[Champion] Kayle - Page 12
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United States6980 Posts
On April 12 2012 10:47 Seuss wrote: Huh? On the PBE, right as of this moment, Kayle's W has received the following buffs. Divine Blessing now increases movement speed by 18/21/24/27/30% for 3 seconds, up from 15/17/19/21/23% for 2.5 seconds. Divine Blessing now heals for 60/105/150/195/240, up from 45/85/125/165/205. Divine Blessing now costs 60/70/80/90/100 Mana, up from 60/65/70/75/80 Mana. Unless you're aware of some red post stating they're going to change that, I don't know what you're talking about. Is this the only change Kayle's received so far? I really enjoy playing her, (especially as a jungler) but it really feels that unless you get some solid kills early on you just aren't strong at all late game. That said if you get fed, shenanigans ensue and you are a fuckin' terror coming out of the bushes. | ||
Indonesia2978 Posts
his build goes like: ignite/tele ms quints, atk speed reds/blues, armor yellows 21/0/9 starts boots, straight into zerkers guessing at skills here but probably max E, not sure if W/Q after. i know he takes E at 1 though (duh) | ||
United States10536 Posts
On April 12 2012 23:14 Haemonculus wrote: Is this the only change Kayle's received so far? I really enjoy playing her, (especially as a jungler) but it really feels that unless you get some solid kills early on you just aren't strong at all late game. That said if you get fed, shenanigans ensue and you are a fuckin' terror coming out of the bushes. That's it, but honestly I think it's a pretty big deal. That half second is noticeable, as is coming out of the jungle with 150 additional health and a speed boost roughly equivalent to rank 3 pre-buff. With those changes I think Kayle is in a really good place. Her passive is still meh, but so are many passives. If they buff her further she's going to reach a point where people will realize how good she really is and then the pendulum will have to swing the other way. | ||
Djibouti2466 Posts
On April 12 2012 10:47 Seuss wrote: Huh? On the PBE, right as of this moment, Kayle's W has received the following buffs. Divine Blessing now increases movement speed by 18/21/24/27/30% for 3 seconds, up from 15/17/19/21/23% for 2.5 seconds. Divine Blessing now heals for 60/105/150/195/240, up from 45/85/125/165/205. Divine Blessing now costs 60/70/80/90/100 Mana, up from 60/65/70/75/80 Mana. Unless you're aware of some red post stating they're going to change that, I don't know what you're talking about. Oh boy, lets nerf the most detrimental part of her W, the mana cost, surely that will help her! Seriously, I can't even tell if this is a buff or a nerf because of that. They have been ruining my champion for almost 2 years now and it's infuriating. | ||
Canada500 Posts
imo, she's one hero that can play in any position, it can rape at mid, top, bot, and doable in jungle. Attack speed ftw! | ||
9109 Posts
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Djibouti2466 Posts
On April 13 2012 04:11 ExceeD_DreaM wrote: Kayle is overloaded with mana after early game... so how is that a nerf? Kayle has more than enough (infact, full mana most of the time) after early game, so increase in mana cost doesn't even matter... imo, she's one hero that can play in any position, it can rape at mid, top, bot, and doable in jungle. Attack speed ftw! The problem is early game. It's basically a useless spell until lategame, there's really no point in even putting a skillpoint into W until level 13. | ||
United States10536 Posts
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United States6980 Posts
Ffffffff I immediately regret that decision! | ||
United States5348 Posts
On April 15 2012 03:17 Haemonculus wrote: Could anyone ever justify hybrid pen runes on Kayle? Right after I got my dodge refund I bought a full set of reds/quints, but I never use them. I just end up using MS quints and AS reds for Kayle. Ffffffff I immediately regret that decision! can prob submit a support ticket asking for a refund for your runes. Assuming you havn't had refunds for other things in the past. | ||
United States10536 Posts
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United States8474 Posts
I think this buff might cause a return of the old lane sustain Kayle, D-Ring + regen yellows(yes I know this means no armor), rush to lvl 3 W, really difficult to force out of lane. Q+E are really solid 1 point skills anyway early on, you don't REALLY need their levels until later when you have your farm and want to go beast mode. | ||
