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I want to do some more testing before I jump on ranked (zhonyas rush vs liandry's rush [after ap stone ofc]), but it's a lot of fun to play her :3
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Peru1308 Posts
![]() I want to do some more testing before I jump on ranked (zhonyas rush vs liandry's rush [after ap stone ofc]), but it's a lot of fun to play her :3 | ||
Canada10567 Posts
On April 03 2013 16:48 Ryuu314 wrote: Show nested quote + On April 03 2013 16:28 TheYango wrote: It also means that the initial damage from Trundle ulti beats Smite and Feast for last-hitting Baron. Though this is probably an oversight given how pretty much all other % max HP skills are capped against monsters. I'm like 90% certain this is an oversight and will be rectified before Trundle goes live. I think it'll probably be capped at like 600/800/1k. Considering how powerful the ulti is when used on a tank, if you're willing to use it on a monster it damn well better do a lot of damage. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
On April 03 2013 16:56 Amui wrote: Show nested quote + On April 03 2013 16:48 Ryuu314 wrote: On April 03 2013 16:28 TheYango wrote: It also means that the initial damage from Trundle ulti beats Smite and Feast for last-hitting Baron. Though this is probably an oversight given how pretty much all other % max HP skills are capped against monsters. I'm like 90% certain this is an oversight and will be rectified before Trundle goes live. I think it'll probably be capped at like 600/800/1k. Considering how powerful the ulti is when used on a tank, if you're willing to use it on a monster it damn well better do a lot of damage. You used to get Baron/Dragon's HP and Armor back. lol. I remember being like summoner level 12 and first starting to jungle and abusing that Trundle R to get a quadra kill at baron. I felt so boss. | ||
Pootie too good!4331 Posts
On April 02 2013 05:34 samthesaluki wrote: Show nested quote + On April 02 2013 04:52 mr_tolkien wrote: Btw, if anybody from US want to add me, I'm lvling an account there during my ban : MrTolkien, lvl 10 atm ! Let's have some fun together :D Leveling also add worstmiduniverse lvl6 currently The two of you, whose mains get banned a lot, are going to level up your smurfs together? Sounds like a match made in heaven. On April 02 2013 08:10 Chrispy wrote: Show nested quote + On April 02 2013 08:05 Slusher wrote: knowing that TL is a minority to the other LoL hubs I feel like the actual results might not be all that much more annoying than that list. like there is literally 0 reason to elect anyone from CLG, but I feel like doublelift or Aphro will slip thru. Doublelift will almost certainly make it. Dude is placed so high on the NA pedestal, no one is even close (not in terms of skill, rather popularity). Well unless recent events are to be considered, whereas Chaox might get the pity vote. I have only watched the first two episodes of Gamecribs but I bet that most of TSM fans are happy with the WildTurtle change and Gamecribs probably made it so a Chaox pity vote won't happen. | ||
United States7572 Posts
On April 03 2013 16:56 Cr4zyH0r5e wrote: Thanks to whoever suggested jungle Morg with utility masteries. ![]() I want to do some more testing before I jump on ranked (zhonyas rush vs liandry's rush [after ap stone ofc]), but it's a lot of fun to play her :3 ya its pretty decent eh? I had like 5 game winstreak with it like 3-1, 5-2, 6-1, 4-2 etc... Just watch the fuck out for getting raped by like lee sin/xin duelists jungles at red/wraiths in your own jungle, its pretty brutal if it happens. Get like oneshot by lee at wraiths with Q on CD=bad rest of game. If you are going against someone like that it could be a good idea to get teh explorer ward and ward your own jungle entrance. They are buffing Q mana cost next patch it looks like too! | ||
Canada3336 Posts
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United States7572 Posts
On April 03 2013 17:58 Cedstick wrote: Heh, now that you bring this up, I kinda want to try it. I love all the secret-OP stuff TL'ers tend to find. Not that this is necessarily OP, but I think the term fits for all the viable and OP stuff that's been born from this community. Try it, its totally viable, there is a discussion in the trolls thread. DAE remember the rune combiner exists? I just went through and combined like 6 random ass runes i didnt need from like my mouse and a few other things (buying retarded runes by mistake)....the grand result: ![]() sick bro, brb redoing all my pages | ||
United States7572 Posts
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China658 Posts
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Peru1308 Posts
On April 03 2013 18:25 Tommie wrote: Why oh wy do they have to tweak Trundle? I have just started playing him top and I love him just the way he is. Please riot, keep your hands off my favourite champ. Maybe I'm missing something, but Trundle wasn't changed other than his pillar being turned into ice. I don't quite get the point of the 'tweak'. | ||
United States7572 Posts
1. they added a slow of undisclosed strength to his Q 2. they nerfed duration of his patch, also swapped CC reduction for healing/regen boost, buffed its AS later 3. Made pillar a one point wonder, slows 35% at all ranks 4. Made ult percent health, buffed | ||
Sweden1908 Posts
