On February 07 2013 09:03 phyvo wrote: I still think Nasus Q critting has to be OP. It's just too stupid of a thing to not be stupid.
It still cant compete with an auto attack with IE/PD so whats the problem. Even if it was stronger than an AD carry melee carries dont work anyway
it has potential to lead to some stupid situations where you land a lucky q crit but the same goes for situations where you dont land a crit and you're fucked so w/e
On February 07 2013 08:57 Sufficiency wrote: I think Janna is incredible for soloQ. The only reason she isn't played competitively anymore is because she can't deal with lane swaps at all. iirc she has the second highest winrate for supports on soloQ.
And if the other guys pick a strong lane how do you not zoned?Like unless I am draven the other lane just zones you super easily from early.Like janna is the only supp other than blitz/soraka that I am happy to see against me lol.
You can definitely win trades with Janna lanes. Fairly easily too. I don't think that's her problem in lane. Her problems are mostly against sustain lanes like Soraka and Sona. There was a time which Sona was fotm - every time I had to lane against Sona it made me cry because how hard it was - but I think this is no longer an issue.
I dunno I used to main her but after the change to shield not giving ad after broken she seems very underwhelming.Sona still beats janna pretty easily.The nerf on her really wasn't that much dunno why everyone thinks she is bad.You just can't just randomly go all in in a creep wave and still win trade from lvl 1 lol.
Maybe it just happens that they all are bad or something lololol.Has anyone noticed every single person who calls support is simply put REALLY bad?I have met only one exception in all my games as ad lately which are probably like 100.
People just suck ass at janna. I'd say 80% of the time I ad with a janna support they fail to shield basically any harass, and spam tornado on every CD using it to try to poke. This does nothing of course, and then when we actually need it its on CD and she's completely worthless.
i play Janna all the time though if I have to support. She's very fun because you have to be really fast to shield harassing autos etc, ult best disengage in the game and her peel is crazy. You can do really cool stuff with her like tornado a jarvan or trist or leona out of the air midjump if you are quick. Just don't fucking spam your skills like retard. Lategame she is just absurd utility. You can chase down anyone and peel an entire team multiple times, nobody else can do that.
On February 07 2013 09:03 phyvo wrote: I still think Nasus Q critting has to be OP. It's just too stupid of a thing to not be stupid.
It still cant compete with an auto attack with IE/PD so whats the problem. Even if it was stronger than an AD carry melee carries dont work anyway
it has potential to lead to some stupid situations where you land a lucky q crit but the same goes for situations where you dont land a crit and you're fucked so w/e
On February 07 2013 08:57 Sufficiency wrote: I think Janna is incredible for soloQ. The only reason she isn't played competitively anymore is because she can't deal with lane swaps at all. iirc she has the second highest winrate for supports on soloQ.
And if the other guys pick a strong lane how do you not zoned?Like unless I am draven the other lane just zones you super easily from early.Like janna is the only supp other than blitz/soraka that I am happy to see against me lol.
You can definitely win trades with Janna lanes. Fairly easily too. I don't think that's her problem in lane. Her problems are mostly against sustain lanes like Soraka and Sona. There was a time which Sona was fotm - every time I had to lane against Sona it made me cry because how hard it was - but I think this is no longer an issue.
I dunno I used to main her but after the change to shield not giving ad after broken she seems very underwhelming.Sona still beats janna pretty easily.The nerf on her really wasn't that much dunno why everyone thinks she is bad.You just can't just randomly go all in in a creep wave and still win trade from lvl 1 lol.
Maybe it just happens that they all are bad or something lololol.Has anyone noticed every single person who calls support is simply put REALLY bad?I have met only one exception in all my games as ad lately which are probably like 100.
Based on my own judgement and statistics on lolking, I think you are just a little biased. I almost never played her before her shield nerf, so that nerf didn't really leave me with any sort of impression of her. I remember back when she got her W nerfed, I thought for sure that Janna would be garbage and I would never play her again, but after playing her a few times afterwards (often due to me having no choice but to pick her) I realized she is still very strong.