Netherlands9913 Posts
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United States3726 Posts
Gunna try her as jungle today. | ||
United States6980 Posts
Never tried her as an AD carry, but I might have to look into that. Player her top and mid a few times with ignite/ghost, and your ability to tower dive people at level 6 is hilarious. Absolutely crushed a katarina and did surprisingly well against vlad until late game. I always rune/mastery build her as a hybrid though, so perhaps I should be going straight AD? | ||
United States3726 Posts
On April 12 2012 10:52 Strykemard wrote: kayles ult is so underused. I always wanted to do a kayle-vayne lineup and decimate people but somehow that doesnt seem to work. I played Kayle/Vayne bot yesterday and absolutely demolished an Ashe/Sona. Once you get 6, you can just WR Vayne and it's a kill. | ||
United States8474 Posts
On April 19 2012 22:58 Haemonculus wrote: I love love love playing Kayle as a jungler. The buff didn't do all too much but the extra half second and minor speed buff on her W is really nice for ganks. You do gotta get an early kill or assist or two, but she's pretty strong given the right items. Your early game ganks are terrifyingly good. Q is such a one-point wonder. 35% slow for 4 seconds at lvl1? Yes plz! Never tried her as an AD carry, but I might have to look into that. Player her top and mid a few times with ignite/ghost, and your ability to tower dive people at level 6 is hilarious. Absolutely crushed a katarina and did surprisingly well against vlad until late game. I always rune/mastery build her as a hybrid though, so perhaps I should be going straight AD? Without her old passive I think she works better bruiser-ish actually(at least, coming from lane; I actually have no idea how you janglers build her, I tend to skip over that stuff as I've never liked the post-change jungle), although the Wit's End nerf hurts that a bit. One thing I'd still love to see(although it may be an over the top change) would be the return of her E to being 'melee' for Ghostblade and Tiamat(yes, I said it), because Kayle is one of the few champs in a position to maybe want all of Tiamat's stats: hp regen is just minor passive sustain, mp5 for both sustain and offensive output in lane, and the splash makes your pushing even faster with or without E active). Anyhow, semester ending soon I may actually have time to play again(I've prob decayed so much, again, lulz), but I can't wait to try and play her top again with the fairly decent W buff. | ||
Canada500 Posts
Jungle kayle is pretty nice, it clears really fast, has a heal and a nuke. very safe jungling and fast, u can go wolf->blue->wraith->red no problem lol. build wriggle, cd reduction boots, forgot item name but 25% cd reduction 50% atk speed 65 AP item, malady, phage into trinity, and at that point you hit like a truck and hit so ridiculously fast that it's not even funny. Tower goes down faster than fed fiora focusing down a tower. | ||
United Kingdom1483 Posts
Basically main idea on jungle kayle is rush recurve bow asap. Get a few wards and pots as required but your first non-consumable should be recurve bow. The dps increase from it is amazing and you start clearing like a baws. Then I like getting vamp scepter, cdr boots and finish wits end. Then I get zekes. It sounds stupid but it's the perfect item. You want AS and CDR, lifesteal is essential in jungle and a bit of health is pretty good too. Also an aura to help your team. I've toyed with shurelias for a bit but it's a bit weird in that early philo doesn't really benefit you quite as much because you don't need regen to clear and late philo doesn't let you sit on gold as much. If you're tearing people up and getting massively fed I'd imagine it'd be pretty good though. It also puts you over CDR cap if you get cdr boots and zekes. Thoughts on rageblade: it's a bit like shurelias in that it's not really good early as first item because components are so expensive, but is pretty good luxury item if you're getting fed and need more damage. If you can keep the stacks up your sustained fighting power is amazing. I usually get it after wits and zekes. I don't actually have cdr runes so I only have 38.1% CDR in end game so try to grab blue or elixirs when you can because at 16 with capped CDR, your ult has 36 sec cd. E has 9.6 sec cd so you can keep it up permanently. Q has a retardedly low cd as well, something like 4 seconds iirc. | ||
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