[Patch 3.10: Yimake Patch] General Discussion - Page 243
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United States18466 Posts
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France8631 Posts
On August 14 2013 08:59 Sermokala wrote: Tide caller is secret op. Shes a support that can be used as a kill lane support a poky sustain aupport or a brusier support. And if you miss one Q in lane you just lost lane. Seriously there's a reason why Nami has a pretty bad winrate for a support (supports usually have very good win rates in SoloQ). One missed Q and that's bye bye, free all-in from the other team. | ||
886 Posts
At least diamond and above I'd expect fewer people to pick non-support champs simply because they refuse to support (i.e. troll their team by picking something horrible just because -- not just picking a kill lane) | ||
Canada7032 Posts
On August 14 2013 09:34 bmn wrote: How can supports have a good win rate overall? At least diamond and above I'd expect fewer people to pick non-support champs simply because they refuse to support (i.e. troll their team by picking something horrible just because -- not just picking a kill lane) Good supports win games. They win lanes. They get map control. They use their champions correctly. They itemize correctly. I've turned around games in Silver elo just by buying an oralces when the opposing support didn't. Their team walked into a 5 man Sona ult and promptly lost the game. Support influence is often subtle but very effective. | ||
United States3721 Posts
On August 14 2013 09:36 Amethyst21 wrote: Good supports win games. They win lanes. They get map control. They use their champions correctly. They itemize correctly. I've turned around games in Silver elo just by buying an oralces when the opposing support didn't. Their team walked into a 5 man Sona ult and promptly lost the game. Support influence is often subtle but very effective. I think the question is, if there is a support on both sides, how can support win anything other than 50% of games. I guess the answer is the support role is troll-picked more often (including passive-aggressive picks like nidalee support) so the actual support champs gain a high win rate. | ||
United States5211 Posts
On August 14 2013 09:28 mr_tolkien wrote: And if you miss one Q in lane you just lost lane. Seriously there's a reason why Nami has a pretty bad winrate for a support (supports usually have very good win rates in SoloQ). One missed Q and that's bye bye, free all-in from the other team. According to LoLKing she has 49.8% winrate, which is more than Lulu, Thresh, Ali, and Soraka. She gets good play at the competitive level. I don't think her missed bubbles are anywhere near as bad as missing Zenith Blades or Rocket Grabs, mostly because she still has good ranged harass. But not as good as Thresh because Thresh is stupid good anyway. | ||
United States33802 Posts
On August 14 2013 09:27 FinestHour wrote: also yorick is freelo the unsung hero of the defense of legends You're going to get shot | ||
United States60033 Posts
On August 14 2013 09:34 bmn wrote: How can supports have a good win rate overall? At least diamond and above I'd expect fewer people to pick non-support champs simply because they refuse to support (i.e. troll their team by picking something horrible just because -- not just picking a kill lane) Madlife skews the scale. | ||
United States1484 Posts
On August 14 2013 09:34 bmn wrote: How can supports have a good win rate overall? At least diamond and above I'd expect fewer people to pick non-support champs simply because they refuse to support (i.e. troll their team by picking something horrible just because -- not just picking a kill lane) my janna winrate is 70% and my sona is like 66% it is so ridiculously easy to support your way out of the bronze pit if you understand conceptually what a support needs to do it's up to the support not the adc to make the plays that win bot lane and if bot lane snowballs hard enough then this also means it doesn't matter if your adc is not good at the game because not only is he fed as hell you're also good enough at the game to have the common sense to keep him alive in fights and compensate for his bad positioning if for whatever reason bot lane does not go so well figure out who has the greatest chances of carrying the game and do everything in your power to keep them alive and you'll win | ||
United States19573 Posts
On August 14 2013 09:42 kainzero wrote: According to LoLKing she has 49.8% winrate, which is more than Lulu, Thresh, Ali, and Soraka. She gets good play at the competitive level. I don't think her missed bubbles are anywhere near as bad as missing Zenith Blades or Rocket Grabs, mostly because she still has good ranged harass. But not as good as Thresh because Thresh is stupid good anyway. Thresh: Miss Hook, Hue Hue, still better harass and utility than 90% of champs. Not that I mind Thresh, I am just PO'd that all the other supports got massacred for being even close to what Thresh is now. | ||
United States15977 Posts
On August 14 2013 09:36 Amethyst21 wrote: Good supports win games. They win lanes. They get map control. They use their champions correctly. They itemize correctly. I've turned around games in Silver elo just by buying an oralces when the opposing support didn't. Their team walked into a 5 man Sona ult and promptly lost the game. Support influence is often subtle but very effective. I don't think a 5-man Crescendo is exactly a subtle but effective influence. I'd say that's about Plaguuuuuu level. It's okay Yorick will just ult him. | ||
Netherlands1242 Posts
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United States19143 Posts
