Looks like we're back to status quo. Hope more of you lurkers unburrow and talk with us. :3 If you have any issues or comments about the new design, feel free to PM Neo. |
United States23745 Posts
On May 18 2013 08:03 overt wrote: What do you guys think the odds are that blue build Ez will get nerfed? It's really fun to play and I don't think it's OP but I'm pretty sure Riot's gonna decide that it's not how they intended Ez to be played and at some point turn Iceborn into a melee item (or just nerf it) and/or nerf Elder Lizard so that you would never build it as a laner. They said they don't actually mind laners building the SS items, but that they might be a little strong in general right now. I kinda hope Riot doesn't nerf it, I agree it's not OP, just different. Of course different seems OP because people aren't used to dealing with it. I still like Doublelift's Blue Build better where he rushes BT and then goes Tear->IBG->Muramana->LW
Not that I agree but knowing Riot, yes, blue ezreal will probably get nerfed.
Bit off topic but holy shit Zac+Ori is so hilarious
On May 18 2013 08:10 onlywonderboy wrote:Show nested quote +On May 18 2013 08:03 overt wrote: What do you guys think the odds are that blue build Ez will get nerfed? It's really fun to play and I don't think it's OP but I'm pretty sure Riot's gonna decide that it's not how they intended Ez to be played and at some point turn Iceborn into a melee item (or just nerf it) and/or nerf Elder Lizard so that you would never build it as a laner. They said they don't actually mind laners building the SS items, but that they might be a little strong in general right now. I kinda hope Riot doesn't nerf it, I agree it's not OP, just different. Of course different seems OP because people aren't used to dealing with it. I still like Doublelift's Blue Build better where he rushes BT and then goes Tear->IBG->Muramana->LW
Yeah, it can be annoying to play against but so can a lot of shit in this game. It's strong but probably not OP.
Double's version is good and better for late game but unless you get a CS lead or some kills it delays your Tear (which in turns delays Muramana which is huge) for a long time. The reason Elder Lizard is good is because of how cost efficient it is (and since the meta is shifting away from being able to lane forever getting Elder Lizard is more and more appealing). But yeah, if you get something crazy like a double kill first blood or something going BT and then into blue build is pretty solid.
United States23745 Posts
On May 18 2013 08:15 overt wrote:Show nested quote +On May 18 2013 08:10 onlywonderboy wrote:On May 18 2013 08:03 overt wrote: What do you guys think the odds are that blue build Ez will get nerfed? It's really fun to play and I don't think it's OP but I'm pretty sure Riot's gonna decide that it's not how they intended Ez to be played and at some point turn Iceborn into a melee item (or just nerf it) and/or nerf Elder Lizard so that you would never build it as a laner. They said they don't actually mind laners building the SS items, but that they might be a little strong in general right now. I kinda hope Riot doesn't nerf it, I agree it's not OP, just different. Of course different seems OP because people aren't used to dealing with it. I still like Doublelift's Blue Build better where he rushes BT and then goes Tear->IBG->Muramana->LW Yeah, it can be annoying to play against but so can a lot of shit in this game. It's strong but probably not OP. Double's version is good and better for late game but unless you get a CS lead or some kills it delays your Tear (which in turns delays Muramana which is huge) for a long time. The reason Elder Lizard is good is because of how cost efficient it is (and since the meta is shifting away from being able to lane forever getting Elder Lizard is more and more appealing). But yeah, if you get something crazy like a double kill first blood or something going BT and then into blue build is pretty solid. Yeah, that's a great point. I thought about trying it but then realized I would have no where near the CS he did that early in the game. Maybe it's something I'll mess around with if I get fed one game.
But blue ez really isn't that good.It's very overrated.If you don't win lane and enemy team has a hard engage there is no way you can kill a tank at any point in the game unless you kite him for ~2 minutes lol.
Kiting them is much more effective than dying to them.
On May 18 2013 08:18 nafta wrote: But blue ez really isn't that good.It's very overrated.If you don't win lane and enemy team has a hard engage there is no way you can kill a tank at any point in the game unless you kite him for ~2 minutes lol.
Yeah, I seen way too many AD's who just blue build Ez then do no damage cuz they had a rough lane. Most of the time it makes me shake my head, because of course rushing a tear gives you a rough lane.
On May 18 2013 08:19 Craton wrote: Kiting them is much more effective than dying to them.
Better to just build glasscannon and do some dmg and die.That way you help your team a lot more.
United States23745 Posts
That's what's nice about the BT first build, you can easily go Trinity Force or other items if the game quickly starts to go bad. I've a very risky build that can pay off and if it does it's annoying to play against. That's about it. I've seen it work in pro games and I've seen it fail, it's very binary.
