Note: This is not a beta key, it is simply access to Vs. AI and a Unit Tester. I have no idea how cool with this Blizzard is or is not, use at your own risk.
On March 19 2015 20:37 aka_star wrote: Meh a regular Dota 2 patch tripples the size of these patch notes. It's like 3 people are working on this and one of them is in charge of PR.
Even when WOL was in development it was mentioned that WoW took away some of the better developers. I am sure most of their best devs are working on Overwatch or even Heros, heck, maybe even on their cash cow WoW. The sad truth is RTS will always be the red headed stepchild. I am just glad Blizzard is even making an RTS. Right now the options in this genre are slim to none. Nothing like the turn of the millenium.
On March 19 2015 20:37 aka_star wrote: Meh a regular Dota 2 patch tripples the size of these patch notes. It's like 3 people are working on this and one of them is in charge of PR.
Even when WOL was in development it was mentioned that WoW took away some of the better developers. I am sure most of their best devs are working on Overwatch or even Heros, heck, maybe even on their cash cow WoW. The sad truth is RTS will always be the red headed stepchild. I am just glad Blizzard is even making an RTS. Right now the options in this genre are slim to none. Nothing like the turn of the millenium.
lol yet they keep stressing that SC2 has its own dedicated team and that resources are not being siphoned to other projects. Doesn't matter we should just be grateful
On March 19 2015 20:37 aka_star wrote: Meh a regular Dota 2 patch tripples the size of these patch notes. It's like 3 people are working on this and one of them is in charge of PR.
Even when WOL was in development it was mentioned that WoW took away some of the better developers. I am sure most of their best devs are working on Overwatch or even Heros, heck, maybe even on their cash cow WoW. The sad truth is RTS will always be the red headed stepchild. I am just glad Blizzard is even making an RTS. Right now the options in this genre are slim to none. Nothing like the turn of the millenium.
It's not really a fair comparison though. I don't play Dota 2, but SC2 has like what maybe 50 units, only some of which have significant abilities. Meanwhile Dota 2 apparently has over 100 heroes, and each of those heroes I assume has at least 4 or more Spells/abilities. Moba games with massive hero lists just have a ton more room to play around with stuff and those changes they do make probably have a little bit less effect on balance compared to changing SC2 units.
That's not to mention all the items and item combinations for purchase (I'm not sure if these get tweaked that often but still something to consider)
It's copletely unnecessary change, anyway. I don't understand, why are they even doing it...
Yeah, I don't either. I think this could be detrimental because numbers will have to be tweaked. The intention is good, as always.
The numbers themselves don't need to be tweaked, really. They'll just convert them to real time.
How is this not a good change? It creates clarity for viewers who might not necessarily play the game much. It's confusing, for newbies, to see that a barracks takes 65 seconds to build but in actuality takes 65 "blizzseconds" to build (blizzeconds?), not a minute and five seconds.
It changes nothing of timings, how fast the game is played, and whatnot. It doesn't negatively impact the game whatsoever. So what's the issue?
It's copletely unnecessary change, anyway. I don't understand, why are they even doing it...
Yeah, I don't either. I think this could be detrimental because numbers will have to be tweaked. The intention is good, as always.
The numbers themselves don't need to be tweaked, really. They'll just convert them to real time.
The conversion won't be exact (15 Blizz seconds may become 10.333847 real time seconds for sake of example). That won't probably be too much of a problem, but I'd be worried about how the numbers will become exact values ; will 15 become 10 or 11 ?
It's copletely unnecessary change, anyway. I don't understand, why are they even doing it...
Yeah, I don't either. I think this could be detrimental because numbers will have to be tweaked. The intention is good, as always.
The numbers themselves don't need to be tweaked, really. They'll just convert them to real time.
The conversion won't be exact (15 Blizz seconds may become 10.333847 real time seconds for sake of example). That won't probably be too much of a problem, but I'd be worried about how the numbers will become exact values ; will 15 become 10 or 11 ?
This already happens, though. Tooltips are written on Normal time, not fastest. It doesn't take 65 seconds to build a barracks right now. It takes 47.125 seconds to build.
On March 19 2015 20:37 aka_star wrote: Meh a regular Dota 2 patch tripples the size of these patch notes. It's like 3 people are working on this and one of them is in charge of PR.
Dota 2 balances itself out because of banning hero's etc. There's only so much you can do to RTS without completely screwing the literal hell out of it. And then there will be people like OMG BLIZZ SUX NO BLAANEC SO BAD HATEHATE DAEDGAEM blalallalalala
Well it feels like a really cool unit with outplay potential, so yeh it's understandable. Though ofc I would still prefer if toss got a really solid core midgame composition as well.
Cool that they announced the beta, but the biggest WTF is the distance pick up for the warprison, that is such retarded BS. Would be nice if Terran gets some kind of extra scouting tool... but i have no hope for the terran race in this expansion.
On March 19 2015 23:30 PinoKotsBeer wrote: Cool that they announced the beta, but the biggest WTF is the distance pick up for the warprison, that is such retarded BS. Would be nice if Terran gets some kind of extra scouting tool... but i have no hope for the terran race in this expansion.
You already have the reaper in the early game and scans in the lategame. Terran is probably the race with the easiest scouting of all 3.
This is what happens when you remove Browder. Browder single handedly ruined SC2. Now that we got a better guy on the job, he's cleaning house with Browder's bullshit and making the game great.
Lurker is back. You need to expand more. It is harder to defend those expansion. More units have targetable abilities and harassment has not only become more crucial, but easier to pull off. And the big fucking thing is that Blizzard has clearly aimed to simply remove turtling from the game. Everything that let you turtle got "reworked" to be a siege unit instead. What an amazing expansion.
Good riddance. Let's celebrate a new beginning to SC2.
But on the other hand, we got no new rock type introduced this time around
Mh honestly, seeing that the adept is most likely going to be a thing, I would consider actually giving Terrans the HERC. Yes, there's distinct overlap with the hellbat, but there are also severe differences between the units. I mean, think about it:
1. The HERC is produced in the barracks, the main production facility in bio play. That means it has better availability than the hellbat in bio play, even in longer games.
2. The HERC's unique grappling hook gives it so many cool opportunities. It even allows the HERC to have a place in lategame, as it can bust deathballs (which hellbats really can't), soak up AoE damage and things like that.
3. The HERC has far less range and the AoE is an upgrade, hellbats can transform to serve a different purpose.
I think with some changes, the HERC could really work out. They should have slightly less damage than the orginal version (which IIRC insta-killed banelings), or maybe a damage conditon like 25, +25 vs light (or biological or w/e) so they can't just 1v1 a stalker early on. Maybe make the AoE available from the start and make the hook an upgrade, although that might discourage play if the unit isn't good enough without the hook.
One of the main reasons why I'm thinking about this is actually TvP, where the late game is pretty favourable for Protoss, there is no Terran bio unit that wins a 1v1 with a 3/3/3 chargelot (except cloaked ghosts when there's no detection, I guess), and since the hook allows it to jump right on top of key units in a deathball, it would be great for reducing deathball centric play. And due to being a rax unit, it can still see play in TvZ where bio play is more marauder centered than hellbat centered anyway. The balancing might be tricky, I'll admit, but you can make it so it's only available in tech lab rax once you have a factory so you don't get HERC rushed all the time.
Yeah it's no copy, but I don't think they're distinct enough. It would feel kind of forced. They would have to make Hellbat mode a static bunker mode or something, or give the Herc energy and some spells I feel.