also damn. Teamfight UI looks so sick, all we need now is a post battle damage parse. | ||
Canada10567 Posts
On August 14 2013 11:31 Slusher wrote: the advantage of being a support main is 75% of the time your direct opponent is playing a role they don't put as much focus on as you, and 50% the time are mad about it. also damn. Teamfight UI looks so sick, all we need now is a post battle damage parse. What we need is a full combat log. Obviously it's a dev feature, but if it could be enabled in options that'd be great. | ||
United States5211 Posts
On August 14 2013 10:21 ticklishmusic wrote: I don't think a 5-man Crescendo is exactly a subtle but effective influence. I'd say that's about Plaguuuuuu level. He might have been referring to Oracle's allowing him to clear wards and set up for 5-man Crescendo. Or not. I dunno. | ||
United States10536 Posts
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Germany11324 Posts
On August 14 2013 09:50 Zanno wrote: my janna winrate is 70% and my sona is like 66% it is so ridiculously easy to support your way out of the bronze pit if you understand conceptually what a support needs to do it's up to the support not the adc to make the plays that win bot lane and if bot lane snowballs hard enough then this also means it doesn't matter if your adc is not good at the game because not only is he fed as hell you're also good enough at the game to have the common sense to keep him alive in fights and compensate for his bad positioning if for whatever reason bot lane does not go so well figure out who has the greatest chances of carrying the game and do everything in your power to keep them alive and you'll win Yeah, but the point was that whenever you win as a support, someone else loses as a support. The only way for the support role as a whole, in contrast to just specific support champions to have a winrate that is not 50% is for one side to not have a support. Which probably reduces their chances of winning, but also doesn't really happen that often, at least not at my rating. | ||
United States7684 Posts
I also hate those supports who think they are just spellbots and refuse to auto attack. | ||
United States1484 Posts
On August 14 2013 12:27 Simberto wrote: Yeah, but the point was that whenever you win as a support, someone else loses as a support. The only way for the support role as a whole, in contrast to just specific support champions to have a winrate that is not 50% is for one side to not have a support. Which probably reduces their chances of winning, but also doesn't really happen that often, at least not at my rating. people who aren't support mains gravitate to bad supports/not actually supports ex: lux, nidalee, nautilus, volibear, are not actually supports. there is no reason to play support lux over zyra, there's no reason to play nidalee period, and if you want to play a ham going tank support there's no reason to play naut/voli over leona. like today, i got matched with a guy who was gold 4 in a normal, he said "i can't support" and just locked nautilus. how you can get that far with no understanding of how to support is a mystery to me, and while he played nautilus well as nautilus the pick caught up to us badly in the lategame because he spent too much warding to build enough to survive in fights. then you have the bad supports, taric and soraka are huge go tos for people who don't know what they're doing and just want to sit there and heal and do nothing. a good taric or soraka is dangerous but they have both become extremely situational picks so you end up with tarics that not only max heal and rakas that don't use the banana, but picked into a comp where you can't afford to have a dead weight support lategame. then you have zilean, who it would be really cool if he could work but he falls off too quickly and he's squishy - a good strategy is to simply ignore the adc and gangbang zilean over and over from 1-5. then factor in that thresh is the new blitzcrank and the go to "pick me this support even though i have no clue how to play support at all" and it shouldn't be surprising that most of the top tier supports have high winrates | ||
United States10467 Posts
On August 14 2013 12:39 Zanno wrote: ex: lux, nidalee, nautilus, volibear, are not actually supports. there is no reason to play support lux over zyra, there's no reason to play nidalee period, and if you want to play a ham going tank support there's no reason to play naut/voli over leona. like today, i got matched with a guy who was gold 4 in a normal, he said "i can't support" and just locked nautilus. how you can get that far with no understanding of how to support is a mystery to me, and while he played nautilus well as nautilus the pick caught up to us badly in the lategame because he spent too much warding to build enough to survive in fights. then you have zilean, who it would be really cool if he could work but he falls off too quickly and he's squishy - a good strategy is to simply ignore the adc and gangbang zilean over and over from 1-5. I don't think Zilean is even that squishy naturally relative to other supports. He just has higher mana costs so I think Zileans probably run more mana runes and less armor runes. Another interesting thing to note is that if Volibear and Nidalee lose bot lane a lot, then we can assume that if Nidalee and Volibear still have a 50% win rate overall, that they are overpowered in top/mid or top/jungle since they have to have a >50% win rate to balance it out. I'd wanted to make a script to do some calculations for this using data from lolking but unfortunately lolking only lists a few players for every champion. | ||
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