On April 03 2013 13:00 wei2coolman wrote: 1goal1dream going legendary against Crs scrim; nice pick up gtrsrs. Is he just sub for scrim? or actual pickup?
nothing on our team is finalized at all, NOTHING like with no contracts and knowing that all the shitty LCS teams want my good players, everything is temporary that being said i was super happy with his play, yeah gonna give him some more days
On April 03 2013 13:00 wei2coolman wrote: 1goal1dream going legendary against Crs scrim; nice pick up gtrsrs. Is he just sub for scrim? or actual pickup?
nothing on our team is finalized at all, NOTHING like with no contracts and knowing that all the shitty LCS teams want my good players, everything is temporary that being said i was super happy with his play, yeah gonna give him some more days
gtrsrs I think you need a hug
Nah he needs a reality TV show entitled "Watch gtrsrs talk shit for months about teams that qualified over his". I don't know if seeing gtr cry/talk shit is my most or least favorite part of these threads.
"qualified over" is a pretty loose term seeing as we never played against coL in the LCS qualifier and as i explained in another thread, they had the easiest possible route to getting salaried and it shows, as they're completely unable to compete against any competitive team
also i probably will start a vlog so you can get your wish lam
On April 03 2013 13:13 Slaughter wrote: Yea I HATED the Karthus lore change. It was so good, it had some elements of mystery to it. Now its just generic.
Don't remember what Karthus was before the change, but that sounds exactly like what they did to Morde's. Before, he would roam teh back alleys and nobody knew where this terror is/came from. Now it just doesn't seem nearly as cool.
I know most people don't tend care about the LoL lore, but its still something I enjoy when I get bored and randomly browse champ's lore.
Jax's lore da bess. Kassadin's is pretty beast too.
On April 03 2013 13:13 Slaughter wrote: Yea I HATED the Karthus lore change. It was so good, it had some elements of mystery to it. Now its just generic.
Don't remember what Karthus was before the change, but that sounds exactly like what they did to Morde's. Before, he would roam teh back alleys and nobody knew where this terror is/came from. Now it just doesn't seem nearly as cool.
I know most people don't tend care about the LoL lore, but its still something I enjoy when I get bored and randomly browse champ's lore.
Jax's lore da bess. Kassadin's is pretty beast too.
I really enjoy Jayce, and Ziggs lore. They're both pretty awesome..
On April 03 2013 13:13 Slaughter wrote: Yea I HATED the Karthus lore change. It was so good, it had some elements of mystery to it. Now its just generic.
Don't remember what Karthus was before the change, but that sounds exactly like what they did to Morde's. Before, he would roam teh back alleys and nobody knew where this terror is/came from. Now it just doesn't seem nearly as cool.
I know most people don't tend care about the LoL lore, but its still something I enjoy when I get bored and randomly browse champ's lore.
Jax's lore da bess. Kassadin's is pretty beast too.
my gf doesn't like how they killed her pet theory that morde is general du couteau
I still like Jax's lore the most. The people who wrote it didn't give a single fuck when they sat down to do it. "Hey... do whatever the fuck you want."
Wow, new Junkyard Trundle is basically Vandal Trundle, there is no continuity between the old skin and the new one except for the muffler. When did Riot decide that everyone needed to be a hardass to be interesting?
On April 03 2013 13:00 wei2coolman wrote: 1goal1dream going legendary against Crs scrim; nice pick up gtrsrs. Is he just sub for scrim? or actual pickup?
nothing on our team is finalized at all, NOTHING like with no contracts and knowing that all the shitty LCS teams want my good players, everything is temporary that being said i was super happy with his play, yeah gonna give him some more days
gtrsrs I think you need a hug
Nah he needs a reality TV show entitled "Watch gtrsrs talk shit for months about teams that qualified over his". I don't know if seeing gtr cry/talk shit is my most or least favorite part of these threads.
On April 03 2013 14:22 gtrsrs wrote: "qualified over" is a pretty loose term seeing as we never played against coL in the LCS qualifier and as i explained in another thread, they had the easiest possible route to getting salaried and it shows, as they're completely unable to compete against any competitive team
also i probably will start a vlog so you can get your wish lam
Most :3
To move to another topic-- how well would re-introducing a maybe slightly reworked fortify summoner combat those three man early game dives top that've been so popular in LCS? I always loved that spell and was sad to see it go, but it seems like some tweaking it could have a decent place in competitive play without stalling the game like riot clams it used to.
On April 03 2013 14:31 GhandiEAGLE wrote: I still like Jax's lore the most. The people who wrote it didn't give a single fuck when they sat down to do it. "Hey... do whatever the fuck you want."
What do u mean? Jax's lore is the hardest to write of anyone's. Its much harder to write a believable, but conspiracy-inducing, lore than it is to write something like Darius' lore or something like Kog.
On April 03 2013 13:13 Slaughter wrote: Yea I HATED the Karthus lore change. It was so good, it had some elements of mystery to it. Now its just generic.
Don't remember what Karthus was before the change, but that sounds exactly like what they did to Morde's. Before, he would roam teh back alleys and nobody knew where this terror is/came from. Now it just doesn't seem nearly as cool.
I know most people don't tend care about the LoL lore, but its still something I enjoy when I get bored and randomly browse champ's lore.
Jax's lore da bess. Kassadin's is pretty beast too.
Can anyone summarize the old lores? I'm pretty intrigued now. I feel as though I'm missing a part of LoL history with all the changes they made.
On April 03 2013 13:13 Slaughter wrote: Yea I HATED the Karthus lore change. It was so good, it had some elements of mystery to it. Now its just generic.
Don't remember what Karthus was before the change, but that sounds exactly like what they did to Morde's. Before, he would roam teh back alleys and nobody knew where this terror is/came from. Now it just doesn't seem nearly as cool.
I know most people don't tend care about the LoL lore, but its still something I enjoy when I get bored and randomly browse champ's lore.
Jax's lore da bess. Kassadin's is pretty beast too.
Can anyone summarize the old lores? I'm pretty intrigued now. I feel as though I'm missing a part of LoL history with all the changes they made.
Fun PBE Fact: The Health steal from Trundle's ultimate doesn't increase his maximum Health, but heals him. Fun PBE Fact: Trundle's W (and Spirit Visage) increases the healing from his ultimate. Fun PBE Fact: Trundle's ultimate can be used on Baron (and Dragon/Blue/Red), though it doesn't reduce Armor/MR.
The net result of all this is that Trundle can basically full heal himself instantly by combining his W (and maybe SV) with an ult on Baron. Baron has 11572 Health at 20 minutes, meaning that even without any bonuses Trundle's rank 2 ultimate will heal him for 1447 Health, and then again over 5 seconds. With SV and W (which stack multiplicatively) that increases to 2085 Health.
Basically, in any Baron fight Trundle can heal himself for the value of 3-4 Warmog's.
It also means that the initial damage from Trundle ulti beats Smite and Feast for last-hitting Baron. Though this is probably an oversight given how pretty much all other % max HP skills are capped against monsters.
it also means that trundle is broken as shit right now
or riot is intentionally trolling us.
time for some stupid 15 minute baron rush comps-- nunu support, mid chogath, jungle trundle works out to be like 5000+ damage upfront.
That'd actually be interesting to see... adds more tactics and better objective based compositions, instead of your average. Everyone AoE and kill things.
On April 03 2013 16:28 TheYango wrote: It also means that the initial damage from Trundle ulti beats Smite and Feast for last-hitting Baron. Though this is probably an oversight given how pretty much all other % max HP skills are capped against monsters.
I'm like 90% certain this is an oversight and will be rectified before Trundle goes live.