Blue Ez is strong but it's not OP, his damage with Muramana complete is mabye a bit high, but thats not exclusive to Blue Ez atm Jayce and Urgot are just as crazy.
How do I become a more aggressive player? atm I'm playing far too passively even on aggressive heroes (e.g. riven, diana, tf, so mainly mid and top) and just farm my lane and jungle and only really leave the lane for major objectives. Because of this I don't have trouble outfarming the shit out of opposing laners (depends on what they're playing, of course, but I tend to open a 20-30 cs lead by like 12-15 mins, more if lane goes my way through ganks or just them being dumb) but I don't tend to actually convert that because it seems like every lane is permawarded when i try to gank and i lose my tower if i roam too much. I've been trying to get some pinks and counterward but had pretty limited success with that ;/
or do I just pick karthus every game and never leave lane? need to learn to play him, can't land q for shit ;/
On May 18 2013 08:20 iCanada wrote:Show nested quote +On May 18 2013 08:18 nafta wrote: But blue ez really isn't that good.It's very overrated.If you don't win lane and enemy team has a hard engage there is no way you can kill a tank at any point in the game unless you kite him for ~2 minutes lol. Yeah, I seen way too many AD's who just blue build Ez then do no damage cuz they had a rough lane. Most of the time it makes me shake my head, because of course rushing a tear gives you a rough lane.
Most people don't rush Tear anymore because they realized it was stupid. You usually rush Elder Lizard and unless you're bad you're not gonna have a rough lane phase as Ezreal with Elder Lizard.
But yeah people who lose lane as Ezreal while trying to do blue build are idiots who probably don't even play ADC. I've gotten plenty of free wins against blue build Ezreals who are bad but when played proper is a really strong build and the late game damage really isn't that terrible (but is definitely worse than other ADCs who build standard). Once you finish Muramana your poke is strong enough that you can whittle teams down not to mention how good that build is for sieging and holding off pushes.
Although yeah, if the enemy team has a lot of hard engages the build is pretty shit.
On May 18 2013 08:23 Slusher wrote: Blue Ez is strong but it's not OP, his damage with Muramana complete is mabye a bit high, but thats not exclusive to Blue Ez atm Jayce and Urgot are just as crazy.
The problem, if any, lies in Munamana, not Ezreal.
United States23745 Posts
A lot of interesting things in this these PBE patch notes. I guess it has been removed for the time being but I suspect a lot of these changes will go out to the PBE in some form.
Edit: Removing the passive proc on evolved E, there are those Kha nerfs everyone wanted lol. Edit 2: Also for those wondering, the 25 gold increase to tier 2 boots is in conjunction with regular boots being reduced by 25 gold. Edit 3: Also speaking of nerfs to SS items lol
I suck at Jayce, i think i should just uninstall right now
Blue Ez has been around forever. In fact when I first started playing LoL, because blue ez is the norm in SEA, I was surprised when I saw people went pure adc ez on NA server and competitive scene.
On May 18 2013 08:39 onlywonderboy wrote:A lot of interesting things in this these PBE patch notes. I guess it has been removed for the time being but I suspect a lot of these changes will go out to the PBE in some form. Edit: Removing the passive proc on evolved E, there are those Kha nerfs everyone wanted lol.
New guy reminds me A LOT of xin.+200 dmg on autos does seem a bit overboard to me though lol.
400 gold doran's ring.lol
edit:Read the new guy's stuff a bit more and if he keeps those stats it would be kind of funny.Doubt he will but still something to think about XD.
On May 18 2013 08:39 onlywonderboy wrote:A lot of interesting things in this these PBE patch notes. I guess it has been removed for the time being but I suspect a lot of these changes will go out to the PBE in some form. Edit: Removing the passive proc on evolved E, there are those Kha nerfs everyone wanted lol. Edit 2: Also for those wondering, the 25 gold increase to the boots is in conjunction with regular boots being reduced by 25 gold.
I like how Drings cost 400 gold now and Dshield is 440 but Dblade stays at 475. Elder Lizard only grants 35 AD instead of 45 with no change in cost to compensate. Wit's End buff looks sick although I can't think of anyone who would build that except like AP Kayle, Jax, and maybe Diana (steal 5 MR per auto is pretty good). Maybe Wit's will be good if you're on a team with a lot of magic damage.
I was like "Kha nerfs, ok"
Also the Annie buff lol
Wit's going to be pretty good now, maybe?
Wriggle's still going to be underbought
With Shy's ability wordings, maybe she's getting a new passive?