, if you play like this you HAVE to pray that your botlane is not retarded and that you'll be able to make the difference with clutch tp/ults. If bot is not doing well,considering the fact that you won't win your own lane, you're screwed.
It's very good tho if you can make an early buff steal ala m5, but this is very hard to achieve in solo queue.
i think its possible to get aegis zeke tabi in 15 mins, will post back with more results.
protip: baron spawns at 15
so with patch i'll be playing a lot of passive gangplank, parrley farm, gp10, ult for botlane, we'll see how it goes
Just tried out bankplank with 2gp10, gold quints and maxing q for farming, in 25mins got about 10k gold. Though some of that was from the 4kills and assists I had and the 2 or 3 dragons we got. Still 3k gold abover everyone else. I think maxing q is a smarter idea than maxing w it gives much more gold and i found myself rarely needing oranges versus irelia top and panth jungle.
Maxing Q makes you run out of mana incredibly fast.
On July 22 2012 22:06 koreasilver wrote: Maxing Q makes you run out of mana incredibly fast. You can get the philo, glacial shroud going, so you can clear a couple a waves before b.
On July 22 2012 23:22 brolaf wrote:Show nested quote +On July 22 2012 22:06 koreasilver wrote: Maxing Q makes you run out of mana incredibly fast. You can get the philo, glacial shroud going, so you can clear a couple a waves before b.
And if you get the last hit with it, then it only costs 35 mana at max rank which with those items is fairly negligible.
wait, so atmog's isn't good on gp anymore? that's what i'm getting from these last couple of pages :O
atmas was never good and its even worst now
On July 23 2012 03:04 eagle wrote: atmas was never good and its even worst now Atmog's was quite good til they nerfed mogs by 100 health, then it was ok. 1.5% scaling just broke it though (along with the gp nerfs).
Edit: lol bankplank
On July 23 2012 04:19 101toss wrote:Show nested quote +On July 23 2012 03:04 eagle wrote: atmas was never good and its even worst now Atmog's was quite good til they nerfed mogs by 100 health, then it was ok. 1.5% scaling just broke it though (along with the gp nerfs). Edit: lol bankplank
Well the other option instead of bankplank is jewplank taking points in the investment banking masteries but I think some people may be slightly offended by that. Unless you are suggesting farmplank, which is not as nice in my eyes.
On July 23 2012 04:19 101toss wrote:Show nested quote +On July 23 2012 03:04 eagle wrote: atmas was never good and its even worst now Atmog's was quite good til they nerfed mogs by 100 health, then it was ok. 1.5% scaling just broke it though (along with the gp nerfs). Edit: lol bankplank
On July 23 2012 02:52 goldenkrnboi wrote: wait, so atmog's isn't good on gp anymore? that's what i'm getting from these last couple of pages :O Atma is still one of the most efficient items in the game.. it only loses out when you compare it to an expensive 6 items build alternative like trinity or maw in slot effectiveness instead of cost effectiveness.
On July 23 2012 04:49 brolaf wrote:Show nested quote +On July 23 2012 04:19 101toss wrote:On July 23 2012 03:04 eagle wrote: atmas was never good and its even worst now Atmog's was quite good til they nerfed mogs by 100 health, then it was ok. 1.5% scaling just broke it though (along with the gp nerfs). Edit: lol bankplank Show nested quote +On July 23 2012 02:52 goldenkrnboi wrote: wait, so atmog's isn't good on gp anymore? that's what i'm getting from these last couple of pages :O Atma is still one of the most efficient items in the game.. it only loses out when you compare it to an expensive 6 items build alternative like trinity or maw in slot effectiveness instead of cost effectiveness.
Nashors Tooth is also one of the most efficient items in the game. Same logic applies to why they both suck.
On July 23 2012 02:52 goldenkrnboi wrote: wait, so atmog's isn't good on gp anymore? that's what i'm getting from these last couple of pages :O Back in the day, people built Atmog's because they liked the combination of a lot of health, armor and AD that it granted. Now that it grants less HP and a lot less AD, I find that the only way to justify ever buying Atma's is if your champion can take advantage of that 18% crit chance. Gangplank is one of the few champions (maybe Trynd as well) who really likes all of Atma's stats, so I think Atma's can be a viable item on him in particular, probably alongside an IE.
On July 23 2012 05:04 Feartheguru wrote:Show nested quote +On July 23 2012 04:49 brolaf wrote:On July 23 2012 04:19 101toss wrote:On July 23 2012 03:04 eagle wrote: atmas was never good and its even worst now Atmog's was quite good til they nerfed mogs by 100 health, then it was ok. 1.5% scaling just broke it though (along with the gp nerfs). Edit: lol bankplank On July 23 2012 02:52 goldenkrnboi wrote: wait, so atmog's isn't good on gp anymore? that's what i'm getting from these last couple of pages :O Atma is still one of the most efficient items in the game.. it only loses out when you compare it to an expensive 6 items build alternative like trinity or maw in slot effectiveness instead of cost effectiveness. Nashors Tooth is also one of the most efficient items in the game. Same logic applies to why they both suck. Thats a hybrid item though, and hybrid items need to be overly efficient to justify purchase. A lot of its efficiency is also in mana regen, wheras atmas stats are all stellar for autoattacking melee champs..On July 23 2012 05:12 Zato-1 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 23 2012 02:52 goldenkrnboi wrote: wait, so atmog's isn't good on gp anymore? that's what i'm getting from these last couple of pages :O Back in the day, people built Atmog's because they liked the combination of a lot of health, armor and AD that it granted. Now that it grants less HP and a lot less AD, I find that the only way to justify ever buying Atma's is if your champion can take advantage of that 18% crit chance. Gangplank is one of the few champions (maybe Trynd as well) who really likes all of Atma's stats, so I think Atma's can be a viable item on him in particular, probably alongside an IE. One of the few bruisers that uses autoattacks(well ).. ???Mundo, Olaf, Jax, Xin, Darius, Udyr, Shyvana,sion?
Atma's was built a lot in pre-remake Jax quite a bit. Honestly, the warmog nerf really wasn't that big in the big picture (I mean, it reduced your atma's passive by 2ad. That's very negligible).
The main thing about atma's for me is that if I need to build armor, I would almost always rather built warden's -> randuin or glacial -> frozen pretty much in every situation. The AD you got from atma's just isn't good enough to compete with randuin passives+active and frozen passives. In the midst of teamfights I would always always rather have randuin or frozen heart. In comparison atma's just kinda sucks even in the best case scenarios where you have some naturally high health champion that can make full use of the item.
so on bankplank I'm opening boots pots? or regrowth pots?
On July 23 2012 07:42 Slusher wrote: so on bankplank I'm opening boots pots? or regrowth pots?
Boots versus more aggressive laners/junglers like a riven top and regrowth versus more passive lanes e.g irelia or malphite.
This shit pretty awesome. Been going double gp/10, aegis, zeke's. Man that build has so much potential, wouldnt have thought. Its the good guy gp build, always help team, never not help.