Laning sucks for basically all toplaners with good endgames pre-6, or pre-9 depending on the champ.
Wukong can vouch for that
My poor, poor Irelia says 'sup.
The point is, tradeoffs should be a thing. If Nasus Q becomes spammable (under the assumption of using it to last hit), who is to say he doesn't become a beast at sustain, trading, and zoning?
On February 07 2013 07:16 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: But I mean the point is you're gonna be in the middle of their team and if your thought process on IBG vs Triforce is "I'd rather have more single target damage" then I think you're playing Nasus wrong.
For me the choice isn't between IBG and TF, but between IBG and FH. The latter costs 400g less, gives 30 more armor (35 on PBE), 5% more CDR, and has one of the best auras in the game. It's fun have a Sheen-family proc for Q, but ultimately it isn't necessary.
The funny thing is I don't like TF on Nasus either. If I need a damage item I'll build IE now that Q's bonus damage can crit.
Speaking of which, if (some of) the buffs go through, but they remove the Q bonus damage crit (which they ought to), will you run the same build but without the silly crit runes and replacing IE?
That said, I'm not sure Riot will actually bother to fix crit Qs unless someone finds a reliable build to abuse. I've been playing Nasus extensively since we found out about Q crits, and I haven't found the change to be an overwhelming advantage. It's still hard to stack Q in lane due to the CD, pressure from your opponent, and jungle ganks. It's still easy to get kited to death if you try to bum rush squishies. You still can't afford to ignore defensive stats. As frightening as the crit bug sounds, it's not as deadly as you'd think in practice.
Even in games where I sat at 700 bonus damage with LW and IE I wasn't one-shotting people. My hypothetical damage was obviously 2637.5 on a crit Q, but between GA, champion base armor, Aegis etc. the damage shrinks a lot. On top of that you don't have a 100% chance to crit unless you sacrifice a defensive item for SotD, so if you aren't sporting 18% crit from runes you'll only have a 25% chance to hit that big crit.
It'll be the first thing to go if Nasus becomes too strong, but until he becomes FotM, wins too large a % of his games, or finds a build which is decidedly "unfun" I don't think we'll see the crit go away. Maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part.
well no shit i did the dps calculations ages ago nasus' q never even comes close to out dpsing a fed AD carry (not to mention being way harder to get Q's off) thats why you go max CDR and tank mostly (cdr increases Q dps by 66.7% total, effectively 40% cdr is equivalent to a 66.7% crit rate without IE). Sure you can get a lucky crit on a squishy without armour but aside from that it's a gimmickyish build The reason trinity is good on him is because its the best 1 item damage item and between his E armour pen, R bonus AD toward the end of a teamfight and passive lifesteal in a long bruiser fight it helps quite a bit to have trinity and that slow and speed to keep you in range to keep qing, getting the aoe damage from your ult and autoing. VS squishy comps though you basically don't want any damage because you're in trouble enough doing anything but Wing people.
If you have an account League doesn't show up on sidebar but if you don't it does. So whenever I went on campus I never logged in and saw league. Took me maybe 6 months to find the option in profile to have league on sidebar, so freaking confusing.
Laning sucks for basically all toplaners with good endgames pre-6, or pre-9 depending on the champ.
Wukong can vouch for that
My poor, poor Irelia says 'sup.
The point is, tradeoffs should be a thing. If Nasus Q becomes spammable (under the assumption of using it to last hit), who is to say he doesn't become a beast at sustain, trading, and zoning?
On February 07 2013 08:44 nafta wrote: Am I the only one who gets a janna supp almost every game?Why is this?She is very bad in solo q why would you pick her >.>....
On February 07 2013 08:44 nafta wrote: Am I the only one who gets a janna supp almost every game?Why is this?She is very bad in solo q why would you pick her >.>....
I think Janna is incredible for soloQ. The only reason she isn't played competitively anymore is because she can't deal with lane swaps at all. iirc she has the second highest winrate for supports on soloQ.
So, is landry good for diana ? I never go for the upgrade as I always feel I need something else before (abyssal and zonia mainly) but I don't really know what to think about landru. Is it really worth it ?
On February 07 2013 08:57 Sufficiency wrote: I think Janna is incredible for soloQ. The only reason she isn't played competitively anymore is because she can't deal with lane swaps at all. iirc she has the second highest winrate for supports on soloQ.
And if the other guys pick a strong lane how do you not zoned?Like unless I am draven the other lane just zones you super easily from early.Like janna is the only supp other than blitz/soraka that I am happy to see against me lol.
On February 07 2013 09:00 WhiteDog wrote: So, is landry good for diana ? I never go for the upgrade as I always feel I need something else before (abyssal and zonia mainly) but I don't really know what to think about landru. Is it really worth it ?
I have never tried it but her passive does not proc Liandry's. Go figure.
On February 07 2013 08:57 Sufficiency wrote: I think Janna is incredible for soloQ. The only reason she isn't played competitively anymore is because she can't deal with lane swaps at all. iirc she has the second highest winrate for supports on soloQ.
And if the other guys pick a strong lane how do you not zoned?Like unless I am draven the other lane just zones you super easily from early.Like janna is the only supp other than blitz/soraka that I am happy to see against me lol.
You can definitely win trades with Janna lanes. Fairly easily too. I don't think that's her problem in lane. Her problems are mostly against sustain lanes like Soraka and Sona. Back when Sona was fotm - every time I had to lane against Sona it made me cry because how hard it was - but I think this is no longer an issue.