On April 03 2013 18:24 sob3k wrote: Here's an interesting question: How much would they have to buff that quint before people started running it? I don't think it would take that much. The defense mastery + 3 of those is already 25% less time spent dead. That is 15+ seconds lategame. A bit more and it would open up a window to rush baron after a teamfight where both teams lost 3-4 players. It's a really powerful stat, and I don't think riot wants it to be very good, because if everyone runs those quints, they could just as well remove quints all together and reduce death timers accordingly. Same with the Revive summoner, it has the potential to be really powerful, it's just kept underpowered by Riot because it doesn't fit their design ideas. Edit: About trundle changes: He's still going to play pretty much the same, and will fill the same roles in the same teamcomps. Q gets a bit of slow, perhaps to make up for the reduced sticking power of the Pillar nerf. W lower duration and lower CD at higher ranks, as well as synergy with his ult health drain. Pillar is still the same cd and is still an artificial wall, slow change might change how you skill him, but getting the CD down will probably still be really important. Ult still fills the same role of stealing tankyness from the other team and giving it to yourself. Still the same hard to kill, low dmg, disruptive troll ![]() | ||
United States47024 Posts
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Netherlands2895 Posts
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China658 Posts
Most of all I'm pissed about the changes of the artwork and the lore. Trundle was unique. I dont want a generic ice troll muscle dude. I don't want a generic slow. I want my Trundle back. | ||
Sweden1908 Posts
On April 03 2013 19:35 Serelitz wrote: Really sad I didn't pick up Sejuani when she was on sale a while back, her reworked kit looks super amazing. I managed to buy Riven and Sejuani with a single click because the client bugged out. I bought Riven, it said "Congratulation, you have bought Sejuani". Lost double the amount of RP too. Lets hope they made her good, she's pretty fun to play already, just so little dmg. | ||
United Kingdom1483 Posts
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France45622 Posts
On April 03 2013 15:16 LateralusGaming wrote: Show nested quote + On April 03 2013 14:22 sung_moon wrote: On April 03 2013 13:13 Slaughter wrote: Yea I HATED the Karthus lore change. It was so good, it had some elements of mystery to it. Now its just generic. Don't remember what Karthus was before the change, but that sounds exactly like what they did to Morde's. Before, he would roam teh back alleys and nobody knew where this terror is/came from. Now it just doesn't seem nearly as cool. I know most people don't tend care about the LoL lore, but its still something I enjoy when I get bored and randomly browse champ's lore. Jax's lore da bess. Kassadin's is pretty beast too. Can anyone summarize the old lores? I'm pretty intrigued now. I feel as though I'm missing a part of LoL history with all the changes they made. They're available in the "background" panel on the champs' wiki pages (old lores are a bit lower). Basically, Morde is "that dude that comes from nowhere/the shadow isles, is rumoured to be cursed, undead, an empty suit of armour of some other theories, but appears at least 8 feet tall in a big spiked suit of armour, and made a request to get into the League. Since then he hangs around Noxus' slums, people not knowing exactly if that's he's drawn by sickness, or if he's spreading it himself in those filthy alleys (though his touch is contagious). The worst part is that he doesn't look like your half-assed soldier, so you've got to wonder if he's the general or a footman. In the former case what kind of army may be at his command? In the latter, how many more like him are lurking out there?" Gives much more room, character, and mystery than the current one "hey yo I'm a dude that sustains himself from inflicting pain on others, and when I kill somebody I can enslave his soul to obey me, hurr durr". On April 03 2013 16:25 Seuss wrote: Fun PBE Fact: The Health steal from Trundle's ultimate doesn't increase his maximum Health, but heals him. Fun PBE Fact: Trundle's W (and Spirit Visage) increases the healing from his ultimate. Fun PBE Fact: Trundle's ultimate can be used on Baron (and Dragon/Blue/Red), though it doesn't reduce Armor/MR. The net result of all this is that Trundle can basically full heal himself instantly by combining his W (and maybe SV) with an ult on Baron. Baron has 11572 Health at 20 minutes, meaning that even without any bonuses Trundle's rank 2 ultimate will heal him for 1447 Health, and then again over 5 seconds. With SV and W (which stack multiplicatively) that increases to 2085 Health. Basically, in any Baron fight Trundle can heal himself for the value of 3-4 Warmog's. Apparently it's a bug because Trundle can still ult dragon/baron currently (he just only steals health, not stats) and the skill infobox says it targets a champion, so they forgot to disable it on non-champ units. He never increased his max health btw, the "drain" was always in the form of a heal (think Morde's ult). | ||
United States2566 Posts
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United States3721 Posts
On April 03 2013 18:18 sob3k wrote: Show nested quote + On April 03 2013 17:58 Cedstick wrote: Heh, now that you bring this up, I kinda want to try it. I love all the secret-OP stuff TL'ers tend to find. Not that this is necessarily OP, but I think the term fits for all the viable and OP stuff that's been born from this community. Try it, its totally viable, there is a discussion in the trolls thread. DAE remember the rune combiner exists? I just went through and combined like 6 random ass runes i didnt need from like my mouse and a few other things (buying retarded runes by mistake)....the grand result: ![]() sick bro, brb redoing all my pages I don't think I'd want revival runes to be good, it'd warp the game in the wrong ways. I feel they mostly exist to give people who have already bought everything an IP sink. | ||
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