On February 07 2013 08:44 nafta wrote: Am I the only one who gets a janna supp almost every game?Why is this?She is very bad in solo q why would you pick her >.>....
It's because of this video
Man, fuck Zekant, he was the sole reason Riot nerfed her AP ratios. Literally he played it in like 1 tourney in over the weekend, next week Riot announces her AP ratio nerfs. lol.
On February 07 2013 08:44 nafta wrote: Am I the only one who gets a janna supp almost every game?Why is this?She is very bad in solo q why would you pick her >.>....
Man, fuck Zekant, he was the sole reason Riot nerfed her AP ratios. Literally he played it in like 1 tourney in over the weekend, next week Riot announces her AP ratio nerfs. lol.
On February 07 2013 08:44 nafta wrote: Am I the only one who gets a janna supp almost every game?Why is this?She is very bad in solo q why would you pick her >.>....
It's because of this video
Man, fuck Zekant, he was the sole reason Riot nerfed her AP ratios. Literally he played it in like 1 tourney in over the weekend, next week Riot announces her AP ratio nerfs. lol.
On February 07 2013 04:59 GregMandel wrote: What do you guys think of graves ?
I REALLY love him right now, he makes me wanna play ADC main, he is fairly tanky, has a steroid and a good waveclear, and an insane burst at lvl6 in lane.
Imo I'm having a breeze laning, and in teamfights I'm always useful even if it's only smokescreen. I really think it's easy to stomp lane phase with him though, his passive makes him really good and you can go balls to the walls with your dash if your support feels like hard engaging
Honestly my CS with him thus far has been really good ( two games of 40 and 49 minutes where I got 275 and 325 and a 20:00 game where I was at 13-1-2 and 120 CS ), I feel his only problems are lack of AS before I get phantom dancer, and his range being lackluster.
Why isn't he picked more ? I can totally see him ruining a MF sona or an Ezreal lane, because of his burst and tankiness, put him with leona or taric and you can just shit on the ennemy bot lane. I really don't think you could play anything that isn't tanky with him when you're support, so that's also a drawback
also smoke screen is OP. I like playing him and find him pretty good. MF still #1
fuuuuu, hate smokescreen...
A little late but... I got your darkness right here
On February 07 2013 10:08 Chrispy wrote: Banshees has a 25 second cooldown now. WTF.. used to be 45 second.
Why don't more people get banshees l0l.
Because now if you take any sort of poke damage the cooldown goes back to the maximum, which means it'll never come back up during sieges (unless you fall back, which can easily ruin the siege). Not to mention timely refreshes during teamfights to block skills unexpectedly.
On February 07 2013 10:08 Chrispy wrote: Banshees has a 25 second cooldown now. WTF.. used to be 45 second.
Why don't more people get banshees l0l.
It's been like that ever since S3 items came out dude lol. Because the countdown timer resets if you get hit by an enemy champ. It's basically good for 1 spell and if you get hit it will not come back up ever.
On February 07 2013 09:18 sob3k wrote: You can chase down anyone and peel an entire team multiple times, nobody else can do that.
i like janna, if i play support, 9/10 it's janna/lulu. 1/10 is probably nami.
one of the problems janna has is that she can't outright win the lane. lulu and sona can make you go home with poke, ali/blitz/taric/lux/zyra can kill. soraka can outpoke and outsustain, nunu can kill or outpoke. until you hit midgame, janna is probably the worst support. timing shields is the best you can do to survive in lane.
On February 07 2013 07:16 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: But I mean the point is you're gonna be in the middle of their team and if your thought process on IBG vs Triforce is "I'd rather have more single target damage" then I think you're playing Nasus wrong.
yeah why dont we build tiamat on every champ because clearly the everyone sticks that closely together in teamfights
If you are playing Nasus and you are not in the middle of their team I think you are